As you can already guess by the title, I was banned today for abuse of economy? Much like the other people I can confidently say I’m not involved in any RMT transactions, I’m not selling gold, or any other suspicious/nefarious wow gold schemes.
I’m a casual player these days, or was until today. I play the game to go through the campaign, see the story, and maybe some battlegrounds/world pvp. I don’t raid, or do mythics simply because all my friends I use to raid or group with in general don’t play anymore and my personal experience with the PUG mythic scene has been extremely toxic so I just don’t even bother these days. So I need you to understand when I say I’m a casual player, it’s not due to the amount of hours I invest, but I just choose not to involve myself in the end game raids/mythics.
With that said, I spend a lot of my time farming mounts, pets, transmogs, but mounts are definitely my main focus. I didn’t have an active subscription from Pandaland to the very tail end of BFA and the majority of Shadowlands so I’ve missed a lot in terms of collectibles. It’s always been my dream to own the big Brontosaurus Auction House mount, but I wasn’t around when it was offered for sale. So lately, I’ve been working on farming ore, herbs, fish, BoE blues, and really anything I can get my hands on to sell on the AH to build up my bankroll so I can try to put in a big or even max bid when/if it comes up on the BlackMarket AH. Lately I’ve been making some pretty decent gold between world quest rewards, selling ore, herbs, and mainly fish also being a big part of my newfound wealth.
For whatever reason I set off some alarms and met their criteria to deserve a ban I guess, and I’m still unsure as to why. I’ve been playing this game since release in 2004 with some obvious breaks here and there, but I’ve always enjoyed my time in Azeroth. To my knowledge I’ve never had a ban or suspension prior to this, I always report the gold botting groups when I see them around, I’ve never bought or sold gold and I can honestly say I’d never put my 20 year account at risk of ban as it’s such a huge investment of time and just not worth the risk at all. I don’t really understand how they think I’m guilty of selling gold or anything RMT related. Literally ALL the gold I’ve made hasn’t left my account as it’s for my personal use only. I only send it off to my lvl 11 auction house character (on the same account) so i can keep it all in once place to keep track of how much I actually have and to be honest that would be EXTREMELY easy to see if this had actually been investigated properly.
I opened an appeal, and it was almost immediately closed/resolved within 20 mins with no actual details why and stating they “thoroughly investigated” which is hard to believe and a bit alarming. I opened another appeal, and that one is still sitting there as “Open” status for about 5 or 6 hours with no reply yet.
I don’t really know where to go from here. The complete lack of customer service is pretty frightening to say the least. I did some research to see if there was a way to actually speak to someone either through web chat or phone, but that literally doesn’t even appear to be an option these days. I’m at the mercy of your support appeal ticketing system, which doesn’t exactly give me much hope. I’m also not a streamer with a spotlight or platform to get this message across, so as a normal Joe Schmoe player what hope do I have of being heard and this actually being corrected? If that is the case, I just lose my 20 year time investment, does that seem fair?
I dunno guys, I’m just baffled as to how I got here and just about ready to give up on the blizzard gaming experience after all these years which is crazy and hard to believe. My second appeal is open, and I’ll play the waiting game I guess since I don’t really have another option…but right now I just don’t have a whole lot of faith in the system.
About to give up,
Willeh the Gnome