You could, if you really wanted, just buy a new cpu and not the whole computer. Most of you seem to have AM3 platform motherboards. An fx8000 series will be compatible, much cheaper than a new PC, and won’t have the issue. Not the greatest upgrade idea but it would work and be much less than $500.
Edited to add I still think Blizz should fix this rather than ignore it.
I’m not terribly adept at all the ins and outs regarding computers, but I’d like to see the problem fixed as much as anyone XD I finally got the motivation spark to play the game again back earlier today and was incredibly disappointed to see the missing textures, to say the least. I do agree with you though in that it’s probably a bug somewhere in the graphics code. Hopefully this thread can help the devs sort it all out soon.
I am not as tech-savvy as I would like, however, it is baffling that I can still play, the spell effects, environmental effects, and combat graphics all look beautiful but my characters hair, skin, and eyes are a problem. I just don’t get it.
Same here, I was so excited about today’s update. Then this. I mean, I could just play a druid from now on and never swap out of animal form I guess…
Same problem.
GPU AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
CPU AMD Athlon II X2 235e
I do need to replace the CPU eventually; I’m just not sure how many other parts I’ll need to replace along with it to keep everything working. My rough estimate on a CPU replacement, barring any other parts needed, is about $200 for the minimum specs. And that’s not really the kind of money I want to spend right now just to fix missing textures, especially in the current climate. As I mentioned elsewhere, I already dropped that much on a new GPU, which actually was kinda necessary since I use my computer for a lot of graphical work and like a smooth performance(plus the chip in my old unit got toasted so…there’s that too.)
hmmm my local supplier has a bunch of AM4 CPU’s, not seen any for AM3 yet
my problem is I have to do a motherboard, cpu and ram upgrade because my motherboard is using the top end cpu. And switching moves me to DDR4 so its at least $300 bottom floor plus anything else that crops up as incompatible on the move.
I can’t include links but Newegg has fx8320’s and fx8350’s for sale currently. $140 and $180 respectively.
Having same problem.
AMD A6-3600
Nvidia GeForce GTX750
If you go the fx8350 route it works with the same motherboard and ram as your current CPU. It doesn’t work with the new motherboards and ram as it is the same AM3 socket that supports DDR3 ram.
Thanks for the info Nhim! Appreciate you!
thanks Nimh…less choice on $350 CAD is the cheapest so far
Noting here since I noted in the other thread–in regards to eye textures specifically: the glowing effect still seems to be present on death knights and lightforged. The texture of the actual eye itself though is pitch black.
Ouch, yea I can’t speak for prices outside the US. Also it’s a pretty bad upgrade to make, even though its the cheapest. I’d hold off for now, and see what Blizz says.
according to Speccy my Phenom II is running at 88 degrees C which is pretty damn hot
maybe time for a full upgrade soon
If it’s running that hot without any taxing games something is likely wrong. Even with a game running that’s higher than I’d be comfortable with in any system I built.
yeah. Built the system in 2009/10…time for something to change
thanks for the help, now to see if i can justify a new one
Adding my 2 cents. I have a phemon II x4 810 and a geforce gtx 1060. Same problem.
Looks like I can get a brand new system for $790 CAD …may have to do that at some time