Alt friendly my butt

This expansion is not alt friendly at all. It sucks for alts.

It doesn’t suck as bad as Legion or BFA did for alts, but it still super sucks. Just because it isn’t “as bad” as something else, doesn’t mean it’s not still bad itself.


Biggest deterrent for leveling alts for me is the terrible loot drop rate. Just thinking about trying to gear up and not have a single piece drop in the dungeons I run for weeks like what happened to me on my main, nah. I cant do it.


Why? Their neat. And not difficult at all to get.

Soul ash for sure, stygia idk how much that actually matters.

You want soul ash catch up but to limit soul ash per week? What?

How does restricting it make it more alt friendly?

So I can be stuck in 154 gear instead of 184 gear? No thanks doesn’t help at all.

Doesn’t effect alt viability at all really. Thats a general thing.

Your suggestions make things worse not better my dude. Except souls ash catch up.

I don’t know what people expect from alts, but I did everything I ‘need’ to do on my main in one afternoon except for my dungeon runs with my friends that we will do this weekend.

Anything else I do this week is filler and totally unnecessary for any meaningful progression.

So it’s super easy to spend another afternoon doing similar stuff for a different covenant on another character.

So honestly, what do people want? An alt to have to do LESS than the minimum effort on a main?

But these are all the same things that my main would be doing as well, so therefore, duplicate content.

Yes, I want my characters to finish the story line, but just “bare-bonesing” the content still doesn’t say alt-friendly to me.

I hit 60 4 days ago and am ilvl 170 on my warrior. More than enough for mythic zeros and even low keys (probably). Not to mention normal cn and lfr.

I’m honestly gearing faster than my main did. It took 2 months for my main to get to where he is and my alt is already catching up.

Its not as bad as you would think.

Also I’m not claiming its perfect. I am saying it’s nowhere near as bad as you think it is.

You mean the covenant campaign? Good lord man how entitled are you?

They aren’t the same though. You’re working for a different covenant. So the rescue souls will be the same. Torghast obvioulsy is the same. But the campaign is different.

But honestly, the way this game is, EVERYTHING you do is the same. You’ll be doing the same raid. The same dungeons. In some cases depending on what your alt is, you’re even getting the exact same armor.

What I’m saying is, there is literally no ‘grind’ this expansion. There are some essential activities to do. But when it comes to things that would suck, like currency grinds or long time sinks or whatever, those just don’t exist for the essential aspects of how to make a strong alternate character.

It’s literally 1 afternoon for your main. 1 afternoon for you alt. Then spend the rest of the week doing whatever you want on either one.

I didn’t mean the storyline content. I meant, I don’t want to grind for 4000 anima a week, nor go look for maw souls four times. I do like to do callings because they are a good source of Gold, but they are the same for each covenant.

You continue to argue with me, but these are my feelings about playing alts in the game, and why I set them aside for now. The OP expressed a feeling and I agreed. You debating with me about my feelings, is not going to change them.

Coduits are also very hard to balance. At the very least, it would be nice if they came in one rank so you only needed to farm them once.

Right now, we’re limited to 2 runs per week. Each run takes about an hour (just shy for me usually). Increase the amount of soul ash to compensate, or decrease the requirements for gear. All I’m suggesting is reducing the amount of time require to do Torghast every week.

Right now, I need to spend 4-6 hours a week in there. I would like to see it reduced to 1-2. There could be other options to limiting it though.

I never suggested this. I was thinking along the lines of WoD style gearing.

Removing covenants power would remove allow people to complete them at a more modest pace. Mostly, I added this because I don’t like player power in covenants. They wouldn’t really improve alt-friendliness that much though. On that, you’re correct.

I edited the post.

Don’t remember blizz ever being alt friendly (I know it depends on definition of what you consider alt friendly or not), and I have been playing for a long time, I skip most of WoD and legion entirely, but seems their vision is first and foremost to get you on the hamster wheel and to have some fun is secondary.

I would probably have much more fun if it was easier to have multiple classes/specs up to a decent level so I can try new stuff, but that’s a huge time sink, not that bad if you only have 1 alt but more than that you must have no life if you want to keep them up to date and not just utility or world questing alts.

Hey, trust me. I’m not actually playing alts this expansion. So I get you that doing things multiple times is boring.

But, my main point is that it’s easy. In that, there shouldn’t be a debate. To maintain an alt in this expansion is a piece of cake, though it may be boring cake.

Agree, 1 alt isn’t that bad, would be actually really great If thorgast was deleted :stuck_out_tongue: (that’s my worst nightmare having to run thorgast more than 2 times a week).


I guess it truly comes down to the personal definition of “alt-friendly.” I really don’t want my alt-play to be boring cake :anguished:

Haha, alt friendly.

You get hardly any loot running anything; somehow PvP ends up being the best gear avenue.

Torghast layers aren’t account-wide, so every character has to grind up all 8 layers again.

I wouldn’t even call it main friendly unless you’re in some kind of progression guild. Even then, the covenant system is pretty bad. I should’ve gone Venthyr, but I planned to tank on the side, too, and went Kyrian. I had no idea how dependent my DPS specs would be on Venthyr to be competitive for damage. Hell, the DPS specs are actually designed around that covenant…

You can level alts fast, but you can’t get them to the same content level as your main without almost equal time dedication.

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It was very alt friendly prior to MoP. Once they started tying daily events into player power, it became more difficult to maintain alts.

I remember giving up on PvE during MoP because the daily PvE grind was too much work. I think it had something to do with needing to do a dungeon every single day for Conquest/Valor.

Regardless, PvP used to be the place you could go if you wanted to play alts since the gearing investment was minimal. Ironically, Blizzard decided PvP needed a crazy grind too - one that included PvE. So that small bastion of hope was ripped out of the game too.

So yeah. It used to be a lot easier to maintain alts.

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All i’ve ever wanted was XP OFF battlegrounds for my lower level toons. Not to DOMINATE but to not have to worry about a moving item level heirarchy. I just want to PVP arcade but apparently my $15.00 a month isn’t enough for them to enable this. Or you know, i’m somehow toxic for wanting to play the game this way shrugs. I would take a -10 item level debuff if you simply allow me to queue for battlegrounds with XP off. Thanks.

Well, the only boring part is the 1 or 2 hours of the ‘same exact’ activity. Anything else you do with your alt is hopefully fun.

I’d argue that doing torghast on an alt would be fun, because you’re seeing how a different class works in there with different anima powers.

And getting 1k anima is ‘fun’ at least for half of it, because doing dungeons for the oribos quests are fun as well.

So again, the only truly boring part is the soul gathering in the maw that you have to do for as many alts as you have.

And, I totally 100% agree with others that torghast layer unlocks being account wide would be the best case scenario.

Bingo, I played most heavily during MoP so I remember keeping alts was never friendly, before that I was quite a noob and don’t remember much :stuck_out_tongue:

I never been a pve person, so I remember gearing during mop was not bad at all, if you did arenas was ok, only problem was world pvp you got smoked by pve geared players if my memory doesn’t fail.

Threads of fate is poorly designed and incredibly slow unless you’re a tank and are willing to spam dungeons 24/7.

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