Alts.. Please fix it

In the interest of having my FAVORITE nemesis back in the game full time… PLEASE blizz fix his alts i loved seeing him around… also…

PLEASE bring back a pvp tower type world quest… those quests literally were the battleground for some of the most epic times in my interactions with ultranumb… :slight_smile:
Miss you!


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Asuuuuuuhhhhhh dude. Been a while, miss you too! :smiley:

They let us by pass the first 35 levels on alts, then for some reason they boosted it to 50. They also made it possible to unlock WQs, Naztajar and Mechagon fairly easily on alts as well.

Don’t foresee much else being done.

Nearly all of my alts were made in Legion and played much more than any other expansion. I think it was the class halls and class mounts that drove me to do that. Maybe it was more I wanted to see everything, and class halls and campaigns required alts. Not as much incentive in BFA to keep them as active. Now it is more of a main and alt faction alt to see the story. Legion spoiled us with class content and much of it was pretty neat.

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Blizzard has given up the ghost as far as BFA is concerned. I have 3 alts that are 120 and only have the one essence you get at the beginning. They are surviving just fine. It’s a great way to get used to the next xpac.

Just out of curiosity, are you a mythic raider or high ranked pvp player?
IF the answer is no, you don’t need that high of a cloak or rank 3 essences to clear content, cutting down on the time it takes to get alts ready significantly.

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Pvp yes. Ranked, casual, world pvp, you name it.

High ranked arenas, sorry should have specfied.
Cause there are regular ranks for normies and then people pushing the top of the ladder.

So um legion AP, relics, getting legendries on alts… Then getting those for off specs. I think people are remembering legion wrong.

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I don’t even know how I got my essences or where to get them again. I can’t remember because none of the gearing in this game is memorable anymore.

Obviously, a lot of people that posted in this thread.

Was it ever though?
I don’t remember any of the gear names anymore lol

No we’re remembering it fine. I played a private legion server for a few months and still log on it here and there and its just the way I remember it before BFA. The AP became alt friendly once they made artifact knowledge account wide with the book thing, and after that it just became the same for everyone when it would increase weekly to 55 which was the max. Relics were so easy to get. Legendaries could be crafted and sent to alts or put on the AH for gold, and you’d be holding on to that for a while until you loot a 3rd leggo that would be potentially better than the crafted one, assuming you had the class hall upgrade to have 2 leggos.

I know who drops Zod’s. I know who drops deathbringers will. I know who drops ribspreader. I know who drops heart seeker. That’s just stuff from one expansion. I remember all kinds of things.

I can’t remember where I got 80% of my gear on my toon right now.

That’s interesting.
I never found any of the gear in this game particularly memorable over the last 15 years except for Kresh’s shield lol

Different experiences I guess.

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The flip side of multiple/alternate gearing paths.

Much easier to keep track of items when the gearing path is very linear.

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That’s very akin to how I’d explain it.

This game becomes more alt unfriendly with every xpac. Alts are the only thing that keep me subbed which is why I’m subbed like 1 month per year now, if that. The game is dead for older casual players who do things other than pound artifact power 10 hours a day, in my opinion.

Yup, they are lousy scrubs. But that’s not the point of alts. They’re all maxed professions, useful for emissary paragon gold farming and they’re all fun to play.

I’m not looking for multiple mains, just my own support system. Alts work out well for me.