Mori’s friend here.
I’m checking CPU techs to see what the FX8350 might possibly have that the Phenom II and the Athlons might not have. It’s not a HUGE leap in tech but it might be enough to make a difference.
Mori’s friend here.
I’m checking CPU techs to see what the FX8350 might possibly have that the Phenom II and the Athlons might not have. It’s not a HUGE leap in tech but it might be enough to make a difference.
If this is going to take investing in a new computer for a 16 year old game when I have no issue playing other newer games maybe it’s time to say goodbye.
You’re leaving out the motherboard, a low end one would be at least $100, not to mention the RAM.
No, I didn’t leave them out. An fx series cpu uses the same motherboard and ram as the cpu’s posted here. I already addressed that.
With Blizzard releasing this buggy bull-crap that’s going to likely require me to buy a new computer to play, after 12 years of playing this game it’s looking like it might be time to leave it for good.
I’m pretty sure Shadowlands is going to suck as bad or worse than BFA did. They’re filling full of grindy frustrating bull-crap systems that’s going to burn most players out three months in and make it exceedingly painful to play alts. Blizzard is ruining the game and all because they want to discourage split runs.
I miss the days where all I had to do once I got geared up was log in on raid nights to raid with my buddies. There was no time-gated BS, no crappy artifact power grinds, no farming crap all over the game to get some essence to make my character viable in raids.
While I’ve been personally looking for an upgrade, it’s still kinda odd that the game runs smoothly but the only things not going well are hair and skin textures (and oh god, the nightmare fuel empty eye sockets).
I wonder if it’s truly a ‘‘upgrade or deal with it’’ situation or if it’s something else. Then again, I am not tech savvy.
That’s not really gonna help us narrow this down. We don’t even know that new hardware is required, relax. Let’s try to keep this focused on isolating the issue and getting as many reports as possible so Blizzard sees this as an issue worth addressing.
Black hair, black skin, pinkish eyes I guess I’ll call it. Someone mentioned above, no eyes, maybe that is a more correct term.
Processor: AMD Phenom ™ II x6 (6cpus) 3.2 GHz
Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070. (cmon, this not good anymore? Was great a yr and half ago at least).
I could understand if if the graphics in wow was like BDO patching, but cmon. BDO is fine on my pc, wow I am having probs with? Interesting.
On the brightside…at least there will probably be memes about this later and we can all look back on it and laugh as we rage about whatever other issues the game has at the time? At the very least, Blizz seems to be on the case, if I understand the blue posts correctly, and we’ve got lots of people helping out here by posting more information relating to the problem at hand.
Correct, If this does indeed affect enough of their player base that it requires a second look, they will address it. Just keep reporting and keep it civil while we gather support for the cause.
I am still kinda wondering what’s wrong with skin and hair textures, no other texture is having issues, mounts, bosses, some unique NPCs. Just anything character-customization related
Adding me in this mix as well of affected users with this issue, i had the same exact Problem on PTR and it seems it carried over still… into the pre patch sigh…
AMD Phenom II X3 720
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050ti
Also Using 16gb of ram DDR 3
Also it seems as if it’s either update a load of stuff or no fix at this time? Kinda don’t wanna drop a load of money on stuff right now. I played perfectly fine all of BFA until this current issue.
I was looking forward to playing and checking stuff out but i guess not tonight. Unless they fix the issue.
So this will probably be a bit of a long post so feel free to get a cup of coffee.
The AMD FX whatever was listed as the minimum system requirement… I wager this means that it is actually required! But enough of that. Let’s dive in and take a look at what this means.
The FX platform was built off the AMD Bulldozer core. You can read more about that [here (wikipedia link)](https ://en. wikipedia .org/wiki/Bulldozer_(microarchitecture)).
What’s important is that when the Bulldozer core came out a lot of folks didn’t realize that AMD switched instruction sets. This is a set of computer codes that programmers (like me) can write to tell the computer what to do. Most programmers don’t even bother with this and write code in a language that’s easy for humans to read. Then another bit of software takes that written code and translates it into something a computer can read and usually along the way they try to target specific sets of hardware to see if they can make it run as smoothly as possible.
Why is this important?
Because when AMD switched to Bulldozer, they switched from the old SSE instruction sets to the new AVX that the FX processors and my Ryzen 5 both currently use. (Ryzen actually uses AVX2 but that’s not important).
So there you have it. A HUGE difference that probably shouldn’t have much impact, but something with the player models somehow gets lost in translation when attempting to run on the older machines. I have no clue how. All that rendering should be done on the graphics card. This is perplexing to me now.
EDIT: I don’t have this bug on my Ryzen 5 1600
All this was reported a long time ago on the PTR forums. Blizzard sat around with the thumb up their rear and did nothing.
So uh, from what I can gather, it is something related to cooooding? Or something like that? I remember earlier in this post someone mentioned perhaps there’s something not being read right when it comes to in-game data.
Also for the d0mb, sm00th brain like me, would that problem be easy to fix or is it really a lost cause?
Very nice break down, this is exactly what I was referring to earlier with instruction sets. I suspect this is the cause, and why the fx series is now listed as minimum spec.
Adding my name to this lot as well, really hope this gets a fix.
AMD Phenom II X6 1065T Processor (6 CPUs), ~2.9GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Looks like I’m running the King of Boomer builds, Athlon x2 and Radeon HD 7750 at what I consider to be comfortable fps. Didn’t think anything besides upgrading my gpu would be needed, this is unexpected.
I have some savings and I’m planning to buy a decent home gym machine, this is quite a dilemma now.
Also adding in running an amd phenom II and although I’m below minimum spec I went from a recommended 4 setting to now being recommended at a 5 setting, but only hair and eyes are affected.
Oh and the reason old Intel CPUs don’t have this issue?
they run AVX instruction sets.