Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

Ghostcrawler promised me a pony and all I got was a small horse!


And the lesson Greg learned that day was to not promise or assure things. You can look into them, but don’t provide certainties unless you have a solid plan. Not a bad lesson to learn, IMO.

Yeah you are the only unhappy one.

It looks like a high elf. Walks like a high elf. Quacks like a high elf.

But it’s not a high elf so I’m gonna throw a fit!


Thought the lesson he learned was that he could leverage a moderately successful run at pretending to be the lead dev on a project into a higher paying job.

By definition, a pony is just a small Horse.

Greg fulfilled his promise. People are just whining about labels.

congratulations you are INCORRECT, plenty of people in this post agreed hun :kissing_heart:


congratulations, another troll who is INCORRECT. plenty of people agree, and i made this blood elf b/c high elves were not available babe smooches :kissing_heart:

This was the best outcome. Void elfs are here to stay and even more so now they’re probably not going to add another blood elf model to the allied race slot for alliance JUST for blue eyes.

People really wanna have their cake and eat it too.


whats the point of having cake if you cant eat it? :rofl:

But it doesn’t say HIGH ELF when I mouseover my character.

My immersion is ruiiiineeeeed.


EXACTLY! You get it babe :sparkling_heart:

You know what though, i guarantee somebody’s already working on an addon for this. If one doesn’t already exist.

So you’re saying one should try to get by on technicalities instead of delivering what is requested for. Got it.

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is this a lack of imagination? to the point that a name difference ruins your experience? or some form of mental illness? maybe narcissism, your way or no way? idk, one of those

I’m incredibly pleased with this latest development. I really think it was a pretty perfect solution. Blood elves can have their blue eyes, and meanwhile we can play as the quel’dorei we always wanted.


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That was one thing out of plenty babe, use your eyes and read a little more :sparkling_heart: