Am I the only one?

You mean the swtor who cant even release fully voiced content or actual expansions anymore. That swtor ? Pretty much what i thought.

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? The actors are 100% still voice with some patches going back to the kotor feel.

And yes, swtor released a big new house with quests related to opening up wings to it.

swtor still release content. sure its not over te top fantastic but they try with the skeleton crew they got

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I want it to be proper necrotic

Have skeletons hanging from chains, some gibbets with remains in them, runic patterns on the floor for my death rituals

You know, something you can bring someone home to

ā€œBut guys all of the dead and F2P MMOs are doing it. Why hasnā€™t WoW?ā€


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Yes motivation for fun and playing the game has no effect on a gamers performanceā€¦


Then why isnt everyone there :thinking: and the forums are beyond dead with no innovation. You can absorb their new content basically in one power session.

You forgot that its primary competitor is too.

Simple oversight, Iā€™m sure.


Think we share the same concern for different reasons. I wonā€™t say I wont toy with the home at all but it isnt something I will be focusing on. Its Itā€™s something to do while waiting in rated queue.

Im worried it will be kind of like the transmog fashion show with theme competitions.

because not everyone is a crazy star wars fan? im failing to see your argument about why peopel arnt THERE instead.

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The same exact thing can and has been said about nearly every other game system. If you donā€™t want it donā€™t interact. IMO anything that increases player retention is worth the development time. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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Both versions of RuneScape has had housing for years!


Lol stay in denial. Its okay.

ā€œthey do okay with the skeleton crew that they haveā€

i see the hamster is running on one leg today

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Dude is a straight hater. Anything to not to diversifie the games content. Just keep doing dungeons forever.

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Bro just quit and do something else.

Nobody is forcing you to be here.


This. Housing is what you do when you donā€™t want to log out but also donā€™t want to do any actual content. If I find myself spending a lot of time with it Iā€™ll know itā€™s time for a break.

Player housing is just another way to charge for more cosmetics. Trashhhh

i think housing is an all right step in the right direction. people ahv wanted it a long time and i think blizzard should focuse on giving more little fun things to players dont give us EVERYTHIng but somethings are fun to have

You control the things you buy

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