Am I the only one who took warts and all seriously?

I can only speak for myself here but, I’ve given up on retail as an enjoyable game at this point. anytime I play it I just complain the entire time.

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They changed dozens of things, some of which they won’t admit are bugs, others they won’t even acknowledge exist. If this is the slippery slope fallacy, then “wow classic” is “wow vanilla warts and all”. They should hire more than four GMs, ban the cheaters, and get rid of premades so that people can play the part of the game that mattered. And bring back wallwalking in it’s past incarnation, since more than two thirds of my 30+ wow classic friends have no interest in even trying this blizzard sanctioned private server when there are still better options on the table.

They didn’t even try to capture the warts. They just made their own. Because if WoW Classic outperforms Shadowlands, all of their friends are out of a job by next summer.

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I did not play during Vanilla, but you have some people saying it’s different, and some saying it’s the same. I’ll leave that argument up to the vets.

Yes, they should

I"ll admit, I don’t ever remember seeing this many bots when I was playing retail. Maybe I just didn’t notice them, but it seems like there are so many now.

From what I understand, premades where in Vanilla, too. It’s just easier to coordinate because of discord, so you’re seeing more of them.

That, from what I can see, is the main problem people have with this version of the game. People have figured the game out, so everybody is exploiting every loophole. But it doesn’t change the fact that the loopholes have always been there.

But yeah, they need to do something about the bots. Maybe I just didn’t see them as much because Blizzard was better about catching them and banning them.

I knew what warts and all meant. I like what we got, warts and all.

Not everything is exactly to my liking but I’d rather have that than start down the slippery slope of changes.

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I am of the #NoChanges camp now that Classic is actually here.

Not because I’m a purist who thinks Classic was the pinnacle of gaming but because as a video game enthusiast and game designer I like having this ancient version of the game available, warts and all. Some changes were made already, I know, but I would prefer to preserve it as much as possible. Let it be a sort of museum piece.

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I find that a very large portion of today’s “warts” were not things that were a problem in the original vanilla days.

Premade coordination in AV to get premades on a mass scale was never a thing in vanlla.

The introduction of the pvp honor system didn’t cause faction genocide in vanilla across all zones, flight points, and boats. There wasn’t the time to perfect the honor maximization in that phase before it was long gone (and hardly anyone even knew how it worked back then, so the drive to pvp 24/7 just wasn’t there).

Perfect farming routes for solo mage dungeon farming hadn’t been figured out yet. Solo tribute runs weren’t done by nearly every hunter.

Black lotus wasn’t impossible to find out in the world due to level 1 spawn campers at every node watching a 1 hour timer.

Warriors/Mages didn’t make up half of the class population.

Diamond Flask healing warriors weren’t a thing.

The game wasn’t jokingly easy as most people had no idea how to gear their characters. Give MC a shot with your whole raid in their tier 0 set, and BWL with your whole raid wearing tier 1. We know that gear is trash now and actively avoid it, gaining a huge advantage.

World buffs were NEVER this coordinated in vanilla. I don’t recall guilds seriously using them until they got into Naxx.

There are many people that expected some of the warts they remember (no auto-dismount, finding groups was a pain, the game experience is much slower), but weren’t really on board for all of the extra warts that only became apparent due to more than a decade’s worth of private servers figuring out EVERY exploitable aspect of the game.

These are problems that come with a solved game. You can’t just make people ignorant to recreate the memories you had in 2005.

Changing things to punish player knowledge isn’t really a good route to go down either.


Yes. There are many who opposed and continue to oppose adjustments that alleviate the population issues despite the fact that they know as well as you or I that blizzard is never going to fix the population issue itself.

The issue is the 1.12 patch.

Cross-realm BGS and the 1.12 AV are not how most of us experienced vanilla pvp.

The one major change (mega servers) has created its own set of problems.

Just wish we had a true old school server w/out cross realm and caped to the original number of players.


i played for a week or two until level 30

No, it’s just that, like everything else in life, the people who want to complain are between 4 and 12 times more likely to express their opinion than people who are happy. The people who are happy with classic are busy playing classic.

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Would be ok if Blizz made changes but it would have to undergo a parliamentary style grilling from the biggest Classic fans and it would have to be publicly aired

Isn’t making changes for the betterment of the game much the same as what happened to the live version?

Every man and his dog will be quick to say " Go to BFA if you don’t like Classic"

Vanilla went on to become BFA.

Are we just going to do the same thing all over again if we pick and choose what should stay/go/be nerfed/be buffed etc?

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Trying to improve classic like this is why classic plus is an impossible task. How do you make content that feels like old game design? How do you make mistakes that feel authentic to the vanilla style, but aren’t aggravating and unneccessary? And would it really be classic if it didn’t have flaws? Some flaws are CENTRAL to what makes the game good.

Classic has fundamental game design flaws. It is 2004 design in 2020. And those flaws can be charming to some.

Everyone disagrees on which flaws are charming, and which flaws are problems that needs to be fixed to improve the game.


What made vanilla great was server only communities. The choice to use modern cross server battlegrounds ruined everything most of us expected. Reverse this one action and let the bad servers die. Everything will fix itself then.

All I see is an older and more dedicated player base this time around. Your complaints oppose the behaviour of the player base, there’s no need for change.

We’ve chosen a set system.

Because Classic should’ve always been a remastered version of Vanilla, not a replication of broken systems. We’re having to beg for one change at a time though b/c of the derp crowd of #NoChanges letting Blizzard believe they could receive subscription money without having to di any work.

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I very much disagree. That was never the intention and goes against the announce presentation.

You have a fair amount of spite towards the player base for no changes but this was what Blizzard intended from the beginning.

Imagine trying to boost

When you have to SPEC INTO EVOCATE. that’s the vanilla i wanted

A) yes it would be fine for me but it would betray all the years of “work” the" Classic advocates put in, the petitions, etc. We asked for Classic not Classic flavored Olde Design.

B) in theory sure voting works but youd run into all the real life issues; low infirmation/intelligence voters, corrupt officials, divisive divisions, etc.

C) who would determine the criteria that determines biggest Classic fans? I literally quit playing retail expansions ago but despise ALL the lore… would that still qualify?

It’s not that it can’t be done or wouldn’t work. It’s that it’s far more effort for all involved than simply playing or making another game.