Amirdrassil: The Final Form

If I had a map editor right now I would be adding that temple and having one of the 3D artists editing the base of the model for the swirly ground pattern… or get it built into the temple itself.

Have the circling paths around the temple not be ground textures but the stone pathways.
Have the paths leading to the base of the tree guarded with those stone gates from Suramar/Valdshara ruins and thats it. That would have been tremendous… Basically all I want is Darnassus in a modern format.

Thats all. Given that we have all Night Elves, even the ones previously shunned joining the new community its really an odd narrative choice to write out all of that in favor of the homogenized nature cabins.

For the DKs and Demon Hunters I would be adding some Legion assets from their class halls so they can feel right at home.
For the Shendelar I would be adding some stuff from the Moonguard Stronghold and their official reestablishment.

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I really wonder what was happening during Legion that they made setpiece models this elaborate and then just abandoned them



This is why I would have preferred to see Amirdrassil empty and with only a couple tents while the NEs are hammering at stuff they will supposedly build.

That eye-murder-fuchsia temple looks like a face that wants to eat me.

Please do not give night elves cannibalistic buildings. They have been through enough!!



No, all untextured buildings use the lovely default pink DELETE ME texture. And lemme tell you they made a lot of buildings in legion they never used. Pretty much every building they ended up making a destroyed ruin they have an earlier draft that was intact.

It is like the art team did not get the memo about it being a bunch of long abandoned ruins until three months into the development process.


This does not change the fact the building has a face and that face looks hungry!!

Ahem. But for serious.

It might’ve been for a few reasons. There might’ve been plans for us to rebuild those buildings, of course. But it could have also been that they built them whole so they could make them look more realistic in ruins. Like, sure I know what a ruined tower looks like, but if I start with an intact model of that tower, I can visualize the damage better, including picturing where the damage started and the rubble fell.

IDK, I’m just wildly speculating for a reason. It could just as easily be that they build the ruined one and said “I’m’a save some time later by just using this base to make a fully intact one in case we need it for a later expansion.” Or a change of directions during development.


It is time to cross dimensions and embrace the Bosmer way of life. Eat your enemies corpses, the forest demands it.

But srs times again I imagined that it may of been to look at it undamaged first as well. A few buildings never got a ruined copy though, so those ones are odd. It is just a shame these perfectly good models are collecting dust.


Don’t worry. I got you! :stuck_out_tongue:


The very same one, thank you for asking.

They did some work on the skybox.

the lighting has a slight ardenweald bluish tint and it is in general far more misty.

You can really see the difference across the water in Lunedane.


Eww no! Anyone can just go to Teldrassil and admire how beautiful the zone looked even in daylight with its shades of purple beffiting for a Night Elf.
It feels wrong.
Just rename us to Day Elves already :unamused: :man_facepalming:t2:


It’s just a screenshot of the daytime. It’s not the end of night elf civilization as we know it.


Daytime used to be less bright and shiny so it is just another thing that reminds me of what I lost.


It’s way darker than it was before, it’s bluish and a bit misty. But there is a bit more work to do. The sun does not show but you can still see its point light, and the sunbeams are still there, which is even odder when there is not a sun to begin with.


They switched the Daytime Sky of Ohn’ahran Plains for the Emerald Dream’s Night Sky for Amirdrassil.

The Emerald Dream always had that Night Sky in the Zone despite the Zone having Sunbeams for no reason.

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This is Azeroth not the Emerald Dream. We shouldn’t have the sky resembling another dimension.
The Emerald Dream is amazing and I love it but I don’t want it taking over our new city specially when our previous zone (Teldrassil) had such a gorgeous magical atmosphere of a shadowy purple tint.
Also Night Elves are supposed to be Night dweller worshippers of the Goddess of the Moon but if you fly around Amirdrassil even during night time the sky looks like it’s day time with the Moon nowhere to be found.
I say that’s a valid concern to be raised and it should be looked at.
I do hope this pseudo perpetual day skybox is just a placeholder until the final product is ready but just in case it’s intended I do want to point that out.

There are small parts of Bel’ameth with an overall purplish night sky so I really want to believe it will be extended to the rest of the zone.


A (Legion) little (Shadowlands) late (Thaldraszus) for that.

Yeah that’s probably so people can actually see and play still. Adding an emphasized moon though in that area would be a nice touch.


The tree needs to be moved to Kalimdor and everyone who loves night elves knows this.


Do you have any idea how expansive that would be?!? Amirdrassil is so huge, the moving company would charge a fortune!!

Anyone who loves night elves wouldn’t want them going into such a significant debt that they could never recover.

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They would charge $100000000001.