Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

This is all that really bothers me. It makes the addition of High Elf stuff for Void Elves useless. Either way we’re still only pretending to be High Elves. If they hadn’t given Blood Elves blue eyes then we could have just gone “oh well, this is the best we’ll get ever.”


But thats what you need to get, and a lot of people dont understand this. you already have high elves, the blood elves are the high elf race, eyes are determined by the source of the magic they are exposed to.

High elf is the same thing as saying Thalassian, a void elf, is a high elf, a blood elf is a high elf. They are all high elves.

Blood elves were the title that sunstrider gave to his people who survived as a reminder of the loss they suffered, he just renamed them from the high elves.

Void elves are the name that windrunner gave to her people who followed the void and her ways, she just renamed them for blood elves which were renamed from high elves.

People just wanted the blue coloration on both sides because high elves have worked with the alliance in the past, for far longer then they ever did with the horde.

The only reason horde got blood elves in the first place was literally so they had a way to get palidens in BC. The lore was written to fit the needs for a mechanic. If we wanna talk about lore, high elves or the Thalassian had far more history with the alliance races then the horde ones, specifically with humans, and they had WAAAAAAY more conflict with the trolls then with humans.


Of course it was about paladins for a paladin player :roll_eyes:

That’s a bad sollution and it ignores the gameplay element to the whole thing.

The only reason I don’t play Void Elves is due to their racials being dumpster trash for anybody but turret casters in a very large amount of scenarios. Their damage ability is a random proc for % increased damage, which may or may not line into your cooldowns, while flat stats like Blood Elves’ 1% crit is always active. Even the damage being Shadowfrost, which should make it a great option for DK DPS, doesn’t actually make it an appealing option at all. In addition, every time it activates, it messes your transmog up unless you’ve designed it around the Void Form effect.

Their utility racial seems expicitly designed to be thrown out, fire off two hardcasted spells, and then taken, the utility is very poor for melee because the orb travels slowly and can be outran by every melee class with a movement ability, including Death Knight and Paladin. Spellcasting pushback resistance is worthless to all physical and melee dps specs.

Void Elves are a very niche race. They’re one of the few races in the game that’s almost mechanically hard locked to a specific gameplay arctype. It’s so hard to justify playing one compared to races that have better offensive or defensive abilities. Warlock and Priest are really the only two classes that get full value out of the Void Elf kit, which is the single biggest reason I don’t play them, despite liking the fluff.

High Elves suggest Paladin as an option, as we’ve seen HE paladins in the Order of the Silver Hand and Silver Covenant. It’s also very, very hard to make a race more forced into specific specs than Void Elves. Honestly I’d rather just not have Void Elves in the game, they’re a really poorly designed race from a mechanical and lore perspective, and restrict Blizzard’s ability to implement High Elves, who might actually be worth a damn to play in the first place.


Well {expletive} DUH. If I have a problem with the void theme of the race restricting me from maining an elf character, I’m not going to be all sunshine and roses just because they can suddenly be white if it changes nothing for me. I’m not going to stop maining Paladin. People been trying to bully me into Warrior or Rogue since 2005.

Unless you’re this guy at least.

Depends what they plan on doing with it.

As much as I would’ve enjoyed a high elf race for alliance, the unique tattoos they’d get and a playable high elf paladin, since we were given Void elves, I didn’t see it as a chance that we would get High elves as the Silver covenant. This was clearly the compromise we have to take because it’s already too similar.

It’s a shame but here’s hoping they add some high elves, notable ones, and have them join. Maybe more options down the line that instead of just blue tattoos, we get purple/blue ones as well. Could even be something to help reduce the whispers or something to that extent. Also, with the future of WoW, Void elves have MUCH more potential for story involvement, they just might be part of the bad guys is all or helping against the bad guys. That could be cool too.

I wish they’d add paladins but give void elves unique Void Knight stuff, and add that in a future expansion with night elf paladins and tons of unique customization for classes like Storm druid, Time mage, shadow hunter, etc as a “glyph” customization option in 10.0 but i’d be just as fine if we got night elf paladins and wouldn’t really need void elf ones.

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I mean I get that people want to play their favored class on their favored race, but my issue with this is that the High Elf issue has never been about Paladins, even when people keep trying to make it so?

Sure, personal overlap and all, but yeh, not every race has to be a paladin? At least as long there is class/race combo restrictions.

I suspect the perspective is more overall for the whole timeline.

That is to say that it’s disappointing to get Void Elves, but it’s almost more disappointing to see the get High Elf customization.

It’s just not what we wanted. It’s… hard to explain. It’s just that we wanted a thing, and we got a thing like it but not what we wanted, and then that thing was made to look like we wanted.

I think most of us know, at this point, that it will never happen. Except it’s frustrating because every time they try to make it closer to what we want they show how little they understand about what we wanted in the first place.

We never wanted the mindless concept of Thalassian elves with pale tones and blue eyes. We wanted High Elves as a very specific political/social group.


I disagree. The lack of the Paladin class is the most contentious thing about Blizzard’s choice of void elves over high elves. Every other class could just wear a helmet if they didn’t like being ghost pale, but I don’t even get that option. Obviously, an elf warlock does nothing for me, and it’s not like that was even added as a substitute – blood elves can already be warlocks without void “enhancement.”

High elves could never be paladins in the first place…

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I mean it lorewise; High Elves have never been defined by being able to be Paladins or not; it’s not like saying “High Elves can’t be Hunters”. That’s the point of paladins not being a HE issue, they have never been a class that defines their culture, so their inclusion or lack thereof is tangential to the High Elf Request.


I think you guys are forgetting that the ONLY reason there is blood elf paladins, is because they leeched a nauruus essencse

This. The Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei and Quel’dorei are all High Elves. At a time in the not distant past all High Elves were Quel’dorei and Quel’thalas was their homeland.

Now it is the Sin’dorei who possess and dwell in Quel’thalas and are the obvious successors of the united High Elven race and realm.

That said, I think it would be good if Players of the High Elven races could perhaps add a title to the end of their names such as:

…High Elven
…of the Quel’dorei
…of the Silver Covenant (if appropriate)

It might help some with immersion.

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I hope Void Elves get some better lore at some point as well, with more High Elves joining their ranks. I think the ability to toggle the void appearance like Alleria would help too.


Rulen Lightsreap and Champion Isimode. Arator is half elf so I think it’s easier for him to be a paladin?

It’s funny because lore wise, Blood elves dislike holy things since the 3rd war. Only the blood knights really bothered and they are a small group with Liadrin and took the light from M’uru until TBC, now they just use the sunwell’s holy light. There’s not many of them alive. Some are dead, others are literally just paladin trainers.

It’s literally the MAIN thing that separates High Elves from Void Elves. They ate void so they can’t use the Light. Except for Priests, because “screw the rules I have two spell schools.”

You won’t get your “peace.”

I personally never liked the cop out priests get, but I guess they just dont want healers to be limited. Able to control shadow and holy seems weird for a lot of races.