Am I a bad poster?

So, I recently posted in a thread, and have had some very serious criticisms given to me that strike me as out of place. However, there are enough of them that it causes me to wonder if there is some validity to them, and whether I should take note and address my interactions with others, particularly if so many seem to share the opinion.

If you do feel that I am someone who posts in bad faith, is disingenuous, or trolls, I’d appreciate it if you could reply to this thread with a quote of mine from another thread, and an explanation as to what you find to be inappropriate, or otherwise distasteful about that post of mine.

Here are some of the comments, and I’m quite surprised by them (not to the extent that I’m clutching my pearls, but more that I am scratching my head wondering what they are reading and how they have come to make such statements):

While I don’t personally find any of these points to be true, and it appears to me that these posters are flat out lying, I can’t help but wonder if I am mistaken and I am indeed coming across as a troll, as unnecessarily argumentative as stupid, etc.

Anyway, quotes and explanations would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Snipy, I wouldn’t put a lot of stock on what people say about you on these forums.

Consider this… if I think back through our interactions, I do believe we’ve had some disagreements. It’s been some time but I think some of those were even frustrating for me because it felt like you weren’t open to considering an alternative point of view.

Does that make you a bad poster?

I can’t really say that, at least in good conscience, because that’s heavily biased by you simply not agreeing with me. Furthermore, it’s not like you’re the first person to disagree with me, especially on these forums, so I don’t think that’s a fair measure to judge you by. If I’m being more objective, you had a viewpoint that you stuck with and did your best to advocate for, and we didn’t end up finding a way to align our views. But like… so what?

For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re overly argumentative or that you’re a forum troll; however, as I said above I would strongly encourage you to not put to much stock in what people say about you, especially when you’re in the midst of a disagreement. Instead, I would encourage you to reflect on what you want out of these forum interactions. What are your goals, why do you post here? Maybe seeking answers to those questions will help you clarify how you want to portray yourself and you can let that guide how you frame your communications.


I’m not sure this is going to be very constructive but…my honest take is…

I don’t always agree with you and your takes but sometimes I do. I don’t allow something I disagree with you on in one thread influence my like or dislike for something you said in another thread (but lots of folks do not stay objective on here).

I am sure this will come as a surprise to you but I’ve never really found any of your posts that far off the mark or nonsensical or even too trollish. Some seem more like troll posts/responses than others, but I really look at that as “your take” on something and not mine (no I’m not going back to find them). It is not lost on me that some of mine are more trollish than others as well…we all do it.

I never take anything anyone says on a forum personally tbh.

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btw: this made me laugh out loud!

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Sometimes it can feel like you’re not reading an answer, and asking for the answer again, but that is just our communication styles not gelling well at times. No indication you’re a bad poster. Not to say I didn’t get frustrated, but I try my best not to lash out at a simple miscommunication.


I think I could offer an example of this.

This poster believes he is offering a suggestion by stating:

And maybe he’s thinking, “I don’t know how, but there’s gotta be a way,” so becomes defensive or agitated when I ask for examples or point out that that isn’t a complete suggestion nor solution.

In my mind, I’m attempting to think through how a solution might work, what sorts of exploits might exist, and what sorts of precedence has been set for such things, like with Diablo II Hardcore, for example, which functions somewhat differently.

I’m trying to better understand what they are asking for, but in retrospect, I gather they don’t want to have a deep conversation about how such a feature might work, they just want to vent.

This ended up being a rather frustrating conversation for me, as I feel they simply ignored my questions or intention and somewhat attacked me just for asking. I suppose I could have been more sensitive to them not wanting to discuss actual solutions, in retrospect.


That is a good example of communication styles not gelling - You are solution orientated there, but he is venting and looking for a place for emotions to exist/be heard. You’re not wrong in your approach, just wrong for what he needed. There is no real way around that unless you know a person, and you’re not going to learn a once-off or sometime poster, you need extended interaction.

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We’ve had arguments before (on your other toons) up to where I have a screenshot titled your name and a swear word from something you said. That’s not something I do a lot, but I did it that time. I was sharing that one with a forum friend who was also arguing with you at the time. It was over server things… but yeah I’m writing this post thinking about those days.

Anyway at times I’ve thought of your posts as “shilling” but I know ultimately you just really aren’t a fan of complaining. Over time I’ve figured out, and you’ve explained, your “thing” and that it’s ok. We don’t seem to have a problem with each other anymore even though we don’t always agree. So I think that now we communicate ok and I don’t have any problems with you.

Some people I still don’t like who have also been posting for years. They seem to be here just to troll and/or they never learn, adapt, or accept that other posters can think differently.

Any long-time forum poster on here has people who don’t like them. Plenty of people find me annoying and I’ve had people go at me often enough, especially over some of my more passionate opinions. I could post a list of people saying “mean things” just like you did.

The first person you quoted I see as constantly being rude on here and not really adding a lot to conversations. I don’t tend to talk to them, but to see that from them is not a shock.

Plus that’s the Cata forum and well… I haven’t been a fan of it really since WotLK came out. This forum is much nicer to post on IMO. The SoD one seems to be more like the Cata one maybe because half the people on the SoD came from the other one.

That’s just my perspective though.


Oh, sorry, I just realised I’m doing this forum thing wrong -

Yes you are a bad poster and a bad person and your family needs to know how bad of a poster and person you are.


Hmm, I wonder if that was indeed one of my other toons. I do recall that we didn’t always hit it off, but I’d be curious if that was me! Would you mind sharing the name of the toon in question?

But yeah, I suspect that you and I have somewhat different personality types, and motivations, but ultimately we both do enjoy the game for our own genuine reasons, whether they are the same or different.

Actually, you’re someone I thought of when discovering pleasant aspects of smaller community on lower population servers.

Axxi. If that’s not one of yours then I apologize as I may have gotten something mixed up (people often don’t say when they switch posting toons, so it has to be figured out).

Either way, plenty of long-time posters on these forums don’t get along. I doubt that there’s any person on here who’s been posting for a while and doesn’t have anyone who dislikes them.

Thanks for thinking about me with the lower pop server thing.

This is a hefty dose of personal opinion, but…

That is a good example of communication styles not gelling…

I agree with what Duckling wrote here and to emphasize that sometimes you need to explore other angles. It’s absolutely important to focus on evidence and objectivity, but humans are emotional creatures who posess instincts. Sometimes those gut feelings are off base but sometimes, if you explore it a bit further, you find that people are on to something and they just don’t yet know why.

Taking the time to dig into that a bit more can feel more encouraging. Going straight to asking for evidence can feel like it’s shutting down the conversation. If that’s not your intention, you might consider alternative approaches.

A brief example here that I can think of is that I saw a conversation surrounding what a lot of the community percieves as a big problem with Free Character Migrations off of dead servers. I believe you were repeatedly asking for evidence that this was being abused and that the lack of it supported a position of believing this wasn’t an issue. I’m not saying that was your intention, but that was how I read it.

Please keep in mind that I may not have the facts straight here, I wasn’t participating in this thread. I do have strong feelings about FCMs but, for whatever reason, I just chose not to engage in that one on that day :slight_smile:

My entire point here is to just highlight that asking for evidence is good, but it’s important to consider nuance here and that sometimes the evidence you’re asking for just isn’t available. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem and it also doesn’t mean that there is, it just means that we need to encourage the conversation to flow in different directions and not get stuck on the absense of something that is unavailble to us.

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Oh! That’s right, yeah belf paladin on Faerlina. That would have been P1/P2 TBC Classic. I’ll own that one, and apologize for any ban manners at the time.

Well, thanks for portraying the smaller communities in a good light, which encouraged me to actually give it a try!

This is interesting. I’d be curious of the context, as I am not a fan of server transfers in general, and don’t think they should ever have been added to the game, free or paid. But context is important here. I could very well be asking about a specific thing, and someone is reading something into my question that isn’t being asked, while ignoring what I am asking (this seems to happen from time to time).

Sure. I often also put things in question form so as not to sound like a know-it-all, but this also sometimes leads to people thinking that I’m either playing stupid or don’t know anything. It’s a little difficult to figure out how to go about phrasing things sometimes.

Anyway, I’ll consider what you’re saying. Thank you for the comment :slight_smile:


I could also be off base here. Like I said, it was a while ago and wasn’t a conversation I directly engaged in. So I will also say… if this doesn’t sound like an interaction you had, accept my apologies and we will move forward :slight_smile:

It could be. It’s so hard to say without the context! haha. I think there was one, not too long ago though, about how such transfers impacted AH and economic values, for which I was quite curious how one would access such data, obtain measurements, and give proper analysis such that one could confidently state what sort of impact it had and to whom.

It was much more difficult for me to get the 100 (or 90g depending on rep) for a riding mount at 40 on my very first toon on fresh Classic 2019 servers than it was later in phases with an advanced economy on a reroll to a realm I hadn’t played on before. Indeed, I rolled Alliance on Whitemane in preparation for TBC Classic in late P5 or early P6 I think, and was able to not only have mount gold at 40, but also have bought enough cloth to hit exalted with Darnassus and that was just through selling items acquired/gathered while leveling. And that’s an example of inflated economy with static pricing and positive impact to new players.

Anyway, maybe that’s an issue… I was curious about the details, and the context, and not so much whether free server transfers were problematic in general; it was all about the claim of what was being impacted and how that sparked my interest. If that was the same thread you’re thinking of at least!


I have a very strong memory for the names / icon of the people that I found to be ‘bad posters’ in the past, and you’ve never been on that list.

I would not put any weight on anything from from retail, cata, or sod forums. In my limited experience this is what each feels like:

  • Retail forums is just a an ingroup that promote their own very narrow view of both game and world. One of the core reasons retail can’t have good gameplay because they pushed away all the skilled and pvp players in a very vicious way. (the ugly dragon with the little ‘no’ chat bubble is their modus operandi.
    :dracthyr_no1::dracthyr_no2: << when you see this you instantly know to discount anything that person will ever say regarding game design or humanity.)
  • SoD forums is wild and they are upset at everything without any clear vision.
  • Cata forums and like the ‘classic’ leftovers that are neither classic nor fully retail. They are having identity crisis.
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Some may get annoyed with your contrarian “devils advocate” style of posting; and as Duckling mentioned if it appears you don’t read carefully or fully comprehend a post or its content then that may be annoying. Everyone does that tho to some degree, I don’t think you’re uniquely in violation of that.

Its the internet, miscommunications happen; that’s life. Just my 0.02 copper.

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No one beats Beardy/Throwinhands at being the most insufferable poster on the forums, you’re fine. Some might say Drinknblink but he’s not delusional at least.

Bottom line is if you’re getting emotional and calling people names then you probably should get a life, until then who cares.

^ LOL to that, at the second name anyway. Yeah…

Anyway, Snipy I was just thinking, you were one of those people arguing against the RDF thing on the now Cata forum right?

I didn’t get involved much because RDF was in the original Wrath (and I’m big on authenticity) but at the same time I find that those groups can be more toxic and it’s not as social. So I didn’t speak for or against it, but being “pro-RDF” is like a hill to die on for a lot of the posters still over there, so if you were against it that might explain some of the hostility from some of the posters over there.

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Maybe! I am not a particular fan of automation and QoL in WoW in general, and I think I maintained that it would make sense for it to be introduced around the same timeline it was initially.

I had t really thought of that. Generally, the Cata forums seem very moderate and tame, and there isn’t a ton going on.

I think other than a somewhat buggy launch, the biggest issues have been around people wanting 10m raids to drop more loot, and I don’t even think that’s a very widespread “issue,” per se.

I have been playing Cata more than other versions recently, mostly trying to improve as a hunter, which I am actually new to playing this arena season, and that was heavily influenced by my now long-term use of this forum avatar (that is currently a nelf druid, but has traditionally been the bank alt Sergeant Snipy, troll hunter from Classic 2019).
