AMD has FINALLY surpassed Intel in WoW, RIP


Scored an ASUS RTX 3080 TUF OC on Amazon today for $749.

Gonna keep this one.


What app or software did you use to snag it

discord atr stonks

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One of the most sought after gpu for deshroudding potential in the sffpc community.


I donā€™t know what this means

Are you saying people like this GPU for modifying to fit into small form factor pcs?

They remove the fan shroud and use their own fans. But even if they donā€™t itā€™s one of the better gpus to get.

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You really need to put some type of disclaimer on here because to be honest this is a really touchy subject for a lot of people. So I am not going to speak from my opinion here, or as a fan of either side. Iā€™m going to speak from a technological factual standpoint. This title is actually untrue. It is only true if you were on some type of budget build or comparing equal Ram kits. Intel is capable of using faster Ram than AMD itā€™s just a fact.

Before I continue I want to say that Iā€™m speaking completely from a gaming perspective
Not a workstation perspective thatā€™s a different conversation. As Shifty said the moment you manually overclock a 10700k or 10900k or add faster RAM you move it into a different ballpark. The 5600x, 5800x or even 5900x will absolutely not surpass a OC 10900k or even 10700k with a 4400mhz RAM kit in gaming. I have personally tested this. It is mainly because it currently canā€™t because you cannot go over 4000mhz with AMD processors due to the infinity fabric design.

Intel will run my 4400mhz or my 4266mhz kit flawlessly however AMD will not and can not. This RIP intel stuff is all from a Fanboy perspective and merits little truth. It needs to stop. From a technology standpoint is just not true.

On a side note, as a company Intel Corporation pulled in 75 billion this year. AMD made 2.8 billion. Intel is far from dead. I feel like to many people are spreading misinformation and from there are just feeding off each other without actually fact-checking the original source and it really needs to stop


Just holy crap. I never expected to see a response like this. That is a very well-thought-out and articulated response. Sometimes people on these forms just blow me away.

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In reality, almost nobody is running 4000mhz memory, let alone 4400mhz.

You average person is on a pre-built with either 2666 or at most, 3000mhz.

Even 3200 and 3600mhz usage is relatively low, grand scale.

So in that context, AMD is still outperforming Intel in the general user market with these new CPUs, despite that amount being likely imperceptible.

And I am definitely what most would consider an ā€œintel Fanboyā€

I do agree, regardless of any performance benefits, mindshare matters. People still think AMD is ā€œjanky Nissan-level trashā€ and will buy Intel even if it was objectively worse.

ā€œIn reality, almost nobody is running 4000mhz memory, let alone 4400mhz.ā€

This doesnā€™t matter. The title of this thread or his video does not say. AMD has finally surpassed Intel ā€œfor the common userā€ or " under these circumstances".

Not addressing this is how most untrue information gets spread. I am simply stepping in to correct untrue information that needs to be addressed in my opinion. Thereā€™s a lot of untrue information out there and this is how it gets spread

Well you can also say that the 6800XT is a better value than the RTX 3080, but in reality, you canā€™t get a 6800XT at MSRP or that virtually nobody can get it.

So theoreticals only matter so much - in practice is what matters.

In practice, none of these matters since you can score a 10700KF for $289 right now and it will beat the pants off the most available AMD counterpart, the 3800x, since the 5800x isnā€™t available.

In practice, even when the 5800x is widely available, virtually nobody is going to be buying 4400mhz memory for it.

it is absolutely relevant to judge things based on the most common implementations.

I donā€™t disagree with you in that you are arguing semantics and pure theory, but from the boots on the ground perspective, for most people, none of that fast memory matters.

My point is, perfect conditions rarely exist. Therefore you must consider the likely conditions.

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ā€œit is absolutely relevant to judge things based on the most common implementations.ā€ This is completely untrue and it is why legally that disclaimers exist

Then you need to specifically say did it is only true under these circumstances. Or that itā€™s an opinion. You need to specify that.

So many articles out there present information that the AMD chips are the best of the best and nothing beats them currently. This is just not true itā€™s only true under certain circumstances.

That really needs to be stated. You canā€™t present something as a black-and-white factual statement when itā€™s not. Especially when you have a tech audience reading your article hoping to get the facts. Basically you are feeding them skewed information

I disagree, because 4400mhz RAM on a fully overclocked 10900k is absolutely the exception, NOT the rule.

This is the outlier, not the norm. It is more meaningful to state, ā€œIntel is faster if and only if you Overclock to the fullest and use memory that costs fully 2x as much as your typical 3200/3600 kitā€

You are arguing against yourself - you here state ā€œAMD are the best of the best is only true under certain circumstancesā€

Well, under MOST circumstances, it is true. It is only under certain (very limited like you mentioned) circumstances where Intel beats AMD.

You literally are stating Intel is only better than AMD under very limited circumstances, and circumstances the vast vast majority of people will not encounter, yet use the above logic to state AMD isnā€™t better even though it is most of the time.

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Well the sit there and say the One processor has surpassed another and not to specify its only when theyā€™re left at stock with an equal speed Ram. Is spreading misinformation and I donā€™t get how you donā€™t understand that.

I hope you never do PR for my company you will get me sued in a heartbeat. When a company presents information or a person does thereā€™s a reason certain things needed disclaimer. My point here is this information in me OP needs to carry a disclaimer.

By the way most of the people that I know that are on the 10900k? Or 10700k? Are most certainly using 4000mhz+ kits. Thatā€™s why they are still buying Intel because they are currently the only option that lets them do this

Then Intel belongs in litigation heaven based on their laptop marketing.

You are going into ad hominem attacks because you canā€™t see how your very very limited scope of Intel beating AMD in the very very best circumstances, and ignoring all the real world circumstances.

OP doesnā€™t need a disclaimer since by and large, itā€™s accurate. People who are in the know (i.e. people using 4400mhz RAM on an overclocked 10900k) wonā€™t care what these outlets say. Theyā€™ll do their own research and analysis.

And your anecdotal evidence of ā€œpeople you knowā€ that are on 10900ks are 4400mhz RAM - itā€™s probable that for every one of those, there are 100 that are on 3200 or 3000 on an oem PC.

Most people arenā€™t going to overclock the snot out of their CPUs and GPUs - this is why most outlets only look at stock performance.

You can also say a 10100 with a Z490 and 4400mhz RAM beats a Ryzen 3 3330xā€¦which is true.

But who in their right mind is going to do that? Thereā€™s just realistic circumstances and outliers.

Fast RAM on any system right now is the outlier because generally speaking, your ROI is better spent elsewhere.

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You know what youā€™re right. Maybe they should be in litigation. I have to give AMD their props because they did the proper and correct thing. When they did their press release and said that Zen3 was the fastest gaming processor there was a * there. When you read the fine print it said when tested on equal Hardware.

Companies are just as guilty of spreading misinformation as people are and where I really give AMD major credit is they are upfront and honest with the information they present. What I stated above proves what Iā€™m talking about

AMD reps also said weā€™d have better supply, but they failed miserably on that promise.

Theyā€™re also on the hook right now for marketing dishonesty on the MSRP of their cards.

Something about $10.

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Yeah I read about that I just have a severe problem with misinformation in general.

From both companies and people. I work for a small tech company and why I stay here even though they donā€™t pay the best is they are always black and white and Incredibly transparent with their customers

This is why my computer is a mismash of parts from different companies. Thereā€™s always reasons to go with something.

Be it absolute performance, real life implementations, or supply and demand.


Kind of an example on what Iā€™m talking about is A company will come out and say ā€œresearch shows pregnant women hate chocolateā€ but when you do fact-checking you realize the only pregnant women they asked weā€™re ones allergic to chocolate.

They purposely skew the information and rarely anybody legally does anything about it