Am I the only one getting annoyed by the FFXIV fans?

I know almost nothing about that game, other than the music is amazing, but the fans (actually they might not even be the actual fans) have gotten so annoying lately. Or at least the people going everywhere saying to go play it. The Survival Guide on Youtube is like 50% comments about that.


Stop with the FF threads on low level Alts who have no post history


you have become what you hate.


The endlessness of it is irritating.

I don’t hate 14, but I have tried it several times since 2010 and it just doesn’t work for me. I prefer WoW, with all of its problems. Even the music – I personally don’t like the sometimes cutesy sometimes overly cinematic type music that game favors. WoW’s atmospheric music, for me, is top notch, even when the content otherwise isn’t.


Making posts about being mad at FFXIV posts are still FFXIV posts…


The reason why FF14 is here:

By taking away WoW’s subs and raising up competition Blizzard is forced to make better decisions, they have to work for their players because now they’re quickly losing players and popularity. FF14 should be more widespread and shouldn’t be quickly disregarded as “Trolling”. You want FF14 to succeed. You want better games.

As someone who a week ago uninstalled WoW and tried the free trial of FF14 (from all the forum spammers), WoW is much more smoother and faster. It isn’t as enjoyable though, maybe it’s the music, maybe it’s the story writing, looking at it objectively FF14 is better. Give it a shot if it’s on your mind all the time. Otherwise support in silence.


FF has cat people.

Ride the wave of hype.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Watch the gameplay, see what all the fuss is about. If you like it, play it, enjoy it, great. If not, no worries. I’d heard rumors from people that said to stay away from a single-player game called Satisfactory (the premise is you’ve crash-landed on a planet and you have to build a rocket to escape using only the resources found on said planet). They said it was more addictive than coke. I called BS, watched a few youtube vids, bought the game on Steam, and played it. Next thing I knew it was 3am LOL.

There’s nothing wrong with playing more than 1 game, in case you get burned out. It’s good to a few at your disposal, just in case. That’s how I like to look at everyone praising FF14.


They let me find an actual MMORPG, and I enjoy making comparisons and having actual discussions on the genre, unlike actual annoying people who can’t stand that there’s finally actually some solid competition going on in the genre and want to silence that.


I just hate the apples to oranges comparison and the lack of self awareness to acknowledge that both games have the same mind-numbingly boring and tedious endgame issues.

The community is overly elitist on both games, even roulettes have toxic people on par with WoW. The only difference is FFXIV doesn’t facilitate player tracking apps and 3rd party phallic compensation metrics to gatekeep content from other players like WoW does.

PvP is an afterthought in both games, only people actually DO PvP in WoW.

It’s just whatever, every single pretend fanboy will be back here in a week or by next expansion or hop back over to FFXIV when it’s expansion it out, you aren’t special or unique and the attitude doesn’t help either game, it’s just annoying. The devs care even less than we do.

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“Objectively” doesn’t mean what you think it means. You can’t say something is “objectively better” unless you are comparing technical specs like game engine capabilities, etc.

To say that things like music, graphics, gameplay, “enjoyability” are objectively better is an oxymoron. Subjective entertainment or appreciation of art or music cannot be “objectively” better.

You might as well say chocolate is objectively better than vanilla and let that argument ensue, LOL. Objective means you’ve removed the subjective.


Yes. You are literally the only one.

No one else on the forum is annoyed at all.


I personally don’t start threads discussing FF. But if people ask me about FF I have glowing and rave reviews about it. I will keep saying positive things about FF because the game respects player time investment.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Be prepared to have your post shifted over the Off Topic forum, since any discussion of games not WoW belong there (had one of my own moved, on a different game). The mods are doing it in waves - if you look you will see many many posted sent there already. So at least eventually they get put in their place, as it were.


I don’t know enough about the game nor do I have any interest in it to be honest. Just my way of thinking.

I do find it ironic that so much energy and time spent in arguing for that game is on a WoW forum board. So much so I simply Mute the thread and move on to other topics that I do find interesting and posts from what appears to be some awesome folks.


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Blood Elves with cat ears.


Can’t stop the hype train that blizzard themselves curated lmfao


I found it strange that alts themselves have post counts as you can see my druid is quite new, Anyway - I think a bulk of the threads are made from contempt towards wow. Even some of the most loyal wow fans are finding themselves losing faith. When the game is in a more positive light it will stop I think.

Yes. It’s worse for me because I actually know the game in and out and it’s very blatant in how they do not hold FFXIV to the same standards as they do WoW. Worse yet the people that claim FFXIV is “more” MMO or RPG than WoW is, when the opposite is true. FFXIV is very restrictive in what it does, it just dresses it up nicely and has the benefit of people not being bitter and wanting it to fail.

I could make a massive wall of text but long story short, the gearing and itemisation is boring and bland compared to that of WoW, there’s no real gearing incentive and the pvp is so bad not even the most hardcore ff14 fanboy would defend it. The open world is not so open world at all and you teleport into everything, dungeons are pointless beyond tomes and classes do not feel worth playing until very late level. The crafting is more complex but does not affect gameplay remotely the same as it does in WoW, the only things that do are basic dps boost potions and food.


What can they do ? poor japanese company doesn’t have money to have its own forums :frowning: