Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

IMO? More Mok’nathal. Rexxar already uses it so I’m just waiting them to be an AR.


Your not the only one dissatisfied with it… honestly I still think adding High Elves as customizations is too little too late… had they done this from the start when they first released Void Elves it might have been fine… but right now it just feels like adding more insult to injury…

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I would like them to change the model, as well as the idle animations.

Character differentiation and uniqueness is important, there should be no homogenisation between the Races.

I just really, really hope the customisations for the other Allied Races come soon. I feel that if the VE’s are getting their customisations early, the Nightborne should as well… their model is stiff and terrible, and their faces are old.

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So many Blood Elf players have wanted Blue eyes for a long time. I know I’ve been putting suggestions in forever. I’m delighted to finally be able to use blue eyes on my beloved Blood Elves, I have longed for this since BC.

In the end, I’d like to think more customisations for all is a good thing. I’m hoping my Nightborne also receives the different skin tones.


There’s no way Blizz will leave Nightborne the way they are. Giving these skin tones to Void Elves was a simple copy/paste, but fixing Nightborne will require some work on the model. It’ll get done, but will take some time

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I don’t know why OP’s post is being flagged. He’s not trolling and is just voicing his thoughts and concerns, and he’s right about some stuff. I think if they want to truly appease the HE crowd with this then they need to take it a bit further.

I’m not expecting Void Elf Paladins right now (hope in the future though) but I think more hair colors (blonde/brunette/redhead/silver), removing the void tentacles on hair styles if you choose uncorrected skin colors, and a distinction at character creation (this has been hinted at in the files) between High and Void Elf for you would go a very long way.

Because that would be redundant:

We already have two of what “High Elves” basically are.

Now they added cosmetic options, to make you LOOK like High Elves.

At this point, anyone mad is a little kid who wanted to go to Disneyland but his Parents took him to “Disney World”; now he is crying.

I think you might feel better about this whole thing if you just accept that alliance were never going to get the high elves you wanted.

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The first implementation of Void Elves failed to properly interface their story with that of the Alliance-aligned High Elves, and on top of this Blizzard went out of their way to deny access to “traditional Thalassian” appearances.

This set of customization options is aimed at rectifying that mistake, and it is not aimed as “implementing High Elves”.

This is a simplistic view.

It’s like saying that someone from Hong Kong is the same as someone from the main land.

On their most basic level they are the same, in terms of “race” (I use quotes because race is an outdated concept). In practice, however, they lead very different lives, have very different values, and have very different environments in which they live.

It’s like saying that you can already visit china, but not the mainland/Hong Kong, and it’s really the same thing. It’s not the same thing, and it’s a very real and valid thing to say they’re disparate despite similar racial origins.

Honestly I’d be happy with a toggle that makes the Void Elf racial no longer trigger randomly (no random void squiggles in combat) and causes a Void Elf to register as “High Elf” on hover-over.

Like… literally that would be enough. Make it say “High Elf” without adding another race if I choose it to say that, and don’t force the Void thematic when I don’t wan tit.

There are High Elf researchers in Telogrus Rift, it’s not a reach. Not enough High Elves to be a solidified race? Fine, but there are enough that maybe some journey out with the Void Elves.

(Obviously I’d love to have High Elf themed racials and such but even just being able to abandon the Void Elf themed racials would shut up my inner “but mah lore”)

It got fixed, don’t worry :slight_smile:

A lot of folk are clearly not happy, so you’re not the only one.

In my opinion what they’ve done is a good compromise considering not wanting to tromp on Blood Elves and that we have Void Elves.

But don’t be afraid to keep asking for the AR. I prefer all the races we’re getting in SLs be AR’s not customization.

Wildhammer deserve to be their own AR.

Sand Trolls, Frost trolls, Forest trolls, and Dark trolls would all deserve to be their own AR’s.

As do High Elves.

But Blizzard trying to make everyone happy isn’t a terrible thing, and this is a good step in that direction. At least if you want to RP as a high elf you now have the option.

It was always said that they would eventually get their Blue Eyes back. While high elves have traditionally had this its not just an eye color for them.

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The compromise is fine unless Blizzard is going to start cranking out a lot more allied races.

Each faction got 2 at the end of Legion and 3 in BfA. While that’s a lot faster than we got full races, it’s still not so fast I’d want them to use up a slot on yet another Elf. Especially not one we’ve already got 2 races using the skeleton of.

There’s a lot of races people want, and we’ve gotten a lot of Elves already.

That is unless Blizzard wants to start giving each faction like 10+ allied races in Shadowlands in which case, go nuts.

Why does it matter?

You have the look, there are no racials to compare it to so there’s no reason to care what the scroll over says.

You will look like a high elf, this is a compromise, and they even gave it to BOTH factions.

Whats most ridiculous is blizz’s complete obstinate attitude on the whole thing. So may people(their customers) have expressed interest in alliance high elf models and blizz had to go about it in the most slow, spiteful way possible.

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Which is entirely subjective on itself.

No, I’m saying that people are getting what they requested for, it just has an ever so slightly different label.

That’s still getting by on a technicality. Which bugs me because the trick to getting people to accept you not giving them what they asked for is to blow them away with the alternative. Make it so amazing/good/appealing that they’ll welcome it with open arms.

All I can hope for is massive lore dumps in-game to sort this out, because as is it makes no sense for the horde to have high elf aesthetics, as said high elves hate the horde and the blood elves. Instead, you’re essentially taking away the high elves from the Alliance by splitting their aesthetic between the two factions, with the Horde having the most options (because now you can make lookalikes of any of the High Elf NPCs) while the Alliance gets only non-blue skin tones added to a race that came out of nowhere, has void racials and are basically emo blood elves.

That’s not much of a win for Alliance players.


I’ll agree to that, but this is probably the most that blizzard is willing to cave into the idea of playable HE and not some cheap copy. The only realistic alternative I could see them doing is introducing HE as a AR but changed them in a way(structurally) that they wouldn’t look as close to BE. So, how the NB are to the NE, in a sense.

Me personally, I don’t mind the cheap alternative since I can always just RP as HE that decided to learn the secrets of the void. Since there are both BE and HE(blue eyes) npcs walking around Telogrus. Giving you a option of just saying you were a member of the Silver Covenant that decided to join Alleria or something.

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I am unhappy with the change, as all it did was repaint them and hoped that the alliance would be happy with they’re “blood elves” Just because they where too lazy to create a new race with a new model for high elves or even half elves. We never asked for blood elves. We have the right to be angry. You are not in the wrong.