Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

My apologies, I added the edit too late. It gives blizz the excuse not to add more void-elf like appearances vs copy pasting BE appearances to it. A cheap man’s escape so you will.

If no one cares, the OP would not have created this thread no?

Oh! Thanks, I think I am starting to understand now. I am all for more appearances, hopefully Blizz will add some more void elf looks too :slight_smile:

I support the high elves personally and I believe that this was a step in the right direction. I hope that they will add good customization options to both light and dark void elves!

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There is also the idea it shatters the wall that VE/BE are supposed to be unique from each other and faction identity. Some ppl calls it going neutral. Lore-wise we still don’t get to play the faction we wanted. Just have a guy whom don’t know the lore’s request granted.

I don’t know very much about the lore, so I don’t think I can add anything.

It would be so cool if someone made an addon that would print, “high elf” in the mouseover display if a void elf player has one of those appearances!

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That would be one heck of an addon to make, they would have to find a way to make void elf mentions in quest texts replaced as well. It would also have to assume others install it to make it that way.

We would also have to assume most players can ignore the player charecter going void randomly in combat as well not to break the immersion of a HE.

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The lore is unbroken by pale Void Elves, look at Alleria.

They won’t have an option to be a high elf in combat? That is kind of disappointing, but I guess it will make PvP easier for people who look at the characters before the nameplate. Perhaps they could make it so they only “go void” when they are fighting another player?

And totally, I couldn’t make the addon, lol! It would be cool if someone did though :slight_smile:

The Alliance is not getting High Elves dude, they are Ren’dorei.

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they could just make the void ability a CD instead of passive rng. which would fix it

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I don’t know the lore lol :slight_smile: Please ignore my lore mistakes <3

Vereesa and Arator is still a thing kordana.

It’s an racial called enthropic embrace. It turns them either black or purple baised on the proc. Also in pvp if your a caster it would be wise to use spatial rift, which has a look of you tossing a void ball out and you port to it on a second button press.

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Look up silver covenent when you get a chance, it is led by vereesa windrunner. Also look up Arator the redeemed, he is an half-elf.

In what way would your high elf look different than a belf or velf?

What bearing to Vareesa and Arator have on Void Elves being pale?

Oh, those are the people in Dalaran, right?

One, they don’t study void, 2 void elves goes “void” in combat via they’re racial. so no, void elves don’t stay “pale”

yup. There is also allerian stronghold in BC

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There is nothing to fix, playable Elves on the Alliance are Ren’dorei, not High Elves.

If you want pure High Elves play a Blood Elf with blue eyes.

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Kordana, your sounding very much like frye. Your not her are you? There is nothing wrong with ppl asking for high elves or half elves for the alliance.

I’m just saying those people that don’t like the “going void” also, given that it’s ability is RNG, people don’t like void elves for melee. If you tie the damage boost to a cool down, it becomes much more usable and therefore really good for melee dps too. As it stands, Void elf is only really good as a caster in terms of racials. The void teleport absolutely sucks over all since it’s slower than normal walking too.

That’s something you guys are just going to have to accept. We have Ren’dorei and we will not get high elves.

With the new customization you are able to make your Void elf look exactly like one and there is no reason new void elves cannot come from the silver covenant. That is the compromise.

You are of course free to rp whatever you want.