My friends wont play HC with me because you guys are horrible about protection from mass disconnects

I find it absolutely insulting that in a pay to play game where we are all paying 15 $ a month that you wont help players who lost their characters in a MASS-DISCONECT event. It really is absolutely insulting! everyone I know is pointing to this as why they wont play HC with me and honestly I don’t blame them. What is the point of paying if you refuse to do basic honest customer service like this. I’m not advocating for safety from all disconnects, I understand that creates a problem. But surely, SURELY, there is a way you can track players who die during a mass disconnection event and save those players from quitting the game or badmouthing the game. Do you care about your PR at all? I will never stop ranting about this till its fixed and I didn’t even lose a character. Just try to care about your HC players just a little bit ok?


Out of curiosity, are there any examples of games with hardcore modes that operate the way you and everybody you know would like?

be better. Its WOW. Its not other games. It IS the standard. It makes BILLIONS, I also don’t know any other 20 year old games that charge 15$ a month that aren’t dead. If you wanna make it to 40 be better. WOW should be LEADING not using other games short comings as a cop out, that’s pathetic, cowardly, lazy. I guess that does sound like Blizzard LATELY doesn’t it?

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Snipy you forgot to do your signature shrug emote QQ

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The post didn’t have a “but what do I know?” sort of feel to it, but thank you for pointing that out!

so that’s it huh? Just point to other games and say if they don’t have to try neither do we? Lol what a joke.

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No bro, I asked a question. You chose to ignore it and try to make a joke at my expense, but I’m asking a simple question.

I’m not sure what it is that you want. I’m not “making fun of you” for not playing HC because it isn’t what you want. I’m just asking if you have an example you could point to.

That’s it.


and what does your question imply? don’t act stupid as a defense mechanism for a bad
take, that just makes you look stupid and i know your not

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It implies that I’m curious as to whether you had something in mind you could point to. You may be reading something else into it, and judging by your response, and your general tone, you seem like you’re angry and attacking anyone who responds to you.

Good luck with your life and gaming, and I hope that your attitude towards others generally serves a good purpose for you.

I have well over 8000 posts that do a fine job of that, thank you!



OH REALLY? you can’t figure out what i had in mind with the original post, come on dude stop trolling. what, you actually need me to explain that they could easily identify who died in the 2 minutes of the mass-disconnect and specifically revive those characters? You actually need me to define that or another viable solution? come on dude. I KNOW YOUR NOT STUPID SO STOP PLAYING DUMB

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Nope, not really. It seems to me as though you either don’t understand that the way the game works is the same for literally everybody who is playing it, or you have something in mind for how it could be better. I’m curious what that might look like in practice, and if its being implemented anywhere.

The only HC games I have any experience playing are D2/D2 LoD and WoW Classic HC. And while I do spend a fair bit of time playing the games that I do play, I don’t really play or know that much about other games.

I could say the same thing to you, but I’ve literally just explained myself a couple of times, and you don’t seem to understand plainly typed English. Or more realistically, you’re just angry and wanting to engage with someone over something silly, like them asking a question.



I literally just proposed a solution that any reasonable person looking for an amendment would have proposed. I’m annoyed because your using a straw man argument to defend laziness. You don’t need to look at another game to identify an easy solution. this is why im annoyed with you, because there really is no reasonable reason why you wouldn’t see this, which leads me to believe that in fact YOU are the one looking for negative engagement.

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What is my straw man argument? What am I defending?

I was simply asking if you had an example in mind.

Then don’t pay. Obviously. It’s an optional game, and an addon to a subscription for another game anyway. If you don’t like it, then don’t play it, but finding it insulting is strange. Are you also insulted that a restaurant might serve food you don’t like? Don’t eat there then.


This is a “solution” that you are “proposing?” What is it?

Anyway, yeah it’d be cool if there was some sort of mechanism in place to help prevent people from dying to disconnects that are not their fault, their ISPs fault, some random node across the internet disconnecting or any other fault that isn’t 100% directly Blizzard’s fault, and/or any reasonable way to detect such a thing to ensure that it isn’t easily bypassed with software hacks/cheats, or even if it is like having out of town logouts for HC and software that auto logs out at 5% health or less, to prevent you from dying.

But that’s not this game. That’s not how this game works. It does work the same for everybody who plays it though, so…

I’m not sure what exactly it is that you personally want. If you have a game in mind that implements the feature you’re thinking of, maybe point to it to enlighten me, simply out of my own curiosity.

Anyway, thanks for the delightful conversation friend.


lol anyone who reads though this will clearly see that your trolling. SO ALL HAIL SNIPY KING OF THE TROLLS AND HEAD OF BLIZZARD PR!! i wont engage further telling you what is clearly right in front of you. I never called you stupid by the way, i know your not, but you are certainly a troll. I find it funny however that earlier you said i made a joke at your expense when i was talking about blizzard. you really are king troll head of blizzard post pr aren’t you? delightful conversation indeed

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Well, I think it probably could have been. Anyway, I hope anyone who does read this thread is able to decipher whatever it is you hope to have and what you’re looking for, and that you find enjoyable gaming experiences going forward.


is part of your role as blizzard pr troll that you have to end the thread with the last message? because ill troll you right back forever and ever, i notice you comment on everything i said but wouldn’t touch that topic xD INTERESTING

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To be fair, you started a thread full of complaining, no real content, complained and name called those who replied, ignored every direct question, and continue to insult and name call.

I guess I walked right into it.


  1. when the solution is obvious, i dont need to define it
  2. i didn’t name call other than calling you a troll ( again just stating the obvious) your the one attacking my credibility calling me negative and a complainer and angry because im getting frustrated with your blatant trolling.
  3. the only direct “questions” you asked is “what other game does that” and its laughable and that’s why your a troll, because your asking that question to either deflect, or pretend like you don’t understand the blatant implications of what im proposing, or what your saying.
  4. Complaining and pointing out a massive and easy to fix flaw are 2 different things
    (and before you say im not giving a solution, here it is because APPARENTLY you need it in words): WHEN 100 PLAYERS DIE SYMOLTANIUSLY DUE TO A MASS-DISSCONECT EVENT. BLIZZARD CAN DETECT THAT. THEY CAN REVIVE JUST THOSE PLAYERS.
  5. you say im attacking “those who post” and its literally only you being a troll with 8000 (probably similar bs argument) posts.
  6. The fact you even said “if you dont like it dont play it” when talking about this topic is INSANE
  7. You wanna talk about ignoring questions, what about me stating your a blizzard pr buddy based on the way you said im attacking you when i attacked WOW and BLIZZARD and you REFUSE to even mention that.

IS there anything else i can clarify for you? you seam to “walk right into” alot of posts that are negative about the game

Already quit since I died from a mass d/c a few days ago

Family who were going to also play, are now not going to bother anymore.

Way to go blizz

Before Blizz brought out their own servers the people running the Hardcore addon would do appeals. They care more about the experience than Blizz does clearly

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