Am I the only one?

please tell me im not the only one that could not possibly care less about player housing? im not trying to flame anyone thats into that sorta thing, but rp is just not why i play the game. player housing has absolutely no effect on player power, so i dont see the point in it. is it a wise use of development time?


Only reason I have a sub to FFXIV is the housing, I donā€™t play any other part of that game unless its profession related, so I can build furniture for my house.


Falls under ā€œthen donā€™t worry about it thenā€. Its not a big deal to me, but others have wanted it for years. So I hope it becomes a hit.


Every other MMORPG I know of has housing. Itā€™s part of what keeps those games going. Itā€™s part of the RPG portion.

It was supposed to be added in Vanilla. But they pushed it back. And kept pushing it back.

This should have been added ages ago. Riftā€™s came out in 2012. SWTORā€™s in 2014 and Wildstarā€™s in 2017. Then thereā€™s ESO, LOTRO and others. Housing is part of MMORPGs. It keeps people playing.

Thereā€™s more to WoW than player power, as evident by the Collections tab.

But thatā€™s the beauty of it: you donā€™t have to use the system if you donā€™t want. Kinda like collecting toys or pets, etc. But it rakes in a lot of playable hours for some. While other content does that for others.


i dont know what that is

never had a house in that game either, but i did often visit my friends. in that game it is an insane quality of life feature. you can put the dps dummy in there, which in that game was necessary to even play the game on console. you can put all the various crafting set tables in there, which is just plain incredible.

ill tell you what, if wow let me get a house where i could put a crafting order npc six inches away from the autctoin house npc, six inches away from a mailbox, im all for it

The Collections window is where all of our mounts, pets, toys and transmogs are located. Our collections. :slightly_smiling_face:

My assumption is thatā€™s where weā€™ll find all of our housing decos, too.


Iā€™m excited for this. For being all these grandstanding heroes of Azeroth we donā€™t have a place to call our own. Unless we sleep on the streets of whatever capital city of whatever expansion strikes your fancy.

Thereā€™s also the RP angle of it: Itā€™d be nice to invite characters to your own characterā€™s home, that you can customize and make it more accurate to their likings as opposed to finding some random home way out into the wilderness and stating that this random house is now your home. Possibly contested with other RPers who have also stated that this is their home.

I think itā€™d be nice to do a bit of housekeeping before turning in for the evening too. Maybe adjust or add some decorations, wind down before heading to bed.


Keep grinding your Maze + and donā€™t worry about it.

This is just another one of your hot takes Still. Iā€™m still waiting on your sources that show that 3/4ths of the player base hate leveling.


Itā€™s not that I donā€™t care about it, per se, but more so that Iā€™m convinced of it being underwhelming and half-baked. Blizzard is a giant public corporation, every new feature they add is ā€œmehā€ at best. Risk management.


I have a Second Life account that has all the ā€œplayer housingā€ I could ever need. Iā€™m not sure what the point is in having it in Warcraft but Iā€™m not opposed to it. Iā€™m one of the handful of people that liked garrisons (and still use mine).

Not sure what player housing is going to offer that garrisons donā€™t already provide other than an avenue for Blizzard micro-transactions. Blizzard shop and trading post items on the horizon.

If you donā€™t think Blizz has big plans to monetize this you havenā€™t been paying attention.


Youā€™re the only one for me. I adore average. Somedays Iā€™d be above you, and somedays below. Youā€™d never be mean to me. For us, deviation would be standard.

Call me.

That hair thoughā€¦

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You are not alone. Itā€™s nothing but a time sink for both developers and players. Another dress up and cash shop feature.


For myself, Idk, I might check it out at least.


Itā€™s a meaningless addition to meā€¦just like garrisons were.

But I hope the people who wanted them enjoy them.


There are enough RPers that they have turf wars? Call me skeptical.

Way back when I had it happen. It only happened once but it was certainly an awkward moment. This was pre-Garrison and server mergers, I believe.

I donā€™t remember what the RP was about and vaguely remember the character I was playing at the time, but I think we had a short conversation and the other party left. I think we put a pause on the RP as having someone just barge right on in and be like ā€˜hey this my homeā€™ has a good way with messing with immersion.

I think itā€™s a lot less common than it was in the past as often folks use Garrisons or have some sort of ā€˜HQā€™ if theyā€™re focused on guild-based RP, but it has happened.

To be kinda blunt I guess OP, this content isnā€™t targeted towards you, so therefore you wonā€™t be considered in the process of it.


I donā€™t play the game as some random npc just doing dungeons or raids for power progressions just to do more dungeons and raids, that to me is super boring.
I play as a character on adventures, within the mindset of that character as I do the quests, ride certain mounts, wear certain gear etc. The idea of having a home to go to and do other things there, fits within the adventure of the game, just like doing quests and other things out in the world. I donā€™t RP with anyone, I just get into the mindset when playing each alt of them as I do the things in game. Thatā€™s how I play.

At the end of the day, we all do our own thing in this GAME, so I donā€™t really care what others do or donā€™t do or care about, and I donā€™t expect anyone else to care about what I like to do as well. If they want to do something that a lot of people have been asking about for years and years, who am I to question it? Iā€™ll just not do it if I donā€™t like it, just like a lot of things in this game.

Still waiting on playable Saberon though, thatā€™s my big want in this game. :slight_smile:


No i donā€™t really care about it.

Will i engage with it? Maybe. But i donā€™t think itā€™s for me.

I absolutely would if itā€™s like wildstar housing, but it seems like theyā€™re shooting for FFXIV housing style, which feels like a mistake because FFXIVs insistence on in-game neighborhoods is a huge inhibitor on the quality of it.
