Alt friendly my butt

Gotta do the campaign again, instead of being able to level through BGs and dungeons, gotta farm the torgast and be behind in soul ash, gotta farm conduits, gotta farm renown, like damn. Whoever said its alt friendly gotta be gas lighting at this point. Yea… more alt friendly than BFA (apparently, cuz I didn’t play) but its not actually alt friendly lmao.

EDIT: oh yea also the maw dailies and stuff… just lol.


The main thing that kills the alt thing for me is Anima.
the only reason Id want to run an alt is for the mogs and crap from another covenant. The anima prices are absolutely outrageous



You should have seen the option to do threads of fate. After one char does it the normal way this comes up.

My newest level is ToF and besides some open world stuff waiting for dungeon pops I have been in dungeon most of the time.

GOt real lucky last night. Even as DPS I was in new dungeons decently fast. 50 to 54.5 in like 3 hours ish.

At some point you see renown. I haven’t yet. BUt I at least iron out anima as yeah…I will be fixing up some covenant armour at 60 ding lol.

I am told you may not want BG’s. The xp to time ratio is not good. Gets you banked up honor but yeah…if you get an AV turtle pain happens.

With dungeons if you get really lucky…you fill in for kick/drops. 2 bosses down so I jsut need 2 bosses for that 48K xp complete reward, oh hell yes!

TL;Dr…at least to level 55 ish I am liking ToF as an alternate means so far.


wait what is threads of fate?

For what? What are you farming rep for on an alt?


Assuming one full 60 has been run to completion:

alts after the maw intro you will see an npc first thing in oribos.

YOu can choose to rerun story or threads of fate.

Threads of fate you pick your covenant at level 50. You work WQ’s, a generic fill in the quest bar (per zone) over time to level up.

YOu lose all of the main quest story and work side stuff the whole time basically. And line up for dungeons and such.

edit: you can also swtich over from story later. The npc is off one of the wings. Do this BEFORE 60. at 60 ding you are locked into story. That means if you have jsut started revendreth and dinged 60…you run all of the zones story.

One alt I ran till about 40K shy of 60 and threaded the 40k to avoid a whole revendreth run. This time I am trying the all of 50 to 60 in threads just to see how it goes.

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i didnt evne finish it on my main but the gem stuff

Blizz: how do we make more money?
Also blizz: let’s make our most basic form of replay ability unplayable


Ah, sorry, didn’t know your alt was doing prog mythic raid


Probably PvP if they’re in The Syndicate.

I find it to be pretty alt friendly till after you hit 50. Then you have to start a new character to keep going…hic!

yea i only PvP i dont do any pve lol


When Ion says something don’t believe him.


No lie. When I read your title my brain omitted my and it caught my attention. Haha

I was like what?? Got to read about that butt. Haha

In order to qualify for Threads of Fate: You will need to have completed the main storyline in all zones until level 60, select a covenant, and complete the first chapter of your covenant’s story.


I’m having a lot of fun in shadowlands and talk it up a lot but they really dropped the ball with alts. The renown catch up is the only part they did right, that’s on point.

Tried threads of fate and honestly it’s underwhelming. It’s faster if you want to spam dungeons but otherwise it’s much slower. I wanted to level through BG’s like I’ve done with alts in expansions past. Nope, not even a bar of XP for a win.

And honestly they need to implement catch up mechanics on certain things. Start with Venari rep. If you’ve reached appreciative on one character you should be able to buy an item for like 5k Stygia that gives 200% rep gain on an alt (or better yet, all alts). Anima also should be addressed.


This phrase “alt friendly” I realized that Blizz must have an idea of what that means and it doesn’t align with some other peoples idea of what it means. Which is typical for the wow community :+1: We use terms that don’t have any actual unified meaning like “clunky” “bloat” “casual” and “alt friendly” and we expect other people to know what we mean when we say it.

Don’t get it twisted this expansion is alt friendly to an extent, but a lot better than bfa had to offer. I understand what you’re saying, but now I am able to log on my alts more than before. Anima catch up game or renown doesn’t bother me too much though these type of system concepts do need to be removed. The system concept is holding their creativity back because if they didn’t put in this borrowed powers crap.

I can assure we would of had a fresh talent row with new baseline talents into the game. Overall they’re running out of ideas.


I currently have two characters, main at 205 ilvl and alt at 189 ilvl, and it feels so demotivating to go on the alt :sob: i don’t know how anyone maintains more than 2 characters right now it really feels bad to me


I had high hopes for Alts as well, mostly because you can experience different campaigns per covenant, but that’s all I’ve done on them. If i want to do raids/dungeons/bgs I focus on one character and that’s it.

it is so draining now 3 expansions in a row (legion/bfa artifact power) to have to grind for certain content so you can “get better” that I simply have no energy anymore to get better on all of my alts. I just play the story on their respective covenants then log off.