Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

I’m not trolling. I mean you’ve listed 1001 things that I don’t relate with and though having blue eyes, fair skin and possible hair color change would be a nice middle-ground, guess it isn’t.

The list seems to change with you guys on what ‘‘angers’’ you that’s why I’m not sure exactly what it is now. Don’t care to be honest.

Title is “Am I only the only person that’s pro-high elf not happy with this change?”

Your here posting on a topic you don’t care about in a discussion on why they don’t like the change, dismissing on why they don’t like the change, and wonder why we are so “angry”

Do you not see the problem you have here?

So both sides got what they wanted.
Obviously this is bad because reasons.

You could actually put the blame on Metzen and others in the narrative team. There the ones that had the events taken place which lead to the highelves/bloodelves joining the horde. With all the time travel/alternate dimension that they use in wow story. Wouldn’t be to hard to use that to enable a way for alliance to get highelves. Like going back and preventing alot of events in one realm which would cause change. Thus adding more story to the game. Like another world were Arthas didn’t become the lichking and stayed king of Lorderon. Where Sylvannas and Kael along with silvermoon survived with the sunwell. They’ve done it already with Warlords. Not to mention with recruiting Maghar orcs for hordeside. Why can’t alliance go back in time to recruit from the original silvermoon before it fell to the lichking? Devs are just lazy and don’t like giving alliance nice stuff. That and worry if alliance got highelves that alot of horde players would switch over to experience playing one.

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The game has too many flavors of elf as it is. This is the best they could ask for. Hopefully they give us an actually interesting race next.

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This could have ended if they added high elves rather then VE in the first place. But unfortunately they didn’t so some of us must continue the fight. Sorry if having more elves will bug you.

I’ve debated a few times against the Alliance High Elf-elf-ers, and to be honest, over the years, I’ve come to really like a lot of them, as well as a lot of the ‘Anti’s’, as they are called.

There was humour, a lot of rational debate, and friendliness. There were also people in both sides who were really passionate, and some who were toxic.

In the end one side was going to ‘win’, which would have been terrible for the other side.
This is a good compromise. We are both giving something up, and both gaining something.

I feel happy for all the lovely pro high elfer’s I’ve come to respect, and, for myself, I’m just going to accept that this now settled.

We can’t have everything.

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all of this just reveals most of the supposed high elf fans as liars.

i’ve always supported, and still do support, high elves being added(though i don’t intend to play one). it was always the simple fact of the lore, they exist, they’re a founding member of the alliance, and they have a different racial ideology and aesthetic to the sin’dorei.

but what happens when blizz throws a f’ing scrap to these people? they lap it up like dogs. it was never about the lore to these liars, they just wanted their barbie dolls on alliance, and it almost makes me hate the addition of these new skins because people that lied like this don’t deserve anything.

if you’ve ever wanted helf added, yet you think this is them adding helves, you were a liar and you never actually wanted helf.


Perhaps it will be announced that High Elves will join as an allied race in the future.

I appreciate the increased customization options and support them across the board for all races.

If people aren’t happy, then Blizz could always cancel the changes and not implement them at all :frowning: But I’m fine with this compromise, thanks!

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Void Elves are literally everything that High Elves are but more interesting. I don’t get why anyone would be upset with Void Elves at this point.

This wasn’t a compromise though. That is why there is ppl upset. This is literally blizz being lazy and halfing-butting the issue. A real bone to us as a compromise is to at least add half-elves.

They carry blood elf lore is the reason. We wanted the HE lore, not some turn coats.

I’ve wanted high elf and while this kinda sucks, I don’t really see them actually giving us proper Silver covenant elves at this point. At least, not in their current way. Most people are kind’ve just accepting it since the existence of void elves really complicates silver covenant high elves from being a thing, at all. Unless they go Lightforged draenei on it for us, which I’m not sure if they will.

Suddenly, we go back in time to an alternate time line where, instead of the high elves dying to arthas, we save a bunch of them before they died as well as in dalaran. haha

I think we have different definitions of the word “compromise.” Hopefully, you’ll get to play the character that you want though.

A compromise would not steal VE/BE of they’re identity. Everyone rolling VE now will ignore the fact that they are VE and pretend they are HE. This upsets the ppl that actually enjoy the appeal that VE gives now.

Though personally as soon as they go void it ruins that HE vibe lol

Well, it’s not a requirement to change your skin tone, no? You can still be a void elf if you want. :slight_smile:

I don’t think you get the problem. No matter what this is a lose-lose to ppl that wants VE to be seperate from BE/HE.

Edit: Forgot to mention, it gives blizz an excuse not to add more void-like customizations to the VE appearances as they can say we added customizations from the copy and paste BE appearances.

They are recruiting High Elves in their starting zone and Blizzard said themselves they are actively trying to recreate the ritual that turned them.

I don’t think that I get it either. I looked at the message and I believe that they are just adding on more appearances, but will not be taking any void elf appearances away. Is this correct?

Who cares people have always RPed whatever they want. They’re considered Void Elves by the game regardless of how they feel about it.