Am I the only one getting annoyed by the FFXIV fans?

Because it depends on how people enjoy that content which is, get this, subjective

Just wondering here, where did that poster say anything about “how people enjoy the content”? They said “more content”. More content is an objective measurement.


Having a million stats is bad design though…and we don’t have 4, we have 7: Stamina, Armor, Primary Stat and then the 4 secondary stats.


Because more content is meaningless if people don’t like that content.

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9.1 be like:


Don’t think I would ever leave wow for ff, I just take long breaks nowadays or at least until something interests me in wow. I defiantly don’t need another MMO to play.

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I find it better to have a rotation of MMOs to play, when one does something stupid that won’t likely change for a few months, swap to one I haven’t played in a bit.

But I guess it depends on what your free time looks like, usually I don’t bother with any MMOs till my other gaming landscape dries up lol.


It’s just a troll buzz topic.

Trolls latch on to whatever buzz topic will get them instant 100+ post threads. Could be game related or political in nature. But regardless they will drain FF threads like the energy vampires they are until something new comes along


I know right.
I hate having to choose whether to have primary-stat or primary-stat on my gear.
Which do you choose? Probably primary-stat I would wager. Well, unless your feral in which case it would be Primary-Stat.

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Yah I have Ultima Online and Elder scrolls account I bounce between when the wow devs get obnoxious.

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So you seriously prefer when we needed Intelligence, Agility and Strength on different pieces of gear so we had to carry multiple sets which was hell for multi-role players? Or the absolute garbage show that was hit-rating?

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All I’m saying is “more” is an objective measurable standard. Shadowlands is objectively getting more content with 9.1, that’s a fact. None of that content appeals to me, that’s subjective.

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I liked hit rating.
I liked armor pen too.
I liked players having choices and multiple ways to gear up.
I also liked gear that focuses on something like being able to build an all out crit set, or an all out spellpower set.

Now it’s just “BIS STATS or trash?”

Good times back then, and woe to the current iteration.


dumb question for people. What exactly is endgame for FF14? Isn’t it raid and dungeons as well?

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Oh yeah having to have different sets if you had or didn’t had a Draenei with Heroic Presence in your party was so great. /s

Or a stat that was absolutely useless for healing was also great. /s

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Actually, yes it was.
It made their racial ability impactful, or so I read. I don’t play alliance.

Right now you’ve got 4 stats.
That means you’ve got 6 different pieces of gear.

That’s like 90% of WoW gearing now. Get the 1/6 that’s correct and fill all the things.

Yeah, for damage.
If you wanted to heal, you got a stat that helped out healing 100%, or one that improved healing and damage.
That was a choice.
Sometimes you could even focus on MP5 or spirit.
Healers needing special gear for DPS checks like Leotheras was a good thing.

IDC if you disagree, it’s my opinion and it was a much deeper and involved system than “1/6 correct and fill all the things”

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What healer in his right mind would sacrifice any stat for hit? That is not a “choice” that is being a bad healer. If you look at old websites guides you would see that hit is not even included in the stat priority list.

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The combat gets way faster at later levels, faster then wow even with ogcds.


100% agree.
Healers shouldn’t stack hit.
That would be stupid.

Where does that fit in here? Were healers forced into stacking hit at some time?

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Never, if you got a piece of gear with hit get rid of it, or keep it for your off-spec, hit is a dead stat for healing.

The problem with hit is that it’s a very insufferable stat due to the hit cap, once you hit that cap gearing and playing around it became annoying. Put whatever or not you had a Draenei who rised the hit of the party. In fact reforging was introduced in cata mostly because of hit, then removed alongside the stat itslef.

It’s the same trash as playing with Corruption.

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