Am I the only one getting annoyed by the FFXIV fans?

Strong disagree… well not about the hit for healers part, which I still don’t get. A healer wouldn’t need to worry about hit at all, and it’s weight would make a piece suboptimal for them.

To me it felt good to get that hit cap. (I’m not a healer)
Then when you got gear over it and could start slotting in fewer hit pieces for dedicated dps pieces and seeing the difference on meters that felt good too and gave me a sense of progression.

I don’t think it was at all related to corruption, which was entirely different and was either a huge buff to one of the 4 stats, or random procs that further removed player agency. My argument is for player agency.

In WoW right now, a Mastery/Crit chestpiece is the same as any other Mastery/Crit chestpiece. It’s the same as the BFA Mastery/Crit chestpiece, and the same as the Chains of Domination Mastery/Crit chestpiece. The Ilvl is higher or lower, but it’s exactly the same piece of gear.

I miss things like Stacking up crit for the lightning capacitor and my DS/Ruin build, while looking for pieces with heavy crit weights or even only crit, and sacrificing hit for the extra crit as my ability to do so presented itself. Things like that were enjoyable for me. Trading in a piece I have now for the same piece 5 ilvls higher is just boring.

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Imagine only playing one mmo

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I mean, to me the biggest WoW limitation is that it rushes you to a point where there’s no meaningful progression path for your character outside of raiding and M+ in a matter of weeks. I’ve played FFXIV long enough with no endgame in sight to know that it doesn’t suffer that limitation. Players like you see the endgame as the start of the game, and that’s how the modern devs have designed it now. I see the endgame as exactly what it sounds like: the end of the game. I like FFXIV precisely because it’s been a blast despite my not having reached the endgame.


That’s a huge misinterpretation. It’s more like, “WoW used to have all this cool stuff, and they snatched it away for reasons. In the meantime, FFXIV started providing it. Blizzard, please put the wow back into WoW so that I can go back to playing the characters I’ve invested over a decade in. Until then, I’ll be playing FFXIV.”


The sad thing is, in a lot of the RP circles, some of the people I know have brought their characters over to Final Fantasy, effectively killing any reason for them to come back to this IP even if things get better. Pretty easy to translate a Blood Elf into an Elezen, for example, with tinkers to backstories. (It’s almost impossible to recreate a void elf, so I wound up starting from scratch but wound up loving my lizard.)

The longer Blizzard waits to fix this, the more attached people are going to become to their avatars in other games - not just FF - and the less likely they’ll return to this one with the same investment. And it’s those sorts of players that tend to be whales and long-term players that stick through droughts.


and yet you’re subscribed to wow to post in the forums :man_shrugging:

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I am actually amused by all the anti-FFXIV threads started by posters who think there are too many FFXIV threads in the forum.


Looks at 9.1.

Uh… wut?

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Those are items in game. The time investment he’s referring to are game pillars “evergreen content” FF14 MMO-RPG Have in place as compared to the modus operandi WoW has has had last 10 years. Player time investment is no where to be found. Legion was fun with weapons. I just can’t do it anymore in SL.
Now it’s every .x update. Build apart tear down. New short term systems its unpopular. I love playing both games but until wow fixes their modus operandi of short term systems I’m out. I came to WoW during one of those exodus Dec 2015 they quit announcing sub numbers and just after no flying debacle.



Yeah I swear there’s a vastly larger number of them over the occasional goofball thread preaching here.

I don’t really get it, both are good games, both companies get along. It’s just the fans here are doing the team Edward vs team… I don’t even know the other ones name, let’s say team Kevin.

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Ye n ¥ every super duper smartest beings ever big high IQ knows the players r exactly the same as their char😏

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I play FF14 like for a month maybe 2 weeks out of the year. Too much dialouge, combat is slow, visuals try to be hyper realistic but end up being cheesy and grainy. People talk about WoW’s system yet FF14 has the most system and so convoluted. Not to mention how bad dungeons are and raiding is usually 1 or 2 boss rooms lmao.


Lol, no I don’t. I’m a casual player who doesn’t spend a lot of time on endgame. I level alts, run old content, that kind of thing. I do a little of the solo endgame activities (which aren’t great in SL), but I am the furthest thing from an endgame-oriented player as you will find in WoW. Yet FFXIV, despite my having tried it when it first released, then again when ARR came along, then again later on, and again in 2020 … just never hooks me. And I am in its “core player” demographic.

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Competition is a good thing. Runaway monopolistic-esque mentality of low effort but high expectation of sales is toxic.

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The difference being that WoW actually has many of the things in greater scale than FFXIV does, one of the things that gets “engine/budget limitations” arguments from the devs is their lacking ability to have something similar to the transmog of WoW for example. Over there it’s limited to a few presets and a certain amount of items that you have to put into a glamour chest for it, which has a hard cap on it that’s not nearly enough. WoW also adds full races, instead of half ones that then also can’t wear hats because “budget/time limitations”

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You are really going to try and best the argument against WoW here? the itemisation of FFXIV doesn’t even come CLOSE. There’s absolutely 0 things like trinkets and their effects, special gear effects or anything remotely like tier bonuses, there’s certainly no special effects on any of the weaponry either. There’s nothing like crafting yourself rocket boots to affect your gameplay in a fun way, it’s ALL standard gear as you see it and the stats have gotten simplified over time for it so it’s even more simple than it used to be. Genuinely WoW has more complex stats on gear compared to FFXIV so even you trying to use that argument doesn’t work because gear upgrades in FFXIV are exceptionally minor and VERY straightforward, you are locked in knowing exactly what you need. (which wouldn’t be such a terrible thing if the rest of it wasn’t true)

The fact that you even try to counter this one shows to me you are not willing to admit any flaw of FFXIV because this one is as blatant as it gets. It’s just objectively worse in FFXIV regarding this. None of the gear is as important and it more importantly is not anywhere as fun. You can EASILY just not gear at all because there’s no incentive to do so beyond minimum requirements but at that point you can just buy gear and you’re good again because there’s absolutely nowhere that this gear matters in FF14, there’s exceptionally little incentive to get those minor gear upgrades every patch.

Go ahead and look up some FFXIV gear and compare it to even dungeon gear from classic, you’ll still find more interesting and fun gear to be found there compared to FFXIV. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a hard time looking up FFXIV stats on gear for most of it except whatever is the current upgrade even, considering how bland and unimportant it is.


Jerry. Pretty sure it was Team Jerry.

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Honestly I wouldn’t know, I was already too old for that movie when it came out let alone now lol. Worst part is a previous gf made me watch it, and all I can remember is a baseball game, and I think vampires dressed as doctors or something.

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Haha yea my wife watched the first one and was like “this…sucks…” lol. I forgot about the baseball game. I do remember a lot of blank stare brooding or trying to be brooding or lusting…and the sparkling. God that was a trash movie lol

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No, FF14 has lots of flaws.
For example, I have to wait to log in because there’s so many WoW refugees.

Compare Modern WoW to dungeon gear from classic. That classic gear was as wonderful as it was bonkers.

I’m out before I further hurt your feelers.