Amirdrassil: The Final Form

I am not sure they will restore undercity TBH. They may just refurbish the surface level to the same scope as Amirdrassil.


I’d be perfectly okay with that personally. The Forsaken really have no reason to live in the sewers anymore.


They are the ones that set the expectations by proclaiming a new home to replace the one they removed. Its low effort garbage and it seems no one here denies it, they are just in favor of low effort garbage. :dracthyr_shrug:
An intern did this probably in their spare time :rofl:


…or perhaps you had unrealistic expectations and a chip on your shoulder? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


So just because its alliance content I should expect less? Set the lowered expectations as the baseline?

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I repeat my question. Did they really set those explanations though? As I said the Forsaken don’t have a fully fleshed out capital again, why would you expect them to drop a fully fleshed out capital city at the end of an expansion. That’s a hook for a new expansion.

They said the night elves would have a new home and they do. They did not say they would have a new Darnasus.


I am not really surprised that of being served garbage after being served garbage for years. Blizzard is being consistent but just because they are being consistent doesn’t mean I am not going to call out the garbage I see.

This is low effort. Somebody did this in couple days in their spare time, there is no humanely way it took longer than that. Like I said amateurs do this on private servers, they drew some textures and plopped down some assets.

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The zone seems pretty nice to me.

Good for you I guess, its still low effort crap an intern put together

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…No you are just a donkey. Because Filter.

At the moment I am regretting even making this thread. Its just… like…

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Feel free to disagree but what I say is true.
This is an asset dump and somebody drew a road texture with the draw tool in the dev kit. Amazing work, must have taken multiple years to accomplish

Almost as if the Night Elves are not the center of the Warcraft universe. I’m surprised we even got this zone, tbh.


I mean actually kinda yes? Because this area was baked into the core dragon isles map design so it was drawn as part of that.

You are grossly oversimplifying the development process.


Tyrande outright states that the Souls that went into the Tree’s Seed watch over the Night Elves in the Cutscene where Ysera leaves and considering the Wisps flying around the Tree…

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That would be the Horde, they get movie grade cinematics and in a future expansion they are getting an overhaul of their lands.
You wont see an asset flip there no sir. :slight_smile:

I am not over simpliyfing it, it is simple. Its low effort. Somebody in the last moment decided to plop down some houses and called it a day.


I’ve noticed people have been complaining the Dream feels content light, and I am sorta wondering if that is because development time got siphoned toward work on the main world map version.

Even if it is low effort does that REALLY matter? It’s an extra little bonus, and it looks genuinely nice. I don’t think it’s the best work Blizzard has ever done, but there’s nothing wrong with showing some appreciate for what we do get, even if it’s not exactly what we wanted.


No, you’ll see 10 useless NPCs in the Undercity Courtyard instead


I don’t know, I think they can find a use for them once the blight is gone. Let Calia and Voss put an urbane face on the deaders of Lordaeron from the topside while the race’s more, er, unsavoury elements do their thing below.


Maybe, but they still have the rest of Trisfal Glades. That didn’t go anywhere, it also got a face lift :slight_smile:

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