American Olympic Team

No, you’re missing the point. He wants people to KNOW that he doesnt celebrate quitters, even though she’s not a quitter. He thinks quitters are losers, even though she’s won more gold medals than he ever will.


You posted on a public forum. Don’t do that if you want to make a diary entry. :rofl:

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Yeah, I made a post that had nothing to do with you then you stated “that I need to learn about life” because you didn’t agree with me. My post wasn’t personally directed at anyone but you decided to go ahead and make it personal.

That’s on you.

this might be a total mic drop statement had you not used

as your finisher.

It’s almost like liberal kids can’t make points without anchoring their entire psyche around buzz topics to try and inflate the importance of whatever it is they’re crying about. I was seriously ready to applaud you before I continued on reading to catch your pointless snark. Unfortunate.

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Ah, so you thought I was right until your feelings got hurt. Interesting. Its almost like conservatives are fragile little snowflakes or something.

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You posted an opinion. I replied to your opinion. You got offended that I had an opinion on your opinion on a public forum you willingly posted on for anyone to reply to you.

What a lousy attempt at trying to make this my problem. Such gaslighting! :rofl:

they aren’t, a high level athlete removed herself from the competition due medical issues - and some groups are taking it as personal attack against america.

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Jordan quit.


I think you made a great statement, that you went on to ruin be being a typical liberal pandering for social currency by exploiting minorities to make your statement seem more important. I find it ironic that liberals never seem to understand highlighting a person’s race where it isn’t relevant is, in fact, racism.

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Are you mad at Naomi Osaka too?

Just the opposite. Multiple times in this thread posters have just thrown in “conservative” or “racist” when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

People throw these words into the conversation to lead the reaction of readers and to dog whistle like-minded people to join their argument all the time.
Its like you dont even believe your own argument so you have to vilify the opposite opinion to help your case.

This has nothing to do with political leanings or skin color. An athlete made a decision and people have opinions.


Again, my original post had nothing to do with you or anyone else personally, only how I felt about the state of sports in general. You chimed in with your own statements on how I needed to “learn about life” A personal statement directed at me.

Learn the difference.


Happens all the time

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Yeah you’re definitely making them! :rofl:

Irrelevant. You posted your opinion on a public forum for anyone to respond to in any way they want within the rules. Don’t like it? Don’t post it!

All I keep hearing is quitting, uniforms in the trash, walking off the field, tsunamis, and blm fists.

Is there any actual Olympics going on?

She is a choker too

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Dug around OP’s closet and found this, does it count?


She is not ?

Choke artist is the better word you think ?

i explained it to a family member like this when they were trying to understand what exactly twisties were… imaging you’re in a tilt-a-whirl at the carnival, and it is spinning you around on every axis 3.5 times in about 4 seconds… and you have to jump out and land on your feet.

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You seem to be missing my point. Her race IS relevant. Nobody would care if she wasnt black. If you had asked someone like Laura Ingraham or Matt Gaetz who Simone Biles was the day before she stepped down, they wouldnt be able to tell you. Neither would any other conservative rep, pundit, or voter.

They dont care that athletes get injured, they dont care when they dont show up to the Olympics, but when a black woman steps down citing valid health concerns, suddenly she’s a coward. Suddenly she’s disgracing the nation. Suddenly she’s a quitter. Its like when Kaepernick kneeled to protest police violence, suddenly he hated America and the troops and was an anti-American commie.

Its nothing new, its just a continuation of the same attitudes that had people believing Obama apparently a Kenyan Muslim, and other such thoughts going all the way back to before the Civil Rights movement.

But sure, just keep pretending that everyone blowing a gasket over Simone Biles is just really angry because they’re super invested in Women’s Olympic Gymnastics, while at the same time not knowing the names of anyone competing other than Biles herself. I’m sure its just a huge coincidence.