Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

You are aware that Blizzard is one of the most successful gaming companies in existence and that WoW is still the top MMO, and has been for 15 years?

Money is not the issue. Yes, they have to manage their resources, which is why they just decided to make allied races because they take less effort. But they have the money, it’s just a matter of what gets them the best returns on their development time. I strongly doubt that we will ever see a “full race” like pre-BfA. Hell most of the core races don’t even have homelands at this point.

And if they did, it would be an enormous waste for high elves to get the spot, of all things.

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Why does this vocal minority care so much about High Elves? I’ve never once heard anyone in game even mention High Elves in my decade+ of play.

Elf fans are always weirdly obsessed. Worst I’ve seen is probably the Dalish fans from the Dragon Age series.

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While I do like High Elves, I’m kinda neutral on this change. You can dress up a Void or Blood Elf to look closer to a High Elf, but that doesn’t make them the same thing. However, it will help players who are adamant about playing them, coming closer to what they actually want.

I’ll just look on those players the same way I look at players roleplaying “half dragons” and stuff like that. It’s fine and all, and I may even play along, but you’re not.


No. Draenei and lightforged aren’t the same.

The draenei most committed to their long crusade would undergo a ritual to become Lightforged, infusing their bodies with the very essence of the Holy Light.

Everytime someone tries to tell me about their totally unique OC:

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And then they died and were raised by the Lich King.


Definitely not. The not-happy people will be not-happy, because that’s what they do. The end.

Yes. Which is why it doesn’t make sense.

I don’t see how you’re not getting this, but whatever.

Hit me up with your lore source saying this isnt possible. I’d love to see it.

Way to paint the high elf fanbase in a positive light. Stop being ungrateful. Blizzard didn’t even need to give void elves high elf skin tones. Would you prefer they don’t get anything at all?

Literally who cares? It’s an rpg. Pretend you’re a high elf.

Create a high elf mog. There’s plenty of armor in the game to do so. The only limit is your imagination.

Ride a different mount.

Nah, too many elves. Don’t need anymore.

Copypaste of blood elf heritage armor, wow so awesome!

Since when do high elves tattoo themselves lol? They’re high elves not wildhammer dwarves.

Doesn’t matter the sunwell is purified. Blood elves don’t have to use fel energy to survive anymore. They can now survive off of the sunwell as well as off of arcane energy like they did before.


Well, no. If Blizzard made a High Elf allied race, the only way you’d get complaints would be if Blizzard seriously botched something about them. I’m thinking either their origin doesn’t match what we know of high elves, their models don’t work, gear isn’t properly displaying on them, or are implemented with extremely limited customization options.

Well…you’d probably get people incapable of understanding nuance or thinking that you should only fight with those that look different from you complaining about Blizzard listening to the high elf requests.


The generic elves in WC2 had tattoos and so does Alleria.


The only thing iam not happy about is that we don’t have an elf pally on the alliance. (Night elves please :innocent::pray:) not impressed with the human customizations yet.

I think this compromise was the best they could do to avoid an even longer term dumpster fire on the forums and so on.

Was genuinely surprised we didnt get them in BfA after Legion had two of them. Like why make me have two Night Elf paladin champions in my order hall if you arent even gonna make them playable?


Creative direction? :disappointed:

It’s a bummer because it’s my race favorite race, and my favorite class to play. Plus it would be nice to have a Paladin race that isn’t a Draenei light “drone”

See blizzard, those people will never be happy. Do not ever listen to “GIVE ME THIS”-community


The dumb part is that this response from the helfer crew was extremely predictable.

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Someone saying “give me this”, and you deciding to give them something else, is not going to be unanimously well-received or praised.


It is disappointing that Quel’dorei and Wildhammer are considered an afterthought, both relegated to just a few customization options rather than the well fleshed-out, actual ALLIED races they have been for years.

It was deeply wrong for the Sin’dorei to exist as it does in game, and for them to ally with the Horde (especially joining through the forsaken). Knowing that the design decision back in TBC was about adding a pretty race to Horde to satisfy Asian playerbase requests makes it even more regrettable. A few customizations more than a decade later don’t make up for that bad decision.

The allied race decisions of BfA just continue the divide between the Devs favored faction the Horde and the rapidly depopulating Alliance.