Alt friendly my butt

in bc wotlk and vanilla i raided on 10 tunes. since cata its useless to even try what i used to. gating and bs


Shadowland is probably most alt unfriendly to-date, toghast questline and renown farm for example, and there is no catch up system


Renown catch up is super alt friendly. My friend got to renown 18 on a fresh 60 in less than a week last week. Everything else is not alt friendly.

Both my alts are less than 500 anima, meanwhile this toon is at 9.3 k

You need to do the covanent campaign for renown, so no it is not alt friendly


Nothing is as alt— and even spec— unfriendly as the beginning of Legion was.

Other than crafting alts, It’s not alt friendly.

Of all the people that said it was, Preach baffles me the most.

And it’s getting less alt friendly by the week as the torghast and renown story quests stack up.


Heard of Threads of Fate friend?

Alt friendly was in comparison to BfA and Legion, it’s definitely an improvement on the past 4 years, and 70% of the grinds are optional in SL (unless you really need that rep)

LFR released second wing so that’s 6 bosses. Vault wants 7 bosses to unlock second option.

No, not really.

You need renown for your soulbinds and you need your legendary and if you want to be competitive you’ll want sockets.

So to get started you need the renown story quests which are already adding up to more time than the cloak quest, torghast story quest, 8 torghast layer unlocks.

Probably close to 12 hours to get started, compared to 45 minuted to an hour 30 for the cloak quest.

Then weekly maw quest, weekly torghast runs, and daily maw runs.

And if you want to gear, at least 4 m+ but really the vault doesn’t seem to be kind unless you do 10.


Do you think we will be able to do the other covenant stories on our mains later on :frowning: I hate only picking one.

Ion said Shadowlands would be “alt friendly”.

He also started a thread during Legion asking people to explain how and why they play alts, because he didn’t understand. Ion doesn’t play alts. The thread went 1200 responses. He never came back to it.


You can start getting renown from level 50, and the catch ups are really good.
Callings giving renown is huge.

90% of legendary power is front loaded in the rank 1 although I agree it’s a necessary grind.

But those are really the only two you need.

Sure if you are cutting edge getting the sockets is great, but for 99% of the population grinding out stygia on multiple characters so that every 3 weeks they can add an extra 16 haste to their gear is not going to make or break anything.

Personally the cloak is a poor example of BfA grinds. 8.3 was the most friendly grind of all of BfA. The comparison between cloak and “lol 100 thousand hks” is palpable.

Alt friendly in Legion was leveling in invasions. Alt friendly in BfA was being able to carry your alts through dungeons for xp.

Invasions weren’t around for over half of the expansion when Broken Shore was released. Levelling in BfA was easily the least difficult and time consuming part of the process, and those carries were only possible due to the enormous amount of time people had to put into their borrowed power systems.

Even for casuals it’s awful. No maw intro skip, no covenant hearthstone, tedious unrewarding world quests, no crafting enchant, and the worst of course is no flight whistle!


I’d say BFA was more alt friendly on average. It did suck at first though not having enough azerite power to use the powers on your azerite armor.

I want to tell people to not say “alt friendly” and instead say what they want but my concern is someone will say “alt friendly means xyz” and someone else will reply with “so you want everything handed to you?” and then the thread will devolve into an argument as per forum tradition and no conclusion will be reached :weary:

We can’t just keep going on saying “this isn’t alt friendly” without saying what alt friendly is, it doesn’t make sense, we’re not going to get anywhere like this.

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I found BfA alt-friendly for two alts, with two more doing dailies, especially if in the opposite faction. SL is alt-friendly with one and sometimes a second on occasion.

Idk guys, I find SL pretty alt friendly, and more alt friendly with every week, I mean you can gear an alt pretty fast, to this week you can get a full armor set with 190 ilv, and you can do the whole campaign in like a day and the next week we are going to have a 190 ilv weapon and is no half bad gear really.

Also the renown catch up is good but can be tricky, a lot of things give you catch up renow, dungeons, wq, lfr, choreghast, even completing campaign missions give you catch up renown.

Anima can take longer to farm but is not exactly hard and also anima is not that important really, dont affect directly your character power progresion, the most important thing you can do is upgrade your covenant gear i think.

The hard thing is the soul ash, choreghast is a pain in the *ss, but they quit the bolvar quests timegate this week so you can do it one after another so i think it will be better.

And I have nothing to say about Venari rep, i olimpicaly pass everything related to the maw, it bored me a lot and i do not enjoy anything about it, and tbh im having a good time haveing an alt, i skip a lot of content i don´t enjoy and I find myself competitive at my level of play, and i believe you are a better player than I so i think is going to be better for you