Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

There needs to be at least 4…High Elves and San’layn.
Forsaken Elves works as well, doesn’t bother me.

There are no “slots”. It’s not like there’s a limited number they can do.
I’d imagine there’s a reason they redid the race select screen and it has a whole lot of empty space that can be filled with little racial bubbles.

The new customizations for Void Elves is a nice step in the right direction, but more void based customization would have been better.
A proper High Elf allied race needs to be the next step. Really no reason not to, and it’s what people want.

That’d have been great, the mock ups looked good.

Sure hope so.

More options is always good, do what makes your customers happy.

Modified troll model on night elf animations. Early on the animations were the very same as night elves before they started modifying them.

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This is a good indicator when someone is unknowingly trolling. Thanks for the heads up.

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You feel like im trolling congrats. Anything else babe?

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We already have one. They’re called void elves. They are high elves, and now they can even look like what you think a high elf should look like.

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Fixed /10char

People are rightfully angry. As they should be.

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That what, they don’t have ‘‘high elf’’ as their race title… that they don’t have some silly heritage armor or mount…

What’s next, that the shade of blue for their eye is not high elf enough… common you people really can’t be happy, can you.

We never asked for blood elves. We asked for high elves with they’re own model, with the lore of the high elves that fought alongside the alliance since BC (alleria stronghold if you needed the reference, and silver covenent) We did not want blood elf lite, nor should it be a proper compromise for high elves, specially since they came from blood elves themselves, and do not carry the lore we asked for.

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You’ll never get that. And they look almost the same. I honestly can’t see the difference.

I’m sure you mean well but you are shooting for the stars with your demands… gl with that. :roll_eyes:

If I slacked off my job at work would you fire me? This would be the stars you claim I’m reaching for. I want them to do they’re jobs. not be lazy with reskinning a race with something it is not.

No one really gets what they ask for. I’m not sure why you feel that the complete satisfaction of your wishes is a given. Do you feel your hopes and dreams are more important than those of other people?

I just wish this squeaky wheel would silence finally.

That is a silly comparison. I think you’ve got your wires all crossed. You don’t set what they should do or they are lazy. This is at best a ‘‘allied race’’ situation. That Blizz got to choose. They gave more customization options that they said they wouldn’t do for the Void Elves and Blood Elves.

You aren’t happy with it. Don’t be so dramatic. This isn’t a ‘‘no flying’’ situation. This is something they are by no means obligated to do but they did.

Not being happy about it is fine, but the attitude that you push across of making your claims so very important is misplaced.

What about the ppl that was trampled on that liked the void elf aesthetic? Or keeping races separate by faction lines? Or the fact that it added something to a corrupt a wish race to begin with? We will fight on until justice is made true.

So your saying ppls concerns is not worth addressing? Allowing what is lazy behavior is a good thing? If I slap you, will you not slap back? This is a slap across ppls faces and you expect no reaction?

Guess what, they can still choose that aesthetic. It’s called having options, it works.

Will you?

Opinions are different to entitled demands. Someone’s ‘opinion’ can only trample your dreams if you let it.

But an entitled demand can be seen as truly obnoxious.

They are, since BC. It’s been over 10 years and the devs telling you multiple times.
Live in the now. Blood elves are high elves.

or get this! they added more options to that and made a seperate race for high elves. everyone wins there!

You are equating a slap in the face… to not being able to play a blue eyed, blonde hair elf with some lore around it and a title of high elf and whatever demand you want.

Not addressing CONCERNS? What concerns. Go play something else if you still have DEMANDS that they won’t meet 'cause you think they are lazy for not cowering to your every need.

You are definitely a character.

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So you choose to ignore the ppl posting against this change?

suits you well.

I’m not sure what you are against and don’t care. I’m happy for people who like the change, and honestly don’t care if you are against it because it’s a topic originally I don’t care about. I’m not obligated to CARE what you feel or think.

What’s the topic title here troll?