Alt friendly my butt

I’ve always been an altoholic but not this time. The thought of doing Maw/Torghast, farming conduits, renown, forever behind on souls and anima…

I can’t even justify leveling an alt for fun, because that time could be spent doing more chores on my main or farming consumables.

I’m oddly okay with it though. I’ve leveled most all my alts in the past because I’ve been trying to find that “perfect” class for me. With that choice out of my hands I’m mostly content to just play this character.

I do miss my Warlock though. Once they add flying and whatever catchup mechanics I’m sure I’ll level it up.


There"s nothing friendly about SL to anyone but organized guild raiding groups.

SL is brutal and its already turning into a ghost town with all the people quitting.


I called this over the summer. There was no way anyone that has played this game before was going to believe it was alt friendly. Difference being, I’m glad it isn’t as it hinders FotM rerollers.


Each covenant campaign section takes 20-30minutes tops. So yes it’s alt friendly.

To be fair, I just dinged my Shaman alt on Saturday, and am now entirely caught up on Renown/Story, have a legendary ready to be crafted, have 3 200+ items, and just got started in M+. I dumped a crap-ton of hours I wouldn’t normally allow to do it, but it got done with relative ease.
Just to be clear, I’m not saying SL is alt-friendly, but it’s a LOT more alt-friendly than BFA.

Torghast upgrades in maw are account wide. Most of you complain without even understanding how systems work in the first place.

We’re responding to the premise “this going to be more alt friendly than BfA”

So that’s kind of the point. This isn’t as alt friendly as 8.3 and getting the corruption mitigation capped to compete in the show was no small task.

So sure, it’s all optional and very alt friendly if you don’t want to be competitive.

Threads of fate and level through dungeons.
You only need one legendary and 1250 soul ash is nothing.
Conduits are targetable
Renown catch-up is silly easy
Maw dailies? Who does those?

You can go from a fresh 60, spam normals or bgs, then spam heroics and arena, you know, whatever your cup of tea might be, and be caught up on renown up to I think it’s 5 and just do the campaign in one huge chunk. At that point, it’s pretty easy to gear up with either the covenant set and be fairly caught up gear wise.

This is definitely the most alt friendly expansion I’ve played. I’m up to 6 60’s right now, 4 of them are either raid ready or beyond, the other 2 I could get there in a days effort. You guys are just lazy.

dont you need dto do the campaign?

Normally I would have at least two alts at max lvl by now. This expansion I haven’t even started leveling an alt. There is just way too much to do. That’s fine with me because I am loving boomkin and I actually do nice DPS, so no real reason to play any alts.


I hit 60 on my warrior 4 days ago give or take.

I am 1 renown behind my main, caught up on all but 1 chapter in campaign (thats my 1 missing renown), I am ilvl 170 with out doing any real content and have good enough conduits for the content I am in.

I am only behind in legendary, which I need stone generals for the one I want, and anima.

It’s nowhere near as hard as you seem to think it is. Someone who actually plays harder content would probably be raid ready by now, except for maybe the legendary.

Bfa was waaaaaay worse than this, and legion even worse than that.

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Look at it this way:

All you HAVE to do each week is the anima quest, the soul quest, the campaign quest, and a run of torghast.

If you do those things, your alt will say on track from a story/renown perspective. And if you just do 1 mythic key, you’ll get gear from the vault each week. But on an alt, even just the campaign armor is decent.

Things that are difficult to keep up on? Anima and stygia. But on your alt, who really cares? You’ll get the anima for the transmogs and mounts eventually. Especially as the expansion continues and the catch up mechanics kick in.

But really, it’s like 1 day of activities to stay current on a character from a story/renown/legendary perspective. And all the rest is just frosting.

Yeah, this is a problem.

I reluctantly agree, because I really want an alt to finish each Covenant story line. But the things that kill it are the duplicate Callings, WQs and the need to do everything 4 times a week. If every Covenant had different Callings and WQs listed then I might feel different. OR, if, as another poster suggested, give alts a discount or short-cut after your main has reached a certain level.

I’ll come back to my alts when I need a break from my Main.

But, you don’t need to do the callings at all. You only need to do 1k anima, 5/10 souls, campaign quest, torghast (until you get your best legendary)

And the 1k anima can be done by doing the 2 oribos dungeon quests, the world boss, and then a couple world quests each week.

It’s easy

Honest to God if seeing the story is all your after 90% of that isnt required.

When I hit 60 I had 5 renown from threads, did the covenant intro stuff for another 2, first calling gave me 1, the next set of 3 callings had at least 1, got my weekly 2, did 3 campaign chapters thats another 3 leading to a 4th, world boss gave me 1, and I got one off a dungeon.

I was renown 15 by the end of my first day. Catching up with the story is incredibly easy.

I will concede that soul ash and anima catch up are and will be miserable unless addressed. But story is incredibly easy.

You get renown catch up from dungeons and callings, plus probably other ways I’m not doing on my alt. Anima is certainly annoying, but you don’t actually need to upgrade anything on alts.

Also you’ll probably get a soul ash catch up mechanic later, so I wouldn’t worry about alts not having their legendaries.

You’re correct. It’s WAY more alt friendly than BfA, but it still falls really short.

This is what it would take to really make it alt-friendly:

  • Remove conduits Remove ranks from conduits
  • Provide catch-up for soul ash and Stygia
  • Limit soul ash Torghast runs to on per week (instead of two), possibly provide different incentives for doing more.
  • Make The Maw a weekly thing
  • Remove ranks from gear (especially in PvP) WoD Style PvP gearing
  • Remove player power from Covenants

EDIT: Not really necessary. Struck out the things I included because I just hate them.

Then the expansion would be alt friendly. I’ve been working on an alt pretty hard, but I had to take two weeks off from work so I could. And the crazy thing is that I can still barely touch my alt. My main has 11 days /played at level 60 already, and I still feel like I’m lagging behind.

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