Alt friendly my butt

Threads of fate has been proven to be slower than just following the story quests. That’s the opposite of alt friendly.

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If that’s the only metric, sure. ToF adds catch-up mechanics, so that you have more Anima to work with when you get to 60, along with more rep than you would have gotten with the story mode.

Let me guess you wanna be renown cap the second you hit 60.

Its definitely better than BFA, I can tell you that. And give it a major patch or two before stating that. Shadowlands just released.

no i dont, i just dont wanna run on a hamster wheel for 2 different characters, on a weekly basis. renowns/maw dailies for socket/boreghast etc

i really hate this thinking, “just give it a patch bro” literally 10 years later… it gets worse every patch lmao. It never got better.

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I personnaly feel depress when I want to play another character, specialy when its another spec than dps. I want to heal in arena, but to do it, I have to climb all those reknown quest, all that anima for my convenant and add to that thorgast and the maw that I really dont like at all.

Also, I changed convenant on my main last week, lost all my anima, starting again from zero with the reknown and the anima almost made me quit the game. I cant see myself gearing a alt and just do the fun stuff instead of that, I just look at my character screen full of 50 and I feel depress.

One more thing, whats the point of having reputation gear reward to exalted when I’m already 208 ilvl when I came to the point of beeing exalted? How about all my alts could benefit from that reputation?

Now this is my vision of ‘‘alt friendly’’:

-Reputation should be account wide.

-Anima should be account wide. (also if you change your mind with a convenant, you should be able to get back all the anima for your new convenant)

-Reknown account wide if you decide to play the same convenant. (Trust me, I would sit the good old same convenant up to the next expansion).

-Soul ash account wide and the price to pay reduced by alot once you crafted a rank 4 on your account.

-Honor account wide.

-Conquest account wide and also the cap per week should be way higher.

Thats my vision of alt friendly

Exacyly! The anima is the thing. I can run torghast for ash. I love the campaign quests bcz I want to save my peeps.

But the save the souls and the 1000 anima
Just ugh


sure, why not. Why repeat same grind

Everything should be account wide except for loot and arena rating


How many different ways are people going to say “Ugh I have to play the game, to play the game.”? I mean that’s literally what you’re saying.

No, it’s: “Ugh, i gotta replay that trash time eating pointless timegated grind content to start actually playing game where it’s fun and matters”


How is it pointless if it rewards your character? How is it timegated when there’s a catchup mechanic in place? Do you know what that word means? Let’s remove any “timegating” let’s just release the next 4 expansions right now since “timegating” is what’s wrong with everything lol i swear to god you kids would be throwing the biggest tantrums about no content left if everything were released at once instead of “timegated” (What a buzz word! We used to just call it content release schedules, but anything to whine right?)

Still better than the azerite grind. It’s alt friendly if you look at what it was.

Alt friendly in wow terms means - I want 6 mains. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Or, or, listen to this - they could keep using old way where you level up to a max level and then start gearing. And it’s done. Nothing else is mandatory. Your alt is finished.

But THIS way they can boost sub time and playtime metrics. So it’s clearly superior, Bobby knows how to earn his extra millions


is OP trying to say his butt is alt friendly or that he doesn’t believe SL is alt friendly?


It really isn’t that bad, the only thing that doesn’t make sense is the soul ash. You are completely crippled as an alt and you have to do EVERY floor from 1-8 all over again. And even then you are behind by thousands of soul ash because you didn’t start the first week.

I really miss mist or wrath. EVen most of mist pve story is terrible, the class is fun to play really make up foe the expansion.

I love the morons who say “I spent hours and hours mindlessly doing the same thing, grinding, and I’m almost caught up to my main”

None of what you said sounds fun nor appealing and it’s the reason you’re going to be playing on empty servers soon. Just because you did it, doesn’t mean the rest of us want to.

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