This was all a damned if you do damned if you don’t kind of thing.
You think its easy for a company to please everyone at every stage of the game? Face it, that is life. Life is all about compromises. You cant handle compromise in a game???
Nostalrius/Elysium/Lightshope all had larger populations than any Classic server. And the population was far more consistent since it combined China/Europe/America. On classic the servers have a lot online during peak but then are completely dead in the middle of the night. On Pservers it was packed nearly 24/7.
The only Pserver I know of that had faction locks was Gummy’s. Northdale was very imbalanced. Kronos 3 was even more imbalanced.
The vast majority of the population wanted mega servers and still wants mega servers. If anything most classic players would be fine if the populations were even bigger than they are now.
The large population size was a benefit until phase 2, and it will be a benefit again after phase 2.
But I gotta say, many people are in the same boat I am, maybe it will help you consider things from a different point of view.
3 weeks is a month’s sub fee, for all intents and purposes.
I refuse to log into the game until BGs are out because the last week has taught me that I can’t do anything or go anywhere, and I’m pretty far from alone.
So really, those of us in this situation are being asked to waste a month’s subscription until the BGs come out.
That’s where we’re coming from. I straight up feel screwed out of my sub fee.
$15 may not be much, but I don’t take well to being directly stolen from.
Yes, and maybe just stay out of Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge? Why would any sane person camp for hours to attack people anyway? Who gives a xxx about honor ranking? How honorable are you if all you do is camp in a pack looking for strays?
Regardless of what you think about phase 2… I think it is pretty sad that Blizz hasn’t had the decency to at least give an official statement or respond to the QQing on the forums. They surely have seen the feedback, as well as the people canceling their subscriptions… are they going to pretend like this is fine? At least give us one of those Blizzcon effort apologies or something, J.
Nost peaked at around 12k. Elysium also peaked at around 12k(it was using Nost code) with like an 18k queue when it first launched. I think Northdale peaked at 13k.
If you gave the players two options. Reduce server size from 10k to 3k and have three months of phase 2, or keep server size at 10k or more and have no phase 2, which would they choose?
It would be different if game time only ticked down and out when one actually played. To ask me to pay for a month for no reason just to wait it out until BGs launch is hyper-uncool.
I refuse to be currency for other players. That is not the purpose of me paying my subscription fee.
If you can’t see the kind of ill-will this creates towards classic and towards blizzard, you’re not thinking straight.
“Please also note that our realm population estimates of Low, Medium, High, and Full are based on this increased capacity – a Medium realm today already has more characters on it than even the most crowded realms did back in 2006.”
So if a high pop realm started with 5-8 layers and each layer had a 15k pop and there were tens of thousands in queue:
h ttps://
. . . how many do you think are on the servers now after they removed layering and increased the cap of players that can play simultaneously?
“With hotfixes that we are currently deploying to all WoW Classic realms, we are substantially increasing the number of players that can be simultaneously logged in and playing,”
This isn’t like crowded private servers (that had faction locks btw) this is just crazy sh!t.
I have no idea what you were trying to say with your post. I have personally done scans on three different PvP servers in classic. I think current server caps are probably 8k. They were 10k when they still had layering, which is why the big servers now have long queues again.
Some servers did have 5-8 layers, but the idea that layers had 15k players each is utterly ridiculous.
Trust me, I played on Northdale, with dynamic spawns the mobs respawned almost instantly and everything was still constantly dead. Classic servers are much smaller than Northdale was at peak.
You’re right. I love PvP, but this isn’t quite what I was expecting. It’s brutal. I’ve honestly watched a 60 get res sickness over and over trying to ride past the Horde so long that I just flew away. I actively dislike the person (based on their forum activity). Still couldn’t keep at it. Luckily, I’m not shooting for R14. Can’t imagine…
Charax, It’s simple math. Who is going to pay a monthly sub for a game that is not reasonably fair and reasonably fun? Nobody, that’s who.
Its obvious to us that play on Horde heavy realms that the Alliance aren’t just logging in as much anymore. It’s really short sighted of you to think that battlegrounds will fix this issue.
It won’t fix anything, as the death spiral has begun. You can see it already, online guild numbers have crashed, leveling zones are empty, IF looks like a ghost town…and it will only get worse. The imbalance and constant mass greifing has already driven many away, which makes the imbalance worse, and pushes more alliance to decide against renewing. Only 3 months in too…gratz Blizzard, your self-fulfilling prophecy has been realized. We thought we did…
Yeah we already have had a few people from our guild transfer off bigglesworth. Most don’t log in until raid times now. It’s brutal out there now. You fly into a FP seeing a sea of red names and if you do get away, you have 30 horde chasing you down.
Can’t blame them for quitting. Alliance has two options quit the game or go level pve server