So I’ve got a weird problem here - for two weeks or so, it’s been constantly raining on this character (Elkyrie) in game, in every single zone I go to (including visions!), all the time. The weather is normal on my other characters.
I’ve tried:
-Full UI reset (exit game, delete WTF, cache, and interface folders, restart with no addons)
-Killing the character
-Restarting the game, bnet, and the computer
-Submitting a bug report
It isn’t a (visible) debuff, and if it’s an item in my bags/bank, I can’t find it. Any ideas? It’s driving me nuts.
I’m not entirely certain what caused it, Elkyrie, but it seems you did have some kind of weather aura on you. It likely was applied during a quest or scenario and never lifted. I’ve removed it, and it doesn’t appear that it is returning. If it does, odds are you have a quest you need to complete that is causing it, but we’ll see.
You’ve been freed from the Shleprock curse, go forth into the sun!
@ Vrakthris I have the same exact thing happening to this druid… is there a way I can get you to go in and clear this crazy bug. All the rain is killing my mood.
Actually, I looked at my buffs and found that I had a rain buff… WTF. I didn’t even know there was a thing. Right click and boom gone… I have been dealing with this for MONTHS… it was starting to depress me…lol Where did this come from?
The reason I didn’t see it I use WeakAuras to hide all the “unimportant” buffs/debuffs on my toons. I toggled it off and there it was… something like Rain Cloud.
I’ve been having the same issue , raining EVERYWHERE 24/7 only on my alliance character (Superspiffy) i logged in on another PC and it’s there too , so it’s not an interface thing , I think it started around the time i reached exalted with mechagon also the same time i reached heart level 90 … i hope you can help.
Technically I did remove the first one, the second one the player removed it themselves. I believe there are two different conditions here. Once is just a buff that is interactable, the other is not something the player can click on.
From what I could fine the condition is associated with working on acquiring the Hivemind mount and should disappear on its own once you have. If not, then you’ll want to submit a ticket to have a Game Master take a look.
Thank you very much for fixing it.
I had checked all buffs,toys,quests, etc. and abandoned all unfinished quests except for a couple profession ones , So, after i tried everything I could think of , and what has been suggested in this post and other posts , I decided it was time to ask for help .
I hadn’t thought of killing myself but it might resolve the problem if it’s a buff that doesn’t persist after death , but yeah , it wasn’t a visible buff that I could right-click it off
Here’s a link that will allow you to open a ticket. There really isn’t an exact category for this, but it’ll get a ticket in for you.
Last I heard, tickets were around a 2 day turnaround, so hopefully a blue will see this and take care of it for you sooner.