Also banned for abuse of economy?

I understand that. I meant it’s been helpful in the sense that it has relieved a bit of the angst surrounding it.

But no one is gona listen this thread will be locked up in the morning or if vrak is on hell lock it up before morning and the other threads because there not productive adn this isnt the apropriate forum. Not that there realy is one.

Ok, no one is screaming at Blizzard though. We’re just sharing our experience, as part of the community. It’s late though, so goodnight.

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I could post for for a few days then my characters disappeared.

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There is a basic approach to printing money on the AH due to how efficiency buff works and gaining extra materials to vender.

It’s not a bug, blizzard has this as an unintended feature. Farmers are using it to print gold to sell and many players are getting reported by the farmers when they step on their toes in the AH.

So if your buying low and selling you are likely going to accidentally shake the farmer bear and get reported so they can remove you from their scheme.

It’s sad because many players are getting banned and it seems that customer support is a joke and has either no idea or is turning a blind eye.

What makes it worse is the farmers can make enough profit in a few hours to buy wow tokens and make more shell accounts so it means nothing to them if they get caught.

Getting reported does absolutely nothing unless the account in question was found to be doing something wrong. A big gathering cartel with price fixing seems more farfetched than anything else. Maybe possibly when commodities were server specific, but not as much now. There’s SO MANY users posting auctions now. An entire regions worth.

What gives you the impression of support not caring? The fact that you can appeal and each time a different GM looks at it should tell you that they do. The fact that penalties can be overturned if they are found to be a little heavy handed or wrong should tell you that they should. The fact that they aren’t out here posting everyone’s private business about account actions should tell you that they do.


Without blizz actually stating the time and place of these “events” against TOS - This is the best conclusion I have come to as well.

Do you have proof of what you’re saving? Hearsay isn’t proof, given the fact you can easily make something up and say its facts. No, you saying you being action isn’t a in of itself. You don’t know what the trigger was, nor when it happened.

Grabbing at straws at what may had happened isn’t a fact. We’d need something we can prove on our own time to take it as fact.


This is the thing: If you point at someone and tell them bring facts, someone is gonna ask to bring your own. Hearsay isn’t facts, pointing at random things isn’t facts. Folks like myself don’t really handle wild speculations on things as it doesn’t help in the end as folks will blame at bird that was a their window when something happened as a cause.

This isn’t the first time someone coming to the forums and saying they think this happens and must’ve been the cause without anything without proof to back it up. You can have those speculations if you want, but unless a Blizzard worker comes in and say this is what triggered this action, then anything said about someone’s action isn’t a given fact of itself.

You may not like what I’ve said, but don’t go pointing fingers at others and expect others to take you at your word for something blindingly.


Technically speaking, blizzard does not have to do anything, as they are well within their right to close any account at anytime they like for anything they like or nothing at all.

However, they do not do that, so evidently, a great number of people have been caught in a dragnet for abuse of the economy.

Ban’s and suspensions are not instant, as blizzard likes to give the cheaters the illusion they’re flying under the radar.


Of course they would be upset - to have people making money from Blizzard’s intellectual property.

They never pretended to be opposed to it. They are opposed to it. The token is a way to obtain gold with real money without getting banned for it. You’re mixing to things to conveniently try to make your point - which doesn’t work.

You’re trying to blame Blizzard for the bots and gold farmers?

When it’s the players themselves that insist on cheating and creating the black market. The WoW token was implemented to impact this black market. Not exclusive to Blizzard games either.

Happens when people make false claims, or troll. You know, against the forum rules.


Yer a wizard, 'arry!


Now I remember why I’ve never visited the forums before. Its a waste of time. Chromie - get me out of here!

It is when someone continually posts nonsense, conspiracy theories and false things.


I’m sorry folks, but posting here doesn’t really help. The only means of appealing an account action is to submit an appeal ticket.

No, Wooked, I don’t remember anything of the kind happening. It feels very like a made up story.

The WoW Token was created because the reality is, folks buy gold, so we wanted to make a way where that exchange could be safer and benefit users. So folks with a lot of time but not a lot of money could sell their excess gold for game time and those who had more money than time could exchange a purchased token for gold.

Yes, well spreading a false narrative tends to have that reaction.

Fact checking?