Premade sucks
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Alterac Valley is all about teamwork. Make sure you are in the general channel (type “/join general”), where allied players often communicate the latest news about the battle. Players also usually join together in a raid group. Ask to join the raid group in general chat. If one does not exist, you might consider starting your own raid group and asking other players to join.
You were saying?
And then in
Aug 13 2007 it was taken away, from all
But this was no longer vanilla of course.
Queuing with friends
For Alterac Valley, there is no option to join as a preformed group. However, by clicking on the “join battle” button at the same time, you and your friends have a chance of entering the same battleground. When the pop-up appears notifying you of your ability to enter the battleground, you can confirm which Alterac Valley you received and compare with your friends. If not enough of your group got into the same battleground, you can always leave the queue and try again. Alternately, your group can manually queue for a particular Alterac Valley instance by selecting it from the available battleground list when queuing. However, queuing for specific battleground instances can result in significantly longer waiting times, since it won’t necessarily be the first available instance.
No massive premades? good
So what you’re saying is, alliance can’t win or don’t want to participate if its not an organized 40 people versus some random dudes. XD
There is a lot of talk that Alliance premades fully intend to try and continue to game the system so I hope you guys are paying attention to these posts and are going to be swinging that ban hammer on those that continue.
You definitely need to remove AV#s completely so the match cannot be identified even within the BG.
But i need exalted on my alt in AV
I feel bad for low lvls questing… ganked 2x more now .
Longer queues are ok , just means more farming in between games .
WSG premades or don’t WSG imo .
All this Alliance salt over a change that’s going to make it only slightly harder to gain an unfair advantage? The victim complex is real.
Of course, all the hardcore alliance pvpers are in premades. They’re not mixed in with the average alliance. The hardcore horde pvpers are mixed in with the average horde. If the discord premade thing didn’t exist, all these elite alliance would be mixed in with the alliance pugs you’re destroying. It would be a different ballgame
It’s like the horde have their navy seals embedded with the infantry, while the alliance navy seals only play together
They have to resort to a clear exploit of a BG queue consisting of a cross realm regional player pool, where ranking is a competition within ones own faction… because of server imbalance?
Yikes. Olympic tier mental gymnastics going on now.
Hopefully this will lead to more balanced games instead of 95% of them being one sided
And we were winning most of the time the first two weeks plus as PUGs.
While you’re making “adjustments” go ahead and move horde cave back. Alliance pugs deserve a fair chance without being put on the defensive immediately because horde are reaching SH when they do.
Sure. And while we’re at it, how about Paladins actually go oom? Thanks!
You have a very small understanding of how premades even work.
There is nothing stopping them from premading with this fix and none of it is exploitation.
But that would make AV more fair and even- and we know Horde don’t actually want the game to be fair, they only want the few advantages Alliance have removed- and the massive slew of Horde advantages to stay in.
Y’know, ‘fair’.
ignorant peasants like you are why the alliance have a bad stigma
lol the thread about Racials got locked.
Phase 2, was a PvP server issue, that did not affect every server (PvE). You chose to roll on said server which means you knew there was a chance to be out numbered wither it was Alliance or Horde. Both sides committed atrocities during this time based on your server faction balance. There also many YouTube video’s showing people on the under populated servers smashing the opponents to the ground and having fun doing it, example sapper charges wiping hundreds of Horde stacked up waiting for a queue.
The reason which I am not privileged to, I assume was Alliance premade teams where hurting both Horde and Alliance by queue dodging (i.e. zone disruption), circumventing the queue by having cherry picked teams instead of random (why now we can group up in 5 man) and probably some other reasons I am forgetting. Long story short it was not “In the Spirit of the Game” but a what can I do to screw over everyone else.