Alterac Valley in Classic

Isn’t Alterac Valley coming out in Phase 3, or has that been changed?

Pretty sure they clearly explained what the improvements were, the quantity and power of NPC’s was reduced. That you don’t like it is irrelevant, the majority of players did and blizzard agrees.

“improvements” = reducing the challenges in A.V? Less NPCs, easier to kill, less quests and 5-15 mins A.V?
We have a very different opinion on what is an improvement. No wonder you are playing BfA …

And you were clearly not on the forums after patch 1.11 on the last nerf to A.V. The majority on this forum at the moment ask for something different than 1.12 AV as well.

Funny that you are so involved in this conversation, claiming 1.12 AV is the best version, when you have played since Vanilla but participated in only 190 A.V.


You mean compared to your mighty 2 AV games played? And your impressive 2k lifetime honorable kills? Seems like you just aren’t very experienced in pvp in general

Exactly it changed the focus of the BG, key word battle ground(not dungeon or raid) from NPC’s to PvP. If you don’t like rush AV’s do something about instead of whining on the forums, but then with your almost non existent AV experience you might not even understand how.

Most people on the forums were quite happy with the change as it made the BG more fun and fast paced instead of slog through NPC’s. Once again, this is supposed to be a pvp BG not a dungeon or raid.

I’ve played 3 months Legion, and absolutely disliked it; this is my US account. I would love to show you my European account but I haven’t logged in in so long (since mid Wrath), you can’t see the characters in the armory. But that’s not the point… I am pointing out the fact that you say the BG is better that way but you barely play it.

Should we link you again the panel talking about the creation of A.V and how it is supposed to mix up PvE and PvP?

Should I link you the John Staats interview that explained why they changed AV?

If you’re going to armory troll you should be able to back it up :slight_smile: until then all we know is you have minimal pvp experience and almost no AV experience at all :slight_smile:

AV 1.12 does still mix pve and pvp, it just favors pvp more over pve now.

The same guy who wanted a dungeon finder in Vanilla? Seems like indeed, he was full of good ideas.

I mean, I need to give him credits, some of his contributions were great: BRD is absolutely fantastic but when you look at his interviews (Classicast and others) he also doesn’t get what the players actually liked about Vanilla. Olv A.V included.

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Except large numbers of vanilla players preferred 1.11+ AV over earlier versions.

1.8 had the player ratio balancing. I guess you could say that was a bug fix.

Because nobody wants the watered down version except the vocal MINORITY.

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The vocal minority destroyed WOW, not populism.


Where is the fun in running to the end and GY zerg a stupid boss? Blizzard please reconsider this. Going for this weaksauce version of a AV is a big mistake!


He never said that lol.

Vanilla players didn’t like old AV and barely anyone was playing it, so they changed it.

You people are in the extreme minority.

And in doing so, Blizzard made it worse. Funny how it mirrors what happened to retail.


In 2005, in greens and blues AV felt overtuned. It won’t be the case today.

Besides,I disagree that blizzard changed it because people did not like it/did not play it. Always had plenty of AV going on my realm, even before battle groups.


There have been numerous discussions over the past 10+ years that show that many very much liked early AV and despised the (not bugfix) changes to it. It was changed because of marks of honor.

Participation != Gauge of enjoyment.

Where were you and all of the people who proclaim to “hate” early AV when the discussions about it happened over and over? Looks as though you were happily paying for all of the changes up to and including BFA, along with the “majority”.

The “minority” are what convinced blizzard to do classic. The majority already has a watered down warmodecraft MMO.


Er no. You completely misread the response.

That’s precisely what they don’t have the data to do…

He actually did say that. There is an interview on youtube called “DefTalk Episode #16” where he says it out loud. It is not the form of LFG we know today, but it was the first steps that would find a player for you.

There is no data backing up that players preferred 1.11+ over 1.5 or 1.8. Yes, more players experienced 1.12 but between 2005 and 2006 the game gained 2.5 millions players so obviously, there were way more people level 51+ in 2006 than 2005.

If you read this forum, or simply counts the like (afterall, this system is there to see what’s popular), there are more people who wants the old A.V than 1.12.

They did not say anything about this …


Well it was Retail back then. And we are recreating Vanilla which is what happened then.

The changes were seen as an improvement by the playerbase at the time. Players wanted it, and got it, and enjoyed it. And you can respond with “They were wrong. Blizzard shouldn’t have listened to them”.

Yet you want Blizzard to listen to the playerbase who wants something other than the consistent game at 1.12…