Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

It feels like a very Blizzard “we’ll give you what you want but not exactly how you want it” move.

I’d rather they just gave actual high elves and be done with it. Their compromises, like this, the corruption vendor, and pathfinder, are getting childish.


Are you being purposefully obnoxious because you’re coming to a thread to argue with someone’s opinion on a change in an MMORPG video game? :rofl:

It’s an RPg. You look the part, play the part.

We’re in the middle of an expansion change, and this was a complete and unexpected surprise. People need to get a grip. Blizz could’ve created an entirely need AR called High Elf, and you know what? We’d still have threads like these.

Big IQ. You got me. How will I live knowing I’m more miserable according to an elf fanatic on a virtual bulletin board. Oh, the horrors.


The childish thing is the people who dont understand that no means no. I dont know how many times Blizz can tell people ‘No high elves’ and people can still whine and cry and insist Blizz are the childish ones.


They aren’t going to re-use the model for a third time, and it’s a good thing too because that would be an enormous waste of a race slot.


All these amazing races out there to ask for and people are absolutely obsessing over elves with slightly different eye colors. :roll_eyes:


Look at you all rattled up, yes keep typing to me those forum fingers are on fire tonight babe :kissing_heart:

And yes, I know its a horrific life you live. I’ll say a prayer at Cathedral Square for you :sparkling_heart:

Cool, so we’ll ask for High Elves then. Or High elf customization for our Void/High Elves, if this is what the changes mean, because that literally means we got our “high elves”.

We danced this dance before sweetheart.

You and other lore-casuals can’t keep pretending we wanted a 3rd version of the Blood Elf model, but then again you’d know that if you even remotely read the OP of the High Elf megathreads, where we specifically stated rig changes for a possible AR.

So cute, hit a nerve?

If it’s an RPG, then they should give the Alliance a reason why they might look like that. This seems like a bigger change than a simple trip to the barber would explain.

If I was an Alliance player, I’d be upset that this is what they get after so many years of fighting for High Elves.

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preach bro im singing the same song

I can agree with that. I will be less pleased with this change if they just drop it into the game with no explanation and don’t develop the races’ lore for another two years while we’re fooling around in Heaven(s). This is enough of an issue that it needs to be explained in game what is happening with these races.

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Oh, you mean like Goblins and Vulpera? How about Night Elves and Z Trolls. How about Forsaken and NPC’s in Legion. How about Gnomes and… gnomes.

Blizzard not reuse assets? We aren’t playing the same game, friend.

I feel like this was an olive branch for roleplayers and if one wants to attribute genius to it by saying that it diluted the movement down to a dull roar, then maybe it did.

But its not like it offers nothing. Indeed it offers what was previously unheard of.

Perhaps some are more comfortable in the fight, but I am now looking forward to seeing what I can do with the new look.

I will take my miracles where I can find them.

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Completely different, and you know it.

Common mistake, Z trolls are not based on the NE model. They were rebuilt from a regular male troll.

Also, none of your examples has the actual, literal skin being reused. How would high elves be distinct from blood elves? Tattoos? Feathers? It’s not enough.


If you have to make up changes that dont exist in lore to differentiate and justify why your pet race should be playable maybe it doesnt actually deserve being playable.


So we’re just unaware of the entirely differently animated rig for Kul Tirans who are just Humans?

Or Zandalari who are just trolls?

Races are allowed to look different and still be that race, your lack of imagination isn’t the stop gate for this.

But according to all the anits a Blood Elf IS a High Elf. In that case we have High Elves as well! You can’t have it both ways friend.

Yes, I agree, Kul Tirans shouldnt have been a waste of an allied race slot, glad we agree.

Zandalari have always looked different from other trolls lorewise.

Sure, but High Elves and Blood Elves dont, aside from the eyes.


Your post proves that people who want High Elves are literally the worst.


For the exact same reason Kul Tirans and Zandalari look different from their parent race: Story, other than that they had no reason to.

Why doesn’t that work for High Elves?