Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

Plenty of people are happy. It just brought out the really miserable complainers like the OP here that just find a way to complain about anything and everything.


Yeah. Blizzard was even nice enough to give blood elves blue eyes too so folks can still play a high elf paladin if they want. Since void elf paladins ain’t happening.

lol Who says i’m not happy?

If these customization mean High Elves unified with Void Elves, then we got High Elves and are allowed to ask for High Elf customizations, and that doesn’t make sense why?

Oh right, you’re just anti-player request. Life isn’t that hard fam, you don’t need to be the death of every party all the time. :kissing_heart:

I can’t tell if this is a troll, but get lost either way

they were never going to add another blood elf slot to the character select screen

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I’m absolutely cool with it. 90% of racial identity seems to be head canon anyway. Race doesn’t play into the story for the vast majority of the game. With occasional pronouns used in quest text. I mean the closest thing we get to real interaction is the moment a fresh Death Knight goes to their home city and you have the hated debuff or whatever. And that vanishes immediately. After that, nobody gives two turds if you’re a dwarf or a death knight.

I’m surprised they offered anything, and frankly, I appreciate it. I have a lot of criticisms for this company and even some hate. But this was nice. All the new options for elves are great and I appreciate it.


Ion specifically said the fair skin option was being considered ages ago, but sure.

i get your point but you see that’s bit of a different case with dwarves and trolls though because in the game they aren’t “darkspear trolls” or “bronzebeard dwarves” in character creation or in the game. these are explicitly “VOID ELVES”

People are unhappy about the Allied race thing in general. People wanted High Elves, not a palette swap.


Cause they’re still void elves. They’re not high elves. They have the tentacle hair and the void elf racials. They just didnt get as corrupted looking.

Anybody with two brain cells to rub together knew that the high elf ship sank as soon as void elves became a thing. It’s unfortunate but there’s no taking it back. This skin options thing was the only compromise that was ever going to happen.

You mean the one that is part of the Eastern Plaguelands quest chain with the dwarf palladin and the female worgen with the wagon that takes you from tower to tower ?

the people that complain about posts on the forums are more miserable than the creators of the posts, scientifically proven babe

High elves are literally also a pallet swap. But like, even less effort than void elves.

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ftfy :wave:

Are you being purposefully obnoxious because your thread has no point?

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No, Tarenar Sunstrike is a blood elf.

and that’s the issue lol

I can understand some people wanting more. But personally, this is enough for me. Just as long as the VE lore starts flowing too. I want to see what new stories will unfold.

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Actually, anybody with “two brain cells to run together” (not sure why you would rub brain cells together, but it’s your saying, not mine.) would know that at this stage in WoW’s life, Blizzard are trying to do what ever they can to hold onto sub numbers and make people happy. Basically, people are settling for a hack job, instead of getting an actual allied race High Elf.

Not at all. I’m anti- greedy players that are given something they want and immediately turn around and demand more.

No. Because they’re still void elves. Yall are trying to turn void elves into another race, or two entirely different races under the same name. It’s asinine.

You can spout your passive aggressive platitudes at someone else, I’m not going to keep responding to you.