Am I a bad poster?

The most hate I’ve gotten personally on the forums has been:

  1. supporting GDKPs
  2. supporting premades / banning people afk in pvp (phase 1 lots of SoD players were crying about premades and now they all quit after destroying premade queue and zero wsg in sod).
  3. anti transmog.

bonus: proposing flying to SoD also generated way more hate than i expected. Crazy how much the wow community has demonized flying.

I will now basically avoid those topics unless it is on Era forums, because discussing them in the other forums just feels 100% a waste of time.

Agreed that the Cata forum is pretty mild these days, but several of the posters were the same ones as before who may have hung onto past gripes like caring about the RDF thing.

Although one of the people over there who has been posting for years flew off the handle recently, going on about how he wasn’t going to squelch his inner feelings anymore where he then proceeded to “share his true feelings” with some posters and name-call the mods in a way that seemed to be done to get an intentional forum vacation. Not sure if you saw that.

As for what you play if you are having fun with Cata hunter in arenas or whatnot then that’s great, have fun.

Yep, I know what you mean. Those are hot topics. Add dual spec too as another hot topic. I remember that flying topic too.

I think the GDKP discussion can get a bit heated on the era forums, so if these are tame, its a bit unnerving to think how… invested… the posters on SoD were to the topic.

FWIW, I’ve unsubbed/muted all SoD forums, because I found them to be distressing.

This could be why. But, I stopped playing SoD, and unsubbed from the forums completely. I’ve tried a couple of times to go back, but have made the same decision each time.

I’ve only ever put 1 poster on the forums on ignore, so it’s not as though that’s something I tend to do lightly.


Yeah, I’ve only done it twice, one of them was on a few weeks. The last time the person just kept making random personal attacks (which they do often and to a lot of people to be fair). I generally tend to flag and not reply but I got tired of it so they went to the ignore.

SoD didn’t hit the mark enough for me so that I never saw what you were experiencing in the BGs but since I’ve seen similar and hate it I can’t blame you for leaving that game, and overall I’m not a fan of the SoD “culture”.

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They are still going at it.

It’s good that when you receive criticism, you’re taking a moment to reflect, and ask others if your community if it’s well-founded. It would be very easy to protect your ego by blaming or writing what they say off, and hide behind the excuse of “it’s just wow forum users”, but you didn’t. Or if you do, something made you come up for air.

I went through your links to get context in those conversations. As a stranger unfamiliar with you, this is my first impression. And I hate to say it but the only real opinion I didn’t agree with the two that called you stupid, especially the ableist one but I do find myself agreeing with the rest of the opinions; you seem to take people’s word uncharitably or a need to be argumentative, and if there was any doubt before, it doesn’t last past the part where you say &it seems these people are lying".

Charitably, I’d say you seem like someone who is just passionate about what they love and have a very specific clear ideal you’d to see and think everyone else would benefit if they only just got on board. Uncharitably, one could day you’re kinda stuck in the past and egotistical.

I have no strong opinion, but I lean towards not having a good one. ^^;;

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In the trade thread you were quick to let the OP know where you stood but became dismissive in your very next entry which I cant blame you for but it rubs people the wrong way. They just see “troll”. I dont blame you because they practically ask to be called out but as they’re really seeking validation and not a discussion, I’m guessing its the lack of diplomacy on your part.

The joker belf that immediately resorted to insults are the idiot posts you should just skip responding too but I don’t take my own advice there (if I have a good comeback lined up) so take that for what its worth which isn’t much. Even so, I see it as a flaw when Im tempted to respond to vapid posts that are beneath me.

The second half of that thread and the HC thread is just you getting trolled by a bunch of clueless parrots.

If I had any real critique or criticism to offer from the small sample provided its that your impatience for BS and hyperbole offend people and once that’s acknowledged its a lost cause to try and steer it back to the topic.

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Man, 2% of a copper!? You’re worth more than that, sir.

I would leave it as an opportunity to consider how you approach discussions surrounding areas where evidence is not available and that’s that. I deeeeefinitely don’t want to derail your discussion by pulling in those specific topics :smiley: If what I wrote resonates in any way with you, internalize it as you will, otherwise leave it forward. By the way, I’m happy to discuss those things, I just don’t feel like here is appropraite :smiley:

I feel uncomfortable enough on this as it is. While I have no qualms expressing my opinion on a gameplay mechanic, I actually don’t really like picking apart other people who aren’t going out of their way to be crappy to me :wink:

Oh man, I once dared to suggest that Blizzard experiment with disabling logging to see how the community adapts to less precise performance information. That forum lost their dang collective mind and my post actually got hidden for a period of time because it was mass reported, lol.

Some people disagree with your takes, some people forget that we’re just discussing topics and entertaining ideas. Forumz are srs bsnss!!

Haha the flying one got hidden multiple times but blizzard kept allowing it to live.

Another one I got a lot of hate for was proposing that blizzard allow players to make hardcore characters for $5 / toon as an alternative for people that do not want the monthly sub, or just want to try one run here and there.

Not only do I think 95% of responders didn’t understand my proposal (perhaps my wording was unclear - but they all seemed to think it was a replacement to the subscription model, as opposed to an alternative) but regardless they all hated it.

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Yea, I think some people believe that “report for trolling” is synonymous with “dislike” :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, thank you for your response and feedback.

I’m not really sure what it means to take people’s word uncharitably, but if you mean that I don’t just assume that because someone says or thinks, or even believes something to be true that it is, then that’s probably an accurate thing to say, and something I don’t think I’d want to change, personally.

I don’t mind being argumentative as opposed to accepting someone’s word for it, so maybe this is something where I appreciate your feedback, but likely won’t make any attempt to change anything based on it. Though, I suppose I can, and likely will keep in mind that this may be how I come across, and that it might be worth noting that I don’t mean anything personal against you or anyone else by being skeptical of someone’s opinion being taken as fact.

Well yes! This is my actual wording:

And that is how it appears to me. The reason is because I can read, and there is a history of the posts in our thread. What they are saying is simply not reflected in the post history. Or at least, that’s how it appears to me. If other people see something different, I’m asking for that to be pointed out. That’s sort of the point of this entire thread.

I’ve asked them, as I have asked in this thread for any examples. It would be nice if you or anyone would quote particular examples and explain what you think is inappropriate, trolling, or otherwise some negative thing that you might feel warrants name calling, that I have posted, and I invite you to please do so, if you feel that’s the case.

I would say you gave a good example of taking a word uncharitably there Snipy :stuck_out_tongue: Your response to Wilney took what I would call an ‘‘absolutist’’ response, where you’ve inferred information not given to put yourself in a position where the person either has to beckpedal or disengage. You didn’t ask for clarity, you inserted an assumption of intent, and as before, that assumption of intent has inevitably put Wilney on the back foot.

It’s like, to make a very bare comparison that isn’t 1 to 1, imagine someone is bullying someone else. It starts off with ‘‘Hey fatty fat fat struggling to breathe today?’’, and a third party comes in with ‘‘Can you not be a jerk?’’, so the bully responds with ‘‘If by being a jerk you mean I have to stop telling the truth, no.’’ Now you’re not bullying anyone, but you’ve done a similar thing, where you’ve taken a comment and inserted intent and now the other party has to backpedal.


Could you expand on this? What comment did I take, and what intent did I insert?

I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad interaction with you and I can certainly say you’re not one of the people on here being malicious, dense, or troll like. 100% sure.

Also feel like anyone who’s trying to say that is prob looking in the mirror at themselves…

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Was gonna say this too… all those examples look like they’re from toons from “other games”. Not our cozy little corner here :slight_smile:


I would say the comment is ‘‘you seem to take people’s word uncharitably’’, and the intent you’ve inserted is that in turn that means taking their word means blind trust in someone’s statements. Perhaps this is just a difference in exposure, but people’s word for me can also mean just what people say, and not specifically putting forward a ‘trust-me-bro’.

The simple fix imo (though nothing is simple with communicating as we all have so many different experiences and styles, and we come from all over the world) was to end at ‘‘I’m not really sure what it means to take people’s word uncharitably’’. Or if you needed a specific cleared up to be ‘‘I’m not really sure what it means to take people’s word uncharitably, are you referring to me asking for more information on what people may think or believe is true?’’.

Of course, I’ve gone and offered unsolicited advice, so hopefully you are okay with that. Should be clear, I am by no means disparaging you when I talk through this, but offering perspective from where I sit in the chat.

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Oh I see. I thought I was being clear in stating that:

So I went on to make an assumption of what it might mean, but I’m more than happy to be corrected in that assumption.

Sure, it could be! I don’t know what was intended there, and again I thought that would have been clear from the part where I state that “I’m not really sure what it means…” but perhaps there’s a better way to signal my not knowing what someone means by something.

Oh I see where you’re going. Well, I don’t particularly like the way they’ve responded to me. I think I was cordial in my reply though.

They are making generalizations without any specific examples, and then pointing to the part where I said it seems as though the other posters are lying, which to me it does, which is what prompted me to make this thread in the first place! It’s difficult for me to understand that someone would so plainly and clearly make up lies about another person in a thread they are posting in online that has a history anyone can read!

And if I misread, and read again and continued to, then perhaps I would want to see a doctor or other professionals for help with basic cognitive function. The fact that there was more than one poster doing similar things caused me to question my mental faculty for a moment, which I don’t particularly think is funny or OK in a normal conversation to do to other people.

I think it’s lying. It’s deceitful. It unethical, and it deserves to be called out. That’s just my opinion though, and I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t just being delusional, so I asked. And from what I have seen so far, nobody has given a single quoted example of my 8000+ posts, so that’s kind of a positive, isn’t it?

I think one could fairly safely make the assumption that it has been solicited by the very nature of this thread.

Thank you for taking the time and offering your thoughts and insights for my consideration! I’ll reflect on what you’ve stated.


Post-response-post, perhaps I should have dove for deeper context, since they did say they perused the linked threads. I have not. I am simply basing my interactions with you on our lil era home, where I don’t think I’ve seen anyone lie to you like that.

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Apparently so because I do have the OP on ignore, and I don’t remember why :laughing:

We probably had some unrelated tiff a LONG time ago, as I haven’t been around in a year-ish. I usually block people who just continue to have annoying “back and forths” with me and won’t leave me alone.

I can reconsider, if true change has occurred. That’s just me, though, I cannot speak for anyone else, who seem to be more patient than me I guess. Perhaps, I’m the problem, but it’s whatever :woman_shrugging:

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