Alright Blizzard, That's Enough

WoW Classic Team, you have made a serious mistake: this game and world design was never meant to accommodate this many players on a single realm. And, with the introduction of the honor system without battlegrounds and vast faction imbalance on PvP realms, the game has become virtually unplayable for the Alliance and a merciless grind for the Horde. Both sides of the player base are suffering because of this. But most importantly, what we are experiencing right now never took place in Vanilla. You are failing to deliver an authentic experience.

I believed up until this point that you did an excellent job striking the proper balance of changes to deliver the experience we had in Vanilla. Among many other things, the fact that your implementation of spell batching even seems to include a faithful reproduction of the inferior connectivity we had at the time showed me your level of commitment during the beta. However, you departed from your principled stand by increasing the population cap per realm by what seems like at least half an order of magnitude. To use Ion’s standard from BlizzCon 2018: no Vanilla player would wake up from going into a coma fourteen years ago and think this was the same.

We know why you’re releasing Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley before phase three. I don’t have to have access to your internal metrics to have a vague impression of that to which you are reacting. I see it in my faction shrinking. I see it in my friends disappearing. I see it in the frustration I feel having to run back to my corpse over ten times just trying to get to Blackrock Depths. And, I see it in the eyes of the enemy, when they hug and apologize to me as they’re killing me because of the inhuman competition they have among each other to rank. I don’t blame them. They’re doing what they must do.

What you must do is fix this. Now. Over two weeks from now is not good enough.


I can see peoples frustration, but its a few more weeks. Thats it! Go do something else for a while, play a different game, go do some housework idk. Its not the end of the world because of this.


People are still carrying on about this? This forum is a joke. Blizz should be actively merging this crap into a mega thread or deleting it.


Fine. Fifteen dollars, please?


Go ask blizzard

I wish the server cap would increase. I want more world PvP chaos, personally.


I’d love to see the chaos if had double or triple the capacity. The private mega servers were good but i’d love to see more. Would be fun. And hilarious.

I know right. I don’t know about non stealthies, but I play a feral druid, and rogue, on the alliance side. And it’s like being in a zombie apocalypse. So fun lol. I try to avoid big raid groups, since I’m melee. I search around in stealth for isolated people, and pick them off. If I was a hunter I would be joining the big raid groups and getting so much honor.

Either phase 2 was a mistake or it isn’t. The point the OP is making is, currently the game is unplayable, and a bit depressing might I add. And thankfully Blizzard realizes that phase 2 was a mistake and is pushing out BG’s about two months earlier than expected.

But while many are thankful for Blizzard moving up the release date, a lot of people are still scratching their heads wondering, why wait another three weeks?

If Blizzard released BG’s tomorrow you would see a lot of crying but no one is actually going to quit who wasn’t going to quit anyway. But every day without BG’s more and more people are going to quit who loved this game, and would have stayed to the end.

If Blizzard wants to save this sinking ship it needs to release BG’s next week at the latest. The only reason for them to wait longer is if they don’t have them ready.


I understand your point. It definitely makes sense.
Although if people actually quit today, KNOWING that in 3 weeks there will be bgs, and STILL dont come back in 3 weeks basically to just prove a point that phase 2 before bgs was horrible, then they didnt reaaalllly want to play to the end.
I doubt blizzard will release the bgs earlier.
To those players that are struggling i can only suggest waiting it out another 3 weeks then continue as normal. It would be rather odd for people to leave and never return over this.

No one gets honor for killing the same player for thirty minutes so how will BGs solve the overcrowding issue?

“It is a game”

The RIP offs had bigger server numbers.
You would have less issues with less bots.

I created some suggestions to fix the imbalance, but I doubt anything will be done.

I don’t know how the horde dominated servers are going to be able to open the gates of AQ at the rate the alliance are quitting. Something needs to be done soon.

Some horde will say its fun ganking in squads of 40 vs 1, but to me that ain’t fun at all.


The more time you spend not playing a game, the less likely you are to go back to it. Especially if the last experience you had with that game was miserable.

Moreover, the people quitting aren’t going to be doing nothing, they will find a new game to play, and that would make them less likely to come back.

If people began quitting after phase 2 launch, then most people’s subs won’t begin to lapse for two weeks after the phase 2 release. As long as their sub is active they are far more likely to come back. But if they cancel their sub and it lapses they are much less likely to come back.

Blizzard would be foolish not to release BG’s ASAP. If they are going to make us wait another 3 weeks, they might as well make us wait 3 months. Because if 3 months is a terrible idea and will kill wow, 3 weeks is just a slightly less terrible idea.


Personally I’m playing the game just fine

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Releasing BG´s so early, just because some retail gamers did not understand that pvp realms have pvp, is silly.

So they followed their favorite streamer and are now getting their butts kicked, so what? There are pve realms for those not interested in pvp, what´s so hard to understand here?

Rushing out content will not fix anything for people that did not inform themselves properly about what pvp and pve is. Instead, you ruin the game for casuals who are already lacking behind in progress and once BWL or AQ are out, they can´t even find groups for MC and then the elitists that cry now, will complain about not having properly geared people to play with.

Seriously, has nobody here played Vanilla? Content must remain current for many months, before a new phase starts. We are almost in P3 already, this is hillarious!

Of course they think it was a mistake and that shows how absolutely incompetent Blizzard is.

Rolling out mega servers with 10’s of thousands of players was a mistake. Not implementing faction locks was a mistake. Not creating enough servers at launch was a mistake.


Vanilla wasn’t like this. Everyone who actually played vanilla will tell you that it was nowhere near this bad. There were far less PvP’ers, and the PvP was far more casual.

I played vanilla, and I played all the major private servers. This is far worse than I ever imagined, and the faction imbalance has made the game unplayable on most PvP servers.


Blizzard had to release mega servers. It is what the majority of the players wanted(and still want), and it is what most people were used to after playing the private servers.

While I agree with your other two criticisms of Blizzard, I think in regards to the server population and phase 2, Blizzard was always in a lose-lose situation, just as they are now.

While a lot of people complain about faction-imbalance, balanced PvP servers really aren’t much better.

No we are not. Phase 3 is BWL, and will likely be February.

BG’s were patch 1.5 and BWL was patch 1.6.

All Blizzard is doing is separating patch 1.5 from patch 1.6. Just as they partially separated patch 1.3 from patch 1.4 by releasing Dire Maul before phase 2.