Am I the only one who took warts and all seriously?

Thank you, for still pointing it out.

I don’t feel like any this is locked to Vanilla/Classic specifically. I feel like this is directed at the game, as a whole and not just Vanilla/Classic.

I disagree with you because, to me, this is what separates each version of the game. I cannot access certain Quests nor certain items in Retail, like I can in Classic.

IDK about old bugs but isn’t your entire point about old behaviors?

IDK about need, but I don’t think it’s quite a Vanilla/Classic thing. You said it, yourself.

Agreed. We don’t need it, but it’s something that I do want because of the objective gameplay (stuff that cannot be found objectively in Retail). The Social dynamic cannot truly be formed into the way we want it to be. To use your words:

In regards to these “problems”, I can’t help but think of the infamous quote which is “You think you do, but you don’t”.

So, this is why it’s important to have a conversation in what makes Vanilla, well Vanilla. I don’t think it’s how people interact with each other.

all the whining for changes, is how we got to retail and the nostalgia to go back to a game that once was, is how we got classic, which takes us back to all the whining for changes and…
The movie groundhog day.


I like to keep an eye on the ones with sticky fingers.

Yep, there are things that I think could be fixed or improved, like removing world buffs and tuning the dungeons and raids to be more challenging, but it’s not worth the risk.

If we open the door to Blizzard “improving” the game, they will almost certainly ruin it. This is the same group of developers that designed retail WoW and thinks it’s great.

#nochanges except when absolutely necessary remains the only safe course.


gamers are super entitled. and whiney.
of course they are doing this. they were told they were getting an old, unsupported version of wow and all of a sudden feel the game should be supported just for them.

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By being a grade school finger pointer. At least my suggestion might actually make money for the company you love so much. Do you just sit back and accept whatever they give you?

Thank goodness you’re here to make such a difference in the world. /s

post on a classic account.

I’ve never operated my own server before, but again Blizzard can learn a great deal from them.

Make me.

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not everyone actually wanted warts and all, thats just what blizzard said we are getting

thats what you were told you were getting. so did you choose to play it, or not?
they were perfectly clear.


Classic is still decently fun, warts & all, even though I had forgotten just how broken many classes & specs were in Vanilla compared to TBC & WotLK, as well as the absolutely horrible gear itemization (especially past the PvE dungeon level). Running around looking like a mismatched clown for 99% of a character’s play life is also a buzzkill.

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The massive overpopulation is NOT a vanilla wart. It’s something they added that makes everything MUCH more extreme.

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is anyone celebrating this?
is anyone saying “we want no changes but these megaservers are ok”?

I think my favorite bad argument so far is “They’ve changed x y z, so now any change is on the table!”

That’s not how this works at all. We’re not getting LFR because they decided to have higher population servers. The idea it would work that way is ludicrous.

Yes, that is definitely not a vanilla wart. I don’t think anyone is arguing that it is.

You can be confirmed that was 100% not what I was referring to.


i think they’d feel better if it was #nomorechanges ?

i dont want blizzard to change things. i have my reasons. to say that, isn’t to say im perfectly ok with what they DID change. in fact, i oppose the things they changed.

im not sure why they find this so hard to understand? they act as if by listing changes, the “nochanges” people are somehow supportive or accountable.

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We agree. But we dont trust Blizzard to make them properly.

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But, if that’s what they said, and you didn’t want that, why start playing? That’s what I don’t get about any of this. Did people just think they were lying? Why keep paying for something you don’t enjoy?

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To answer your question: apparently yes. You’re the only one who took it seriously.

I had no idea that “warts and all” existed. I barely paid attention to Classic until it actually dropped, the hype train started rolling, the nostalgia started slapping me in the face.