Am I the only one who took warts and all seriously?

simple answer: blizzard opened the door for changes once they enabled layering on august 27th 2019

I really appreciate the product we got. It feels like the game I remember from 2006. Is the game easier? I dunno… I think we just got “better.” There are a few “changes” I support:

  • Layers due to server population increases
  • Balancing resources due to population increases
  • Fixing of bugs and exploits

So, from what I gather by reading this thread, nobody though they were serious when they said “warts and all”.

Also, the slippery slope is real. “Since you changed this thing over here you should make this change I want”.

Yes. We’re paying for it, we can complain about it.

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The arguement is invalid when the game was launched with multiple changes.

Now we need changes to fix those changes. Like adding more resources when you add more players than vanilla servers.

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The only thing that I didn’t account for is how bad server population either direction (too big, or too small) would absolutely kill a server.

The mega servers are a facsimile of Vanilla

The ghost towns are too.

“We”, as in multiple people. It means exactly that.

You should read on and you’d find out.

Dude they don’t need to change much imo…buff a couple classes that are rarely played, nerf nothing class wise, reduce spell batching and leeway, and finally buff the content or remove world buffs. Preferably remove world buffs since they’re such a pain in the butt. I think the dream would be scaling TBC to 60 after people get bored and want more content. That might be a terrible idea but we know now they can do such things.
Most of all though people want bots banned and exploits fixed.

To me this is about who I trust less. Blizzard’s done plenty to lose that trust so getting updates from another source makes sense to me.

Oh, it’s you, pirate server guy.

Yeah, we should definitely take your advice on who to trust.

You’re still making stupid comments in a trollish manner instead of having a discussion. Blizzard shill.

I don’t even shill for companies I invest in. What’s your excuse?

dude what part of vanilla were talking about because i remember well that warrior were terrible in 1.0

That’s actually a lot of changes.

Since the guy above us hates me talking about private servers, I’m going to compare Blizzard game to a group of hobbyists game and say why I think the hobbyists did it better.

The patch that private servers are based on is 1.2 which was vastly different to patch 1.12.2 in difficulty. Mob values were overtuned and itemization was different in that by 1.12.2 many items stats were boosted greatly to allow for a much easier leveling experience. I imagine this is due to Blizzard getting people to 60 in time for TBC’s launch without much effort.

Private servers didn’t have layers, just a lot of people on one server. Blizzard used layering without even giving large population servers a chance and the private server I played on was anywhere between 8000-14000 people on at one time. What’s that about, 2-3 full classic servers? Ignoring why unofficial servers could be so successful despite having access to far less resources including money and where they can advertise doesn’t make sense to me. Private servers wouldn’t been far more than Classic I bet if they were allowed ways to make money, but these were just people passionate about the game and doing a great job at attracting so many people despite how little they had to work with.

Blizzard isn’t even using any of the original game in anyway. Classic was remade from the ground up, private servers use most of the original stuff that was used in vanilla back in 2004-2006. I think this is an often way overlooked point.

The thing is actual bugs and exploits should have been fixed regardless of whether or not they were in vanilla.

I personally feel that they should have made a lot of changes to the game but that’s neither here nor there however I feel that regardless actual exploits should be fixed no matter what. Mostly because the community of today will jump on those while the community back in 2006 would probably not so it will become a bigger issue than it was back then and cause problems by existing when in 2006 it wasn’t such a big deal.

And then they gave us Legion engine, megaservers, patch 1.12

And then changes on top of changes.

Warts flew out the window the moment the Blizzard team touched classic

I’m too busy NOT stealing from people.

You could instead be busy actually adding to a discussion. I like how you responded to me first in this thread. Keep being obsessed with me. :smiley:

Why would I want to play a game with warts. I want the best possible game design, that is true to Classic philosophy. The real classic from 2005, not what classic is today. Changes != “becoming retail”