Alt friendly my butt

I’ve enjoyed levelling on that alts, actually. I got my first Horde character to 60 on January 1 doing Threads of Fate, it was super easy, and she is already Level 16 Renown, gained a lovely mount (Basion) most of the Covenant gear set and is well on the way towards raid level gear.

I probably enjoying levelling her up more than I did my main. My only issue is that my reputations are pretty low, especially my Covenant ones.

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that’s current, so either there’s a problem or you missed a quest this week. that’s not a catchup issue.

edit: i mean that’s within the current range for this week. i’m at 18 now and haven’t missed any, just haven’t done anything but raid yet this week.

It is NOT alt friendly… you need to come to face with that unless you want to unsub and quit wow forever…

I am only playing on my mage and no longer feel like you do… just pick one and enjoy cuz trying to have alts would be a PAIN even if it is just one.

Fortunately, my alts are just for crafting and gathering, so if I do decide to level them, they won’t have to return to the maw or torghast. Quest gear will be good enough for them.

This expansion is alt friendly only in that they made the leveling time shorter. I have only managed to get two toons to 60 simple because of the immense list of chores that open at 60.


The problem is that some people clearly DO mean “alt friendly” means having everything handed to them because they did it on their main. There’s even someone in this thread complaining that they have to do the covenant campaign on their alt to get the campaign rewards! (Without the timegating, of course.)

I know it’s hard to get WoW players to agree on anything, but can we at least all agree that you don’t need a legendary to do the storyline?

Unless you expect every alt to get CE/AotC/KSM/other things that require high difficulties, almost all of the power progression is optional.

If you want your alt to be more powerful than most people’s mains, then yeah, you might have to work for that some.

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Yeah, I am not enjoying doing the same faction quests again because it is the best cov for an alt.

Current renown cap this week is 21

correct. and I’ll be at 21 after i do the weekly stuff to get there.

somebody who is between 18 and 21 this week is not behind.

BG xp after 50 is straight up criminal, its obvious that was not even looked at or considered at all. Dungeons are best for 50-60 tof.

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You do catch up fairly quickly with the renown to be honest. But yeah, I agree with the soul ash and everything else. It could be worse but it could also be better.

Edit: One thing I don’t like on alts is doing the same covenant quests multiple times. They do take quite a bit of time to do. That’s imo the worst part about the covenant grind.

I would have 3 alts in addition to my main, but I can’t mog different Covenant gear than the one I chose so I was like "f*** this!*


The Maw is terrible, why would you run it on alts? Torghast upgrades are account wide I believe, but still unfun. Anima farming is the only real issue as renown is easily gained. Heck, Legendary memories are even account wide.

Do you? What happens if you just don’t?

You are able to do level through BGs and dungeons. What are you talking about.

Behind? It is very easy to get your first legendary. Do you need multiple legendary on your alts?

I didn’t even had to farm this on my main. And it is just like gear, so what? Is gearing your alts bad now?

With the help of a massive catch up mechanism.

This was said comparing to Legion and BFA and since both of those are extremely alt unfriendly, this is true.

You don’t have to do maw dailies on alts.

I’ve done everything I need to do though. I completed my weeklies, dailies, and covenant questlines so far. The way I understood it was that we should be able to catch up to the current renown cap on an alt by completing extra quests that offer renown, which I did do. But now my quests don’t offer the renown.
I should be able to hit 21 before the end of the week.

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Too bad because alts are bread and butter to subs. Those that only play one toon generally stop sub for at least last six months of an XP.

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Why is your butt alt friendly?


I remember having 1 of every class at max level in Mists cause all of the classes were so much fun to play.


Shadowlands simply doesn’t prosecute Alts… It is not Alt friendly.

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i can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or just plain stupid