Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

I’m almost certain one RP addon or another already has this functionality baked in.

No, I’m saying that people are getting what they requested for, it just has an ever so slightly different label.

So instead of getting High Elves, you can customize both Void and Blood Elves to look like them.

Instead of getting a Krusty Partially Gelatinated Non-Dairy Gum-Based Beverage, they’re getting a Milkshake.

Instead of getting a pony, they’re getting a 15 hand Horse.


*gentle gasp *

The visions were true. Spider Horse


Imagine having the self-awareness to know this but still posting it anyway


confidence is key babe :sparkling_heart:

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I’m meh on it. It was never about the skin color for me. Show me the class options updated with Paladins and we’ll talk.

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because it needs to be said.

this is still not adding high elves, and blizzard doesn’t need to think this will make the demand go away.

they are ideologically different. the demand will not be answered until they make the silver covenant playable.


Yes you are and to be candid you are literally being one of the worst possible types of people on these forums, this IS the answer people needed, you can literally play a void elf that looks just light a high elf and functions entirely like them. You can do the same thing on the blood elf side.

The war is over, its done, no one needs to fight anymore. At this point anyone still complaining did not actually want high elves, they just wanted to complain and flame people on the forums, and want to do nothing but find an excuse to trash talk blizzard.

It short, stop being a entitled person, stop trying to find things to complain about, its over, its done. We have high elves now.

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no, they do not function like them.

they are ideologically blood elves, not high elves. high elves do not partake in alternative magics to empower their selves. they value nature, harmony, and arcane study.

it doesn’t matter if they look like high elves. that’s not what people are asking for.

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sis there are high elf wayferers in the rift. if you really hate the void, just imagine they never went there, and use a silver covenant tabard

heritage armor, racial, you cannot headcanon this fact away.

if an elf goes to study with them, they no longer embrace the ideology of the silver covenant. the silver covenant is what is being asked for.

As i have said, these are people literally just looking for things to complain about, they ahve no vested interest in actually playing as a high elf, they just want a reason to complain thats it, they will never change.

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If they never added Void Elves then yes, but having two High Elven races on the Alliance is kinda ridiculous. If they make some more hair colors and less ragged hairstyles I think that will make as many people as possible happy at this point.

Wow lol can you say triggered? If you had any type of common sense you would see not just in this post but many posts people agree with me, and I’m so sorry my opinion on a change in a video game affects you so badly, sorry babe is there anything I can do to fix it? :sparkling_heart:

They’ve gotta work with what they have. In hindsight, they should have just given us High Elves to begin with instead of being stubborn about something that doesn’t matter and inventing Void Elves out of nowhere.

But Void Elves exist now. Blizzard can’t unmake that decision when they already exist in the game. And folding High Elves into them is a better option than having two virtually identical allied races.

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Nothing has been stripped, the ball is still very much in play.

THis is the ultimate answer, it would have been far easier if we just got high elves, and called it a day. But blizzard wanted to tip toe around it, what ever thats their deal, but its come full circle now, this was absolutly the best solution we could have gotten, and anyone who actually cared about it, are going to be over the moon and happy about this, in fact everyone i know is, which ill be honest im pretty sure out of every server, MG and WRA and Argent Dawn where filled with the most people that were super happy about this.

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This is true, but you gotto remember the reason why the Alliance didn’t get High Elves to begin with is because Ion’s stance on the matter is “if you want to play High Elves, go Horde.” This is the best compromise a lot of people were suggesting. It may not be 100% what you want, but it works. Also don’t forget that a number of Blood Elf fans are kinda angry about it and drilling in on how they’re the real High Elves.

This is always going to be a huge point of contention for the playerbase, and Blizz just made a compromise. I think the only way for a “true” High Elf to ever come to fruition is when the factions are merged.

Lets be real we could make an entire thread about the choices ion has made and how healthy they were, or more likely not healthy for the game.

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I dont think many people care about that very much. They’re just happy to play their favorite pretty race on what they see as the more aesthetic and civilized side.

People are much more concerned about gameplay conflicts, like not being able to play demon hunters and paladins. Just to clarify, I think it’s cool that Blizzard allowed for this, and the class restrictions are ok with me too.

Sorry to be that guy, but it’s spelled canon, not cannon.