Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

I honestly think that would be more badass than high elves as a race. Ever since argent tournament I always thought they were dope


As an evolution, they become something new and different. They might have the same origins, but they are not the same thing.

Different means of existence.
Different world views and beliefs.

Not the same thing.

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I have void elf alts, and I have blood elf alts. I consider this perfect for my personal aesthetics. Elves are pretty erratic in their political and societal aspects across both factions since forever to me this fits just fine.


I agree that the blue-eye option going to Horde was…inexplicably stupid and–may I say–spiteful.

But void elves are the only faction of high elf, currently playable, allied with the Alliance.

Silver Covenant elves, for whatever reason, were not the faction of High Elf that Blizzard chose to give the Alliance, and now that we have Void Elves (which are High Elves–but not Silver Covenant elves), it’s unlikely they’ll give us the elves you’re asking for.


There’s at least some thematic justification for this as well.

Simply letting a Void Elf go to the barber and change their appearance doesn’t feel good. It’s a shallow reward for Alliance players fighting for High Elves for so long.

They should get the full Allied race treatment. Or a quest line which would justify this shift.


I dont really care either way about High Elves. I’d play one if they made them, but I’d really rather them not waste dev time and a race slot on it .

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definitely see you’re point, we’re a hot mess

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Wasting Dev time on a race that would outright make them more revenue than things like the 2 “unique” and vastly underplayed ARs like KTs and Mechagnomes, business wise, is a smarter decision.

In the game of “race suggestions”, popularity wins every time.


i agree with that 100%

They gave us Void Elves because it was a faction we could grind with parity to the Nightfallen in Legion. They were looking for faction grind parity/equality. Argussian Reach’s void problem offered an elf model solution, and they made up a johnny-on-the-spot story bolt-on.

I cannot understand why they didn’t find a reason to send the Silver Covenant out there to fix the problem (Alleria…hello), making that the introductory story that brings the High Elf model and faction to the Alliance, but they didn’t. I honestly suspect spite.

But the blueberries are here to stay, and with the Silver Covenant leader in charge of both the SC and the Void Elf groups, this is most likely the closest thing to a Silver Covenant elf we will ever receive as a playable character. I’m just being realistic as I see things.

The blue eye option going to the Horde, however, blows my mind. It makes zero sense…and it’s a slap in the face to the Alliance High Elf advocates who have been blowing up the forum for years with this request.


I mean I agree both KTs and mechagnomes were huge wastes of time. I just also personally think it would be a waste of time to give us yet another elf.

I feel the same way about Wildhammer Dwarves and any other flavor of troll, which is why I’m glad those are just customizations and not new races.


Vereesa is absolutely not in charge of the void elves.


The Elf with Fiona and the Dwarf is a Blood Elf.

They very likely will you do realize that right? The animations already exist they are simply faction locked right now. Wouldn’t be surprised to see classes added to both void elf and nightborne.

Would you say it’s a slap in the face, and literally unplayable?

No, but Alleria was out there doing the entire story chain. That’s what I meant. You follow her through the entire Argussian story. Her “leadership” and intervention saved Umbric and their group there.

I get Vereesa and Alleria mixed up. My point–and I don’t see how it isn’t a good one–is that a Windrunner was THERE facilitating the entire thing, so it would have been SO EASY to make the leadership of the Silver Covenant invested in helping the Void Elves and Alleria. That would have been an easy transition.

Do you not see what I’m trying to say? It seems purposefully obtuse for them to have refused to give what was being asked for when that story would have been easier and more obvious than the Void Elf trajectory they chose.

Doubt it. They’ve made it clear they intend on sticking to lore when it comes to race/class combos, and the void and light are literally total opposites. It’s about as likely as undead paladins.

Secretly I’m miffed at that too, but it’s a small price to pay to get proper void elf skin and eye color.

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No. I love my blueberry.

It is purposely obtuse. I dont know how many times Blizz can come out and say “we dont want to give Alliance high elves” before people realize it and understand void elves were the compromise, and the closest we’re ever going to get, and not just Blizz misunderstanding what people wanted.