you do and nothing wrong with calling them out for their crap

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I’m gonna miss this. Canceled my sub again. So bored already. Lasted longer than I did in SL. Sub runs out in 11 days.

Try Vanilla or Wotlk, I’ve been playing Wotlk more than retail lately. If you like the leveling journey it’s great but if you are more into end game it can be dull.

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Honestly most of my free time has been taken up fishing with my son. Don’t have time anymore.


yeah, once spring rolls around it’s time to go outside with the kids and work on the yard/house


Fishing would be nice. But we are like this atm. Still a month or two before we thaw

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yikes, what part of the country is this?

Almost 7000ft in elevation in Wyoming. We dont have a spring really. Winter slingshots you into Summer. We thaw in april/may. June starts Summer. Then in late October this starts all over again.

Im near Yellowstone. That should say enough about snow here lol

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I’m in southern New England. When I was a kid we used to get snow each year usually around Xmas if not before. There would be snow on the ground through much of January and February. This year we got four inches that was gone the next day. We had more snow last year but it barely stayed on the ground for more than a few days. I keep buying snow gear for the kids each year so we can go sledding and play in the snow and each spring I’m literally giving away snow gear to other people with kids with the price tags still on the gear.


California here. Other than the rain, we have been able to sneak in at least one day a week here fishing or working on fishing things.

Went to the lake the other day, caught some Lightning Trout. They were pretty big too, about 2-3lb each. 15-20". Filleted them up and pan fried em in butter :yum:

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I wish. It gets a bit much here. Its October-May/June like clockwork. But this year it started in September :scream:

Too far south for me. I cant live below 3000ft in elevation. Lived at high elevations for too long and I do NOT do humidity at all.

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Am also looking up boats. Most of my fishing was with my dad when he had his boat, fishing in the river.

Now it’s convincing my wife to let me get one :rofl:


Born and raised here, moved a few times but still within the state. Love the bay area except for the cost. Would never live in SoCal. I like the valley. I’m at like 50’ above sea level lol.


Sadly Winters in the NE “snow wise” are getting lighter every year so I have read. Ours are getting worse. We will literally be white October-April/May or June WITHOUT a thaw at all. 6-7months of white snow. 0 thaws. Also in the time GL seeing a day where your high for the day is above 40F

Our high for today is 24F. Its 18F atm and snowing as I type

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sounds like fun but you know what people say about the two best days of being a boat owner are?

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yeah which is why I plan on just getting an old jon boat on the cheap and fix up into a mini bass boat

Too cold for me. Our low is double your high lol

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I’d move to Monterey in a heart beat. Southern Cal is ok, traffic is horrible and I’m used to horrible traffic. Santa Barbara is nice though. When I was single I lived down south for a while, mid-60’s in February? Yeah, I got used to that but I was 3 1/2 hours from the beach and it was in another state.


My wife want’s to go see the aurora borealis. Supposedly the best place to do so “near” us is a place in Canada off the Hudson Bay in January to March. Right next to it is a preserve named “polar bear park”. So, I’m like "you know how our winter gear says it will keep you warm down to -20 to -40c? Yeah, we will be testing that if we go there.