Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t High Elf’s supposed to be taller than Blood Elf’s? Somewhere between Night and Blood?

Will never happen… Take the win and be happy with it.

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This high elf stuff is so dumb

You all sound like Harry potters cousin on his birthday

Allied races opened up a bad can of you noobs screaming for things that you want

Because High Elves dont even have the flimsy excuse of being tough guys who built up lots of musculature like Kul Tirans do, or the possible excuse of being Drust blooded. They’re phsyically identical to Blood Elves in every single way, other than the eyes.


No. That’d be absurd. They’re literally the same species. You dont lose height because you’ve changed your cultural identity.


Some High Elves are nomads, done.

This was proven incorrect, Kul Tirans aren’t descendant from Drust Vrykul, they died out in the war.

They create stories to make ARs look different, it’s how its worked so far and how it can continue to work, the possibility to have made High Elves different than Blood Elves is there, people just don’t like thinking that they could expand on the High Elf story if it isn’t glued at the hip to the Blood Elves.

Which ones?

I mean theres still at least one living Drust.

Help me out here, what is a high elf and a blood elf?

As far as I am aware there is no longer a faction/race of high elves, the kingdom was broken, the race slaughtered and the remnants now known as blood elves in memory of their fallen comrades.

Are you asking for blizzard to macguffin a new/forgotten sect of high elves from some new forgotten isle?

If you want blood elves to turn back into high elves, that is what void elfs are.

So what do you want lore wise to happen here?


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One would assume he wants top play the Silver Covenant elves who never got on board with the Blood Elf thing.


If this is your issue just use TRP for your name, non-void elf armor and a non-void elf mount. That’s not hard at all.

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Your reply proves that people who hate on people who want High Elves are literally the worst. :kissing_heart:

Quel’lithien Elves were nomads from Quel’thalas, that’s a story avenue.

Blizzard stating continuously that High Elves don’t have a home is another.

This is how ARs function my dude, Blizzard creates stories to “make them” different than the race they’re related to.

No they arent. You cant just make things up. Quel’lithien has been a Farstrider outpost for ages.

They dont have a racial home, but that doesnt make them nomads.

You’re basically just admitting theres no reason High Elves deserve being a playable race unless Blizz makes up extra reasons.

I would be happy for alliance to have silver covenant allied race but not high elf. The “high elf” race should be for all non-night elf type fair skinned elfs. Silver covenant sunreaver, blood elf etc are all high elfs arn’t they?

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Correct. Void Elves too.

Funny, but false equivalence.

You’ve finally been given what you want - something that I personally have no interest for, or against (actually, it leans towards for since I am all for more customization) - but your first instinct is to whine and complain.

So again, this seems like very entitled, ungrateful and irritating behaviour.


Except for the fact they’re already on the Alliance, only thing i’m arguing is your refusal of it for a vain reason like “they look the same as Blood Elves”, while suggesting changes to make everyone happy.

So essentially, you just don’t want people to have things. :man_shrugging:, could of just started with that.

How irritated are you babe? Am I under your skin? Are you bothered beyond belief? Can you sleep tonight knowing that someone you don’t know wants something they think is cool in a video game? :kissing_heart:

I guess some high elf supporters are starting to realize that this isn’t the great victory they are making it out to be. It’s just another way to say “Look! We gave you high elves!” But in reality, if you look at it those “High Elves” are blood elves and have no connection to the quel’dorei elves they want.