American Olympic Team

I know right? I mean America is so bad and the people all suck!

We don’t have a back log a mile long of people from other countries trying to move here and get citizenship or anything because it’s so trash. /s

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I’m not seeing this mass of conservatives being negative either. It’s been all positive on my social media.

Sylvanas: “I can’t serve you anymore, Jailer, I need to worry about my mental health.”

The crowd: “Yasssss kweeeeen you’re an hero!”

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It’s because you weren’t there competing, OP. Right?

Probably why everyone and their father wants to come here … right ??

Exactly. Like…this still very young woman has devoted her entire LIFE to this sport and has won more than enough medals to satisfy any notion of duty to her country. The hysterical couch potato backseat driving on her decision to say, “I’m gonna mess this up if I continue,” is beyond the pale.

How many obese men are rage-tweeting about Simone Biles and what she “owes them” today? It’s comically narcissistic and totally disconnected from anything akin to reality.


Keyboard War isn’t an Olympic event yet

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Wrong. There are plenty of countries with a better standard of living than the US.

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Not to mention one of them was commended on withdrawing die “depression” when it was reported she was taking performance enhancing pharmaceuticals banned Japan.

Not as many as fit athletic women who could have gone to the olympics in her place had she not stopped taking the performance enhancers.


But the maximum no of people want to come here from every corner of the world … we can’t even keep them out .

The USA women’s soccer team losing their game 3-0 has been the highlight for me. That Megan Rapinoe woman is the most obnoxious person. Won’t say ever but she’s right up there.


Some other countries have and always will score variously better in different national indices, yet the U.S. remains a very popular destination for immigration of all types.

National indices vary dramatically in their derivation, inclusion, and weighting of metrics/measures, and are recognized as increasingly flawed as heterogeneity and geographic size increase.

I’ve seen too many people break like glass under stress, strong guys you’d never suspect, to not think it can happen to anyone.

"In sports, the yips are a sudden and unexplained loss of skills in experienced athletes. Symptoms of the yips are losing fine motor skills and psychological issues that impact on the muscle memory and decision-making of athletes, leaving them unable to perform basic skills of their sport.

Common treatments include clinical sport psychology therapy as well as refocusing attention on the underlying biomechanics of their physical actions. The impact varies widely. A yips event may last a short time before the athlete regains their composure or it can require longer term adjustments to technique before recovery occurs. The worst cases are those where the athlete does not recover at all, forcing the player to abandon the sport at the highest level.

Originally coined by golfer Tommy Armour to describe a sudden and inexplicable loss of the ability to putt correctly, the term has later been broadened to apply to any unexplained loss of skill, and has been applied to athletes in a wide variety of sports."


When the only thing you care about is winning you put unnecessary pressure on yourself.

The point of the Olympics is to stage the top-of-the-top athleticism between nations, each vying for the gold to bring home to their nation; accolades and pride. It takes years of hard training and competition to get there, and for only a number of people for each sport represented at the Olympics, they are still quite literally representing their nation. If someone reaches this height of competition, there is no backing down. It isn’t about yourself anymore- it’s about your nation. It is a long and arduous journey, and only the thickest-skinned can endure. Simone represented the USA, got through all of her training, competitions, etc., with aplomb, and then…walked off. She volunteered for this to be her life- the Olympics, her gymnastics. She volunteered, and the USA took her in for explicit training and prided her for her talent and skill. When the time had come to “ship her off to war,” as it were, after both having chosen her to represent our nation and after she had explicitly volunteered and, through the spirit of competition and her own pride, deliver her best each and every time, she suddenly decided to turn tail and walk away. I care little for what speculated reasons why have been posited so far. Simone Biles wasn’t treated anywhere near Nancy Kerrigan’s level. I do not care for ‘what-ifs’. The solitary point that stands out is that she chose to quit, to deal our nation a crippling blow against national pride in this facet (which is a time-honored tradition of a lot of nations, too) and to alter our nation’s standing in the eyes of our competitors’ nations.

I know America has done great things and terrible things, and opinions may vary about my nation worldwide, but for us to have allowed a quitter to carry our nation’s hopes and pride doesn’t sit well with me. Her legs were not broken. She was not being asked to court death. She was being asked to do what everyone else was doing. Shame on her for her decision to spit on our traditions and to be so absolutely selfish when her nation was depending on her, when she was at the absolute height of what a strict life of athleticism would pan out for her, and only after she had proverbially crossed her T’s and dotted her I’s. Multiple times. Multiple pages.

Do you understand that had she stayed in the U.S. wouldn’t have medaled?

It’s really sad that pretty much everything is political these days.

Something as trivial as an athlete being cautious for her health is suddenly a poster girl for right vs left-wing politics. I bet Biles wants nothing of that.

it’s only political if you you make it that way. Enjoy the games as you see fit

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