Amirdrassil: The Final Form

Mate its more care than undercity got, and i’ll bet its more then gilneas will get

Please point me out where, I’ve just seen them complain nonstop.

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Eh, it’s really not my fight. Maybe you’re seeing things I’m missing. I’d rather leave it at that than go digging around for evidence.


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The bluepost even says the city is still a WIP, and I think it looks impressive, probably the better looking night elven city in game, though I do wish there was some stonework as well.


S’all good ^w^

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Well they were sucking on a demon doggo until we killed it.


Something big will come for Undercity dont worry. Whatever they got is a prelude to something big.
Its not over for them

Its not so much me liking it but rather pointing out the amount of custom assets and the sophisticated level design.
Amirdrassil is a couple legion assets that they placed strategically.
Fans do this on private servers to even more impressive degree, go look up people that made custom Lordaeron. Its really cool looking stuff

What’s 2-1= ?

I am thinking that Amirdrassil may be getting built by the live services team as it is on the PTR, rather than by the larger major patch content team. I cannot say for sure of course, but limited manpower being put into it by a smaller team that also needs to have Gilneas and the azerothian archives complete by january would explain a smaller end scope than people may of hoped.

Work smarter not harder

A backhanded compliment

I would LOVE it if there was a story development where Thalyssra graciously donates Suramar’s architects to produce for the Night Elves a temple to Elune, as befitting Bel’ameth.

An olive branch extended to the Night Elves by the Nightborne, a beautified Bel’ameth, and a chance for Thalyssra to show her magnanimous spirit. Everyone wins.



That would be a super weird development… presumebly NEs can build and would build their own. They had one in Darnassus and one in Valshara, and no nightborn were involved in their construction, so why start now?



It seems right now Amirdrassil is using the same Guard logic that neutral places like nighthaven use—The guards attack anyone who initiates hostilities, alliance or horde. So you can have the weird situation of Amirdrassil sentinels killing night elves who attack horde.

That’s some bad optics. Hope they do adjust it.


Quaint doesn’t even begin to describe the locations you’ve cited, one which is in disrepair and was likely built around the time of Azshara’s reign, and the other which no longer exists. Not to be mean, but I think it’s clear that the ancient architectural flare of the Night Elves died with the Well of Eternity.

Also, had you even considered whether or not the Night Elves even have skilled architects in their ranks any more?

If you want to emulate the greatness of Suramar’s architecture, I can’t think of a better people to assist with that than the Nightborne.

Not sure what you are talking about Darnassus was built after the well of eternity so unless stone grew out of the tree they built the temple there.
If you are talking about the model, yeah that temple model was re-used in a bunch of places. The alabaster white architecture + the tree lodges of are core NE city looks that was lost with the Teldrassil burning, it is very odd to make a new city and completely omit that.
Well I say odd but the obvious answer is laziness and money.

I don’t think the Suramar architecture would fit the Amirdrassil vibe actually

The Shen’dralar most certainly had at least one or two architects in their number. Eldre’thalas fell into such disrepair due to a sheer lack of manpower and energy, not because no one knew how to build.

The Kaldorei did not build giant cities during the past 10,000 years largely because it flies in the face of their philosophical aims as a people to live in harmony with nature instead of conquering it. Hence, they spread out across northern Kalimdor in many small, interconnected villages.

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The same magnanimous spirit that had her withered people used as meat shields and participated eagerly in the war in BfA?

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It’s still a work very much in progress.


If Blizzard adds the temple and a proper portal room… maybe a bear shaped tree :wink:
I will resub for a whole year.

And eat every word I said here with no ketchup

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I’ll allow you Italian seasoning. or maybe some Grey Poupon… the choice of Presidents.

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The wild part? there are THREE legion era undamaged temple of the moon models in the files, just sitting there untextured. They range from small to gigantic and elaborate, and could have texturing applied to them and be put into use really easily.

…There is also an untextured mini version of an undamaged Nar’thalas Academy for the Shen’dralar to call home but I digress.