There’s a difference in disagreeing with someone and insulting them because you don’t agree with them.
A degree in basket weaving won’t teach you that…see what I did there? Now do you see how that works? I’m fine with you disagreeing with me. I don’t feel that I am entitled to project my feelings on to you or force you to group think my opinions.
Don’t insult others that do not share your opinion simply because.
Yeah, it turns out there’s a reason people usually need professional training for acrobatics, because stuff like that is actually incredibly difficult.
Telling you that you need to learn more about things isn’t an insult in the slightest. You just don’t have knowledge of mental issues. I don’t have knowledge of cancer. I need to learn more. That’s what life is, dude: learning more.
You need to stop being so offended over stuff that never happened.
You assume you know the particulars of my life at this point. Don’t presume you are going to teach any one anything about “life” just because they don’t set in front of the TV crying over someone else’s personal problems.
You have no idea what I know about mental issues. None. Zero. Zip. Another assumption by you.
Now you are assuming my gender.
You seriously need to take a step back and read the hypocrisy in your posts. If anyone has something to learn here it’s you!
Let me rephrase that: No one would care that she stepped down if she wasnt black.
Simone Biles was already popular among people who followed the Olympics because of her previous successes, but I have an extremely hard time believing that the same people who are now having a stroke over her not competing this year are the same people who were following her career in past competitions.
Mary Lou Retton is comparable to Simone Biles insofar as she was one of the best in the world at the time. She was incredibly skilled and popular, but she also didnt step down in the middle of the Olympics like Simone Biles has done, so its hard to compare the two and the attention surrounding them.
Another reason Mary Lou Retton was so popular in the 1984 Olympics is because there was always a great deal of rivalry between the USA and Soviet Union in the Olympics, and '84 was the year that the Soviets boycotted the Olympic events. Romania was the only Soviet bloc nation to attend, and there was a lot of media attention on Retton’s rivalry with the Romanian’s lead gymnast.
Never did! I only go by what you post. But you do seem to twist things real nice!
I call everyone “dude.”
ROFL now you’re just trolling. Gets offended over a greeting. You’re something funny.
Yes, you really do need to take a step back! Nothing I said was hypocritical, but you surely are making a mountain of a flat plane! It’s pretty hilarious to watch you die on that hill you made.
Those same athletes you’re cheering on are cheering on Simone for backing off when she knew she was being a detriment to her teams chances of medaling.
Yes? Chinese gymnasts quit all the time over injuries and mental health. Gymnastics is gymnastics regardless of what country you’re from and the same problems will occur. Isn’t that the entire point of the Olympics, that sports unite us?
There’s your problem. Dude is a male reference. To assume you can just refer to everyone as a male like they’re in some boys club is rather entitled of you
Yes you did!!! Go back and read your statement!
What’s hilarious is that you actually believe this garbage all while white knighting this topic and straight-up insulting those who do not go along with your group think.