Alts.. Please fix it

I know countless people have made these kind of posts, but this deeply breaks my heart and I also need to express how sad this makes me.

In Legion, I had about 7 different classes all at a decent ilvl and I was able to play & enjoy all of them. I felt like I had too many alts, but it was a good feeling. For some reason, I like having to stare at my character screen for a few minutes trying to decide what class I wanna dabble with for a few hours until I get bored and play another for a bit, because they made so many important aspects account wide such as artifact knowledge, unlocking the netherlight crucible on 1 toon and you have it open on them all, etc.

Currently, in the time I have grinded out 1 character for essence farming and ranking, legendary cloak leveling, is equivalent to the time I spent for 7 alts in Legion. This is WAY too much grinding for 1 character especially as someone who loves multi-classing. I really REALLY want to play my other classes, but the fact I have to catch up on nearly 8 weeks of content on about 4 alts each that I want to play, such as leveling the cloak, and leveling the essences to rank 3, is the most discouraging feeling I have ever experienced.

If Blizz is refusing to do this because they believe its “too easy”… not really. I’m fine with putting a few hours into alts of catching up like it was in legion, but not WEEKS.

Here’s how they can fix this:
For essences, we’d still have to farm them as if we’d need the first rank. However, make it so when we learn the first rank, it’d instantly be rank 2, 3, or 4, depending on its highest rank achieved on any one of your characters that had already grinded that out.

Same goes for the cloak. We still have to do the quest to get it, however, once we complete the quest, the rank is instantly leveled up to the highest rank that any character on your account has achieved. That way, you only have to play 1 character to do horrific visions with to level them instead of every alt.

Oh, and make that 25k momento item BoA that allows you to put a socket into a piece of gear so you can mail it to your alts.

TL;DR: Just make essences & leggo cloak ranks/levels account wide similar to how they did the prestige/honor levels.

Moderator: Edited title to remove callout to Blizzard. Using callouts to Blizzard, the developers, or blues to call attention to your post is a violation of the forum rules.


This isn’t gonna happen in BFA, it’s honestly a waste of Dev time to try to “fix” an expansion that will be out of date in 6 months.


They could at least do account wide essences and maybe even neck level.


If it hasn’t happened by now it’s really doubtful.

The good news is at least in Shadowlands we’ll be able to level up our covenant while leveling if it’s our second time.

They didn’t make the legendary cloak or ring in MoP or WoD account wide so I don’t think essences or cloaks are here.

And for MoP that was ~9 weeks per alt even after test of valor was nerfed from 6 weeks to 3.


Oh it’ll definitely happen in BFA. The amount of people online has shrunk massively since 8.3. It’s just going to continue to go down. It’s just a matter of if they’ll get their heads out of the ground and actually act before it’s too late.

I suspect we’ll get an 8.3.5 announcement with account wide essences sooner or later. All they said is there’s no “plans” for 8.3.5, but something like this can shove new plans into the mix.

Not to mention they still need to address the giant sword.


Yes. They have. And it’s becoming spam at this point.


Well thats fine because MoP was a PvP expansion anyway and for the most part, pvp gearing was pretty alt friendly. All you had to do was cap conquest for the week and you’re set which would take only a few hours. If you PvE’d in MoP, I can understand it was alt unfriendly which is why I’m pretty sure 70% of the community in MoP did pvp if my memory is right.

No excuse for WoD, that was just a trash xpac overall.

If you ignore the cut content like the ability to place your garrison in any zone, multiple racial designs for garrison buildings, the capital cities, and the shattrath patch/raid, WoD wasn’t THAT bad.

The worst part was their attempt to cater to the elite raiders by taking tier, trinkets, and armor/weapon recolors out of LFR. THey almost killed the game by doing that.


8.3.5 plz account wide essences i wanna play my alts without having to grind TOO much


They won’t do it.

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Not with that attitude.

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They already stated loud and clear they won’t. My attitude has nothing to do with it.

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They also stated they wouldn’t add servers of previous expansions as they were then. But they gave us classic, even though it was a failure but that’s besides the point.

Just beg them and they’ll do it, possibly at the last second which would be our luck.

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It’s hard to believe Ion plays the same game as us honestly.


You dont have to get rank 3 essences and perfect awesome Lego cloak to do things.
If you want to raid at a high level, sure. But if you want to pug some mythic + then just go do it.

It’s a waste to attempt to hold more subs for a 6 month period?

Most purchasers of SL will already have active subs.

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Would require sooooooooooo much time too.


Man its really crazy how everyone is just CONSTANTLY going on and on about alts this expansion.
What were your experiences in previous expansions that all of a sudden this is unrecoverable for you?

I REALLY can’t imagine how anyone played the early months of Legion and is making claims about BFA now.

You DO NOT need your alts to be perfectly maximized to play and enjoy them.

I have no idea why so many people think they do, but I promise you you do not.
Just play the game, do the content you enjoy on the toons you enjoy them on, and get what you get.

But if you want your alts to be as powerful as your mains, you will have to play them equally.

This is how it has always been, and will not be changing, because if it did, it would make the hardest content in the game far too easy to game around.

For me, things like a 475 corrupted item from a single weekly 15 or higher make alts way more accessible than they have ever been though.
In the old days, if I wanted gear that powerful, I needed to raid at the highest level, and that required an entirely separate guild and commitment schedule.

Alts have never been easier to get into than they are now, and I play them considerably less than my main, so I expect them to be behind.
If I wanted to change that, I could change my playing habits, but I prefer not to.
They are alts for a reason.


Yes, historically (outside of Legion) “playing them equally” meant maybe getting a rep or two up and doing some raiding.

It’s never had such a laundry list of things to do to remain close to your main char

  1. Weekly Key
  2. Essence reps/pvp/bgs
  3. Assaults to get currency to do your cloak
  4. AP farming to get your neck level up
  5. Raiding to get gear
  6. Expulsom for gear
  7. Pray to RNG to get good corruption for your class

I mean, you can start trying to nitpick what we did in the past, but I’ve played every single expansion since and including Vanilla.

Damn it’s only March and you’re already hitting the forums with the worst take of the year on literally any subject.