Alts.. Please fix it

I often, like now, stop worrying about gear and progressions because I know as soon as prepatch hits, the “ketchup gear” will hit, and any effort I make now to get some 20 or 30 ilvl will take too much time to then in a couple months “earn” from regular questlines better things.

BfA for example, the first region you finished you already could retire all your legendaries you upgraded and went on to unlock more and etc.

Why should we worry about “end xpac content” anyway ?

But that has a reason. New players might feel “destimulated” to perceive that starting WoW now will put them in a eternal state of disadvantage unless they play more than anyone who was already playing.
I sorta understand that, although I play wow since it was launched in Europe, and had only one big hiatus in WoD.

Rank 1 for most essences are just handed to you.

You will feel better about your toons if you put in the necessary “work”. Try it. Stop begging for free stuff and complaining that a RPG has too much grind.

It would take far longer than that, you can’t just flip switches on the servers without going through a structured process, it could be a disaster.

I get that the need is great, but it’s not even known that Blizzard isn’t already working on it, it’s just assumed they aren’t because that perspective enables disgruntled players to cry harder.

These people just want to cry, they want to be unhappy, If Essences were account bound today, they would cry about something else tomorrow.

Because misery loves company.

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I think people dont really understand what “provided as-is” mean, even if they are one of the few people who read the Terms of Use.

[Insert Heart of Azeroth pun here]


You mean the mistake they made in early legion, which was then corrected after complaints (man people have short memories)?

Yeah I don’t know why they would do that again, I mean people HATED legion after those changes…

I wouldnt mind leveling the cloak on alts. Obtaining it with slow quests is the main issue. That blackwing part is so terrible. Have the minor visions queable from the chamber to cut down on travel time.

Same for me with the hiatus in MoD…lol

I don’t even have to go back to a different expansion. In 8.1, I could easily gear out and maintain decent neck levels on half a dozen toons without going out of my way too much.

Now if I want the same roster at the same relative power level, I’d have to live in bgs for a few weeks for those that need BotE, I’d have to raid EP weekly for a month on a few of them, wait for a week and a half in naz to have enough follower exp for lucid, wait for a month for worldvein, and so on and so forth. All of this stuff and I’ve yet to even mention 8.3 content.

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If you are gearing alts to be as good as your “main” then they are NOT alts. If you plan to do Mythic on alts, sorry they are not alts anymore. They are “co-Mains”. People act like legion was super alt friendly too.

man this green text guy I swear… :roll_eyes:

legion catch up was 10000000000000000000% better and more alt friendly than 8.3 or BFA in general as expansion… sure legendaries in legion was a really bad system but 7.3 fixed it and you would get concordance lvl 60+ in a few WQ’s.

twisting facts just to prove something to win internet points is just stupid.


Do what I do. Get what you want from WoD and beyond, then go back and play the FUN part of this game…classic thru Mists.
Only thing that keeps me from being frustrated enough to actually quit playing WoW entirely

Spam is when one person sends the same message over and over. When 100 people do it it becomes and annoyance, when 10,000 people do it Blizzard need to act. Feedback from enough individual players shows just how bad something is.

I don’t see any posts or really even any feedback on those posts where people are stating “OH MY GOD I LOVE IT!, I love spending 2 months catching up on each alt, it’s the best feeling ever just catching up on my alt and not actually doing any end game content, AMAZING PATCH BLIZZARD!”

Well yes, we are saying that almost exactly, but no one is really praising this patch for it’s alt capabilities, no one is really even praising this patch, maybe aspects of it, but overall with all the let downs, the “Wow 8.1 looks good”… but was actually crap, for pretty much the entire game, just makes the whole thing rubbish.

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Bliz doesn’t see it coming, but it is: the population in game is going to dive this summer. Once peeps get their M15 achieves and are done with M+ (normal peeps don’t feel the urge to go past the defined apex), nobody will do it with alts.

I also love alts and ran over 40 in Legion (yep, 40). I run 1 toon now. I see the player population crash coming fast, and it will be huge. I’m not going to play alts until some big things are done, and they probably won’t be, so it will be break time soon from WoW.

  • Essences must be account wide (nobody wants to grind mechagon now, sorry, it’s over)
  • the vessel grind is absolutely punishing for alts
  • i’d say the neck grind is the best of the bad systems, still not great, but not broken beyond repair
  • residuum gates are not alt-friendly either

All of these can be fixed in a patch with like a couple of ours of dev time - no risk. It’s not because they can’t spare the resources, it’s because they think they are “more right” than the customers.

Bliz has devolved into thinking that easy, solo, but extremely long, boring and grindy “content” is… “content.” It’s not.

Who cares what Blizzard says they will or won’t do.

I just want the account wide essence. I don’t mind doing the visions to upgrade the alt cloak, i’m not expecting to be handed everything.

At this point I’ve given up hope for BFA. I don’t think Blizzard has enough incentive to go back and fix their flawed systems. Mostly I just hope that Shadowlands takes off on a better note.

Metrohaha is one of the least helpful MVPs we’ve ever had for sure. Maybe not the worst, because we did have Crepe, but up there.

Basically, if you want to know how wrong you are for not liking something, Metro is your guy.

The cloak has been added, so doing the assaults (at least the black empire one) is for sure new.

Other than that I imagine if you kept up your alts you were doing raid, weekly mythic+, and weekly islands right?

So, can just keep doing that and use the 6 essences you’ll passively get? 7 if you do mecha workshop as your mythic+?

maybe shadowlands wont have system on top of a system on top of a system like bfa does and you can play alts again.