Alts.. Please fix it

Oh, I agree.

Just meant to add onto what you said not arguing. Honestly I’ve barely touched 8.3 content, just being getting a few cosmetic things in my small amount of downtime and after that I’m unsubbing. Always preordered expansions but now im wondering if I’ll ever come back:/

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I get you’re being dogpiled and in many ways this post deserves it. I have to ask though what eras are we comparing here? Legion? Less so I agree on that one. Legiondaires made that difficult. WoD? No way. Much easier in WoD to get them up to speed. Same goes for all the prior expansions.

In the past you just hit BIS on your main and could either start an alt or go have fun in PvP. That’s something a lot of people are having trouble with now in retail as there is no BIS end for most of us and the climb is enormous for new alts which makes the process a chore.

Is it better that I spend more time lamenting the purchase of the expansion on the forum than actually playing it? I mean forget about paying or not paying. Is it better to have people in general spend their time complaining about a game rather than playing it? If your goal was to get us to stay with the game longer does this constitute a victory? I don’t think so.

The people who would have left for having nothing else to do have long left WoW. The only people who remain are people who don’t want to give up on the game.

…what? So even though legiondaries we’re extremely rng dependant and literally would make or break your class. I mean SO much so that people were rerolling when they didnt get the right ones. But you’re using ILVL as a metric for fun. What the… Then… Youre saying you cant grind essences or cloak that of which have absolutely no affiliation to ILVL.

Your entire premise makes absolutely ZERO sense.

In WoD, when I dinged level 100 I would head to Ashran and run around for 2 hours and come out with 700 ilvl <3 Mythic HFC dropped 740 gear so that would be 94.59% of the max ilvl you could get. Of course you wouldn’t have set bonuses though. It would be about 460 ilvl in BFA.

I also complained about alts for the majority of Legion :slight_smile:

You can’t tell people what they need to enjoy the game :man_shrugging:

Tis true but the gap is larger

I dunno M HFC was still pretty tough and if you came in with your 700 ilvl Ashran gear you wouldn’t do so well lol

I dunno, that Ashran gear was pretty nice

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The way I look at it is, we cant force them to become more alt friendly but they also cant force us to play the game the way they want us to. I have 20 toons I play on and there is no way I was going to get a cloak and essences and whatever on every one. I skip those as well as the dailies.
Doing the 3 assaults and a few emissaries on select toons is about all I have time for, while still getting to hunt the rares that drop collectibles I want. Im ok with that.
I dont see why we couldnt have been allowed to cleanse objects on our alts, or at least be attuned for the visions on alts akin to the MOP cloaks, (One main could earn the cloak and gain the ability to swoop across the ledge to enter Ordos Sanctuary, you unlocked it for all of your toons on that account)
But in that same vein I dont need to worry about the corrupted items anymore as gear is rewarded from the Assaults without the corruption. Removing the cap for the Coalescing thingies was great, now I can actually loot them again, as everyone was max capped on those too.

I agree with everyone else too, if they havent fixed it by now, they wont. Being able to skip a few things in the chain to unlock the assaults was amazing by the way, thanks Blizzard!

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Which legendary you got was entirely rng dependent. When you got your next legendary was not. It was dependent on how much eligible content you played.

Nope. People were not getting benched because they had the wrong legendaries. But we heard a lot of whining that “they’re making me run LFR every week or I’m sure they’ll bench me”, when in fact even mythic raid teams preferred people who knew how to do mechanics over players who were clueless but had bis legendaries.

So many raiders wasted so much time early in Legion doing this before the cap was removed. Clueless players were still recommending it more than a year after the cap was removed. Go figure.

Yours is the post that makes zero sense.

Shots fired!

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The early months of Legion were hard on alts. But that’s only the early months. They eased up a lot. By the end I was able to take a fresh 110, pop on some relinquished gear, and do some low keys.

In warlords I was able to take a fresh 100, put them in Ashran, get honor gear in a day or two and start earning conquest gear right away.

If I want to do casual pvp without getting steamrolled by premades of mythic raiders out to get their weekly free stuff by crushing noobs, it’s just not possible.

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I just got my 11th cloak and they’re all ranked to 5-ish. The alts neck levels are over 70 just from doing emissaries and Uldum/Vale. They’re also geared enough to do those quests without dying too much. They’re alts and I’m happy they’re getting stronger every time I play them. They even got several essences…there’s only one you need to be maxed in your primary slot and 4 all together at 75. Don’t know why people want them account wide - they’re mostly different ones for different class/spec and they won’t use all of them.

Just play the alts, you’ll see how quick they rank up their stuff.

Have you given it a go?

What are you doing once your character is already Exalted and has essences? There isn’t much to do other than work on alts after you get weekly vision/gear drop.

Odd, I’ve both gotten conflict and strife and done enough PvP content to get conquest chest for 5 weeks. You can check - haven’t touched a Mythic raid content. Either I’m amazing (i’m not) or you’re greatly exaggerating.

blizz wants you to play your alts. just they want you to suffer at the hand of the logged in time played algorithm to appease there corporate sethrak folk.

Going to call BS on this. In MoP, I was able to play, level, level professions, cloak and raid pretty easily on 4 or 5 characters. I can’t even manage one right now. I’m overwhelmed.


I too wish playing alts weren’t so time wasting. I boosted a monk and hate having to do the cloak part

I bet your characters are really bare bones though. No real raiding other than LFR.

wait until you start thinking on essences… it gets worse.

Shadowlands is the key!!!

Blizzard devs already said many times. Their policy on treating alts is they are not the main concern. There will be things added to QoL for alts, but these will be added as long as it does not interfere with what is done for making the everyone’s experience the way they envision it, be it someone who has alts, or someone who has not.

“Catchup Mechanics” is the worse thing that happened to WoW ever! 1-60 is terribly easy. You can’t even sneeze without gaining a level. little over 2 days since I started this character and he’s almost lvl 50 already. I’ve only done 3 zones. I’ll have to lock my xp soon so I can finish the classic content before I start BC.

It would take a couple of hours to fix and provide potentially 6 months of playtime for people on alts who are bored of mains.

The lack of shared essences across account is directly stopping me from spending time on alts, and thus not logging into the game currently. At a time where I would usually be winding up my playtime across my alts as my downtime on my main increases, instead my downtime translates to… not logging on at all.

It is definitely not a waste of time, unless they are writing off all potential income in the interceding months (hot tip: they aren’t).